Where do I start?  I was an average weight child and teen.  I played sports, did competitive gymnastics, biked, and was on the high school dance team. 

I love food.  I love all food...including, healthy, gourmet, ethnic, regional, and last but not least, junk. 

Being active kept the fat away. 


I became an unwed mother and stacked on the pounds in pure misery.  I gained almost SEVENTY pounds and only lost 27 after my son was born. 

I ended up in a 22 year unmarried relationship with the father of both of my children.  I wasted all those years dying inside.  The only thing I gained was pounds, 125 extra, to be exact.  I actually called the weight my freedom suit.  No kidding.  The fatter I got, the more freedom I had.  He actually told me, "who would have you?" 

I hit 43 and had some sort of awakening.  I could not believe where I'd ended up.  I was still very active.  Of course this was with great difficulty, but I didn't let the fat keep me on the sofa.  I decided it was time to take care of ME.  NOBODY else was gonna do it. 

I went to the doctor and asked for help. He referred me to a dietician. (Dotty) Dotty ran a group meeting weekly to discuss life changing to become healthy for LIFE.  This was one of the greatest things I'd ever done for myself.  It empowered me.

I left my home of 20+ years in the country, on a hill, overlooking a meadow. (lol  sappy but true) and moved into an urban, not so safe area apartment.  I made it cute, and homelike for my daughter and myself. (son in college)  It was tough.  Louisiana law is HORRIBLE for domestic partners.  I was FAT, BROKE, and worked part time.  He didn't even let me keep my car!  My life was in shambles.  Somehow, I was happier than I'd been my entire adult life. I felt like I could breathe!  He begged me back for over a year....I was done.  I lost 30 pounds and even though I had another 120 to go, I felt liberated!

I was teetering on going back to the ex because he was starving me out financially.  My sister helped me by letting me use a credit card to basically survive on.  That, along with my part time job, my free rent due to working at apt. complex, I somehow made it.  At times I had less than $2 the day before my payday.  I always maintained an attitude of gratefulness.  I was lucky I wasn't overdrawn!

Then, I met my husband.  He fell in love with me! The fat, broke, half employed woman.  I never knew men like him existed, much less, that I'd ever be lucky enough to find one if they did!

Before falling in love, I became very body conscious.  OMG how in the hell am I going to get naked in front of this man?  What have I let happen to my once rockin' body?  yikes!  I went on what I refer to as the sex diet!  LOL  :) Hey, if I was going to get naked, I better do something! 

We married in Australia in March 2013. He is so encouraging and when I mentioned weight loss surgery he was behind me 100%.  I started researching options, doctors, and started reading forums.  Hey, I even researched plastic surgery because I know I'm going to be one who needs it. 

I followed Cigna's protocol and had no problems getting approved and had the surgery August 26, 2013.  Not only did I have gastric sleeve, I had hiatal hernia repair and removal of my gallbladder.

It was a rough couple of weeks following my surgery.  I now hate sweet, fruity drinks!  I can't even think about broth.

I am 5 weeks out and finally feel good.  I'm eating a lot of different foods in very small portions.  I'm also finally starting to feel motivated to get in an exercise routine. 

I feel mentally better than I could have ever imagined.  The self control is so gratifying.  I have NEVER been one to self regulate my eating.  The sleeve is wonderful.

I know this was a long not all about weight loss ramble.  The point to all this is, take care of you!  We are all worthy and deserve to love ourselves.  My life changed for the better in every way when I started taking care of ME.

I wish everyone the best along their weight loss journey.



About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 29, 2013
Member Since

Friends 14
