Jan 29, 2008

It looks like my long journey to just get here is getting close.  My family now knows I am determined to have this done, so they are getting behind me.  My significant other, Jim, is still scared, but he knows this is what I really want and is working to help me out as much as he can.

     11 days until surgery.  I have been on the 2 protein shakes and Adkins supper (meat/veggies) for about 1 1/2 weeks and have lost 11 pounds.  There are days I am really hungry but I am bound and determined to stick to it.  Have a group meeting tomorrow and both of my sisters (Sue & Linda) are going with me.  They have not attended any yet and have some questions.  Sue is totally behind me and will be there on the 19th along with Jim.  Linda is aprehensive about the surgery.  She is more like Jim, but as with Jim, she is accepting the idea I will be doing it.
     Life at home is not the greatest.  My almost 85 year old father lives with us and he is not well.  Each day I see him deteriorating and it is not easy.  He knows I am having surgery and has said if this is what you want, go for it.  He knows how I have battled my weight all of my life and has seen my health go down because of it.  We will be getting Hospice in soon, but we want to take care of him right now.  He has said he will drive along side of me in his electric cart when I walk in case I get tired and "drive" me home.
     I am prepared for my new life.  This week I will be going shopping to get what I need for when I first get home from the hospital.  I am very independent and will not want people hovering over me.  Dad cannot get to my bedroom and Jim (hopefully) will be gone most of the day.  Right now all I can do is wait for the 19th to come along.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 14, 2007
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