All my life I have been over weight. As far back as 2nd grade, I was always the "big girl" in my class. I tried all kinds of diets and my mother use't to make me walk daily. I didn't really take it serious until I got into high school and it was time to go out and have boyfriends. At that point I knew that I needed to do something about my weight! Well I finally consulted with someone about the gastric bypass, I really didn't know what to expect.  I started to attend the support groups and eventually made the decision to have the surgery done. My surgery was on May 22, 2007. That was the worst day of my life so far!!! I was in so much pain that now my mind has blocked that memory out. For the first two months I was very sick, throwing up like 4 times daily, even without eating anything. And I could not stand the smell of most foods. I felt that I would never be the same again, but one day I literally woke up feeling 100% better. Now I am taking my weight lost day by day trying not to get discouraged by set backs. I know in my heart that I will get to a healthier weight no matter how long it takes me

About Me
Simpsonville, SC
Sep 29, 2007
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 3
Bye Bye 24s!!!!
Victoria's Secret!!!
Come off AlReAdY!!!
