Three Years Postop - WOW!

Mar 08, 2013

I celebrated my 3-year surgery anniversary last month.  I really can't believe it's been that long.  I am so appreciative of all that I have gained (and LOST) with the surgery.  I have gained the wonderful feeling of being comfortable again with my body and not spending each and every day feeling literally like a big fat loser.  I think I have incorporated healthy eating habits into my routine, taking into account the special needs of my new tummy - protein first!  I still get my labs checked every 6 months and I am very religious about taking all my vitamins & supplements.  I am down about 95 pounds from my highest weight.  I now weigh about 135-140 pounds, give or take a few depending on how good I've been. 

I am a big advocate for bariatric surgery.  I really think that it changed my life for the better and gave me many more years of healthy and active living.  I don't regret for even one tiny second having the surgery. 


Over a year later ..... A thinner me!

Apr 27, 2011

I had my RNY surgery on 02/09/2010.  On the day of surgery, I weighed 220 pounds. 

I had a followup appointment yesterday with my surgeon .... about 1 year 2 months out.  I weigh 135 pounds! 

I am just so happy to be in this body.  I feel much more confident about myself, I feel more attractive, I love looking stylish and cute.  Before, I would literally spend every single day feeling like a failure.... because I was FAT ... still.  No matter how hard I tried, I could not keep my weight under control.  It was a very defeating cycle. 

Life is settling down nicely post-RNY.  I am getting the hang of this thing and it is easier to eat, get in my protein and my vitamins, and exercise.  I still hit some bumps at times, but I do not at all regret this surgery.  I am very thankful to my surgeon and his wonderful team.  I feel like they gave me my life back!

Just wanted to say -  THANK YOU GOD!! -  for this awesome gift.

I broke that darn 6-week stall!

Jul 31, 2010


This is week #24 from my RNY surgery.  I have just busted a 6-week stall in which I gained and lost the same few pounds over and over again, trying to break out of the 170s and into the 160s.  This week I finally did it!!!  But the past weeks have been a lesson in frustration and patience.  I read every post on the forum about stalls, trying different advice, seeing if I could stumble on that magic combo that would make the scale budge downward again and let me say goodbye to the 170s.  

I tried:
1.  Eating less
2.  Eating more
3.  Exercising with weights
4.  Exercising with more cardio
5.  Less carbs
6.  More carbs
7.  More water
8.  More sex (I just thought that was worth a try!!)
9.  More protein
10.  More prayer

I am not exactly sure what combo worked, but I tend to think it was the prayer, protein and patience that finally did the trick.  I haven't been at this weight since my last baby 13 years ago!  I am excited at the prospect of seeing that scale continue to move through the 160s and cruising through to my initial goal of 145.  When I reach that goal weight, I will reassess to see if I am happy there (I think I will be very happy) or if I want to lose more. 

I do very much appreciate the support offered by my friends on the forum, especially the Lightweight board.  This is a great community of people who genuinely care about each other and offer their best advice.  And boy did I need that for the past 6 weeks.



12 Weeks Postop

May 04, 2010

I just got back from my 12-week visit with Dr. Schneider.  I love that doctor!  Anyway, I am down 37 pounds and now weigh 183 pounds.  I have 40-45 pounds to go to my goal.  Almost halfway there!  We reviewed my labs - everything looks good.  My vitamin D level was pretty high at over 900, but that was because I had been taking a high-dose supplement (50,000 IU) daily instead of 1-2 times per week.  I haven't taken it for the past week and now I'm going to start taking it 1-2 times weekly.  I go back to see Dr. Schneider in 3 months and will have another set of labs done beforehand. 

I still need to followup with my PCP because my thyroid levels are elevated and rising.  I was just newly diagnosed as hypothyroid right before my weight-loss surgery.  My PCP at that time said to wait until after the surgery when my weight was going down to see if that would affect my thyroid levels.  Nope - still going up.  So I need to see him and probably get started on thyroid supplementation.  I'm hoping that will help my energy level. 

I feel great otherwise - everything is going well.  My typical day of eating looks something like this:

0615 -  take calcium and vitamin D
0630 -  protein shake for breakfast
0730 - hot decaf tea with powdered milk
0900 - yogurt, maybe half a banana, multivitamin and vitamin B sublingual
1000 - Crystal Light
1100 - another tea
1200 - shrimp or tuna
1300 - Crystal Light, calcium
1400 - string cheese
1500 - something to drink
1730 - dinner
1900 - more water, calcium
1830 - yogurt

That seems like a lot, but it is usually 800 calories, 60-80 grams of protein and more than 60-80 ounces of water. 

Okay, back to work for me!

7 weeks postop

Apr 01, 2010

I just passed the 7 week mark.  I haven't written anything in a while, so I thought I would get back up to speed.

So far I've lost 30 pounds.  I know that doesn't sound like a lot for 7 weeks after RNY, but I have 50 pounds to go so it isn't too bad.  I guess I was what some call a "lightweight" for surgery, having just hit the 40-BMI mark to qualify.  But this was a good decision for me, a lifelong chance to be healthy and thinner.

So what am I eating?  Not a lot - mainly because I have no desire to eat.  I am still concentrating heavily on protein and really don't eat much else.  I had a quarter piece of toast once but toast has lost its charm.  I really like meatloaf now because I can tolerate it easily and it gives me protein - I have just a small side of mashed potatoes and f/f gravy with it, maybe a few bites of green beans.  That is my favorite meal. 

I am surprised by how much I am having to puke to get things up and out!  When I don't eat in a conscious way, things get stuck - - and what gets stuck must come up!  Whenever we go out to eat, I tend to order soup.  But today we went to Panera Bread and I had a cup of chicken noodle soup - so tasty - but I must have eaten too many noodles too fast, because halfway through I had to make a trip to the bathroom.

Speaking of which, I still have not mastered the art of puking in public bathrooms.  I absolutely do not want to puke when there is anyone else in there - the idea mortifies me.  I wait until I am alone, and sometimes that is soooo difficult, but I just can't do it with an "audience." 

I cannot tolerate any kind of protein mixes at all.  So to get in my protein, I have a sugar-free Carnation Instant Breakfast 1-2 times per day, I use powdered milk in my tea and coffee instead of the powdered creamer, I eat yogurt and cheese, sugar-free puddings and fudgiscles.  Tuna fish and shrimp - I love shrimp with some cocktail sauce for lunch.  This week I started making smoothies with strawberries and bananas, blended with milk and a scoop of flavorless protein - not too bad, and almost 30 grams of protein. 

The only snack food I have done eaten is the Ritz Pretzel Crisps mini crackers.  I eat 3-4 of those as a snack, maybe once a day, and it indulges my need to chew.  It doesn't get stuck, either.  But I do miss popcorn. 

So still a work in process . . . but so happy to have that process working and losing the weight!
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Recipes for Pureed Phase of Postop Diet

Feb 18, 2010

Yesterday I talked about making some recipes provided by my doctor's office for the pureed phase.  For those who don't have these recipes, I am including them.  I have tried all of them and they are tasty and easy to make.  I was getting very tired of sweet stuff, since that seemed like the only thing available during the liquid phases.  Enjoy!

Tuna or Chicken Salad
1 6-oz can light tuna or chicken packed in water (drained)
2 tablespoons fat-free or light MiracleWhip or mayo
1 teaspoon mustard
1/4 teaspoon celery salt

Add all ingredients to blend.  Blend on high speed until smooth.  Refrigerate.

Refried Beans & Cheese
1 can fat-free refried beans
Shredded low-fat cheddar cheese

Mash refried beans with fork until smooth.  Sprinkle cheese over beans.  Heat until melted.

Chicken & Veggie Supreme
1 large boneless/skinless chicken breast
1 bag frozen broccoli (or veggie of your choice)
1 can chicken broth
1 can low-fat cream of chicken soup
Mashed potato flakes

Cook chicken and veggies in broth for about an hour, simmering on low heat.  Add to blender with cream of chicken soup and process.  Add mashed potatoe flakes to desired consistency.

Deviled Eggs
6 large eggs
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese  (I used Greek yogurt)
3 tablespoons light Miracle-Whip or mayo
1/2 teaspoon mustard

Place eggs in saucepan and cover with water.  Bring to simmer and cook for about 10 minutes.  Drain and set pan under cold running water for 2  minutes.  Peel eegs and slice in half, remove yolks with a spoon and mash with a fork. 

In blender, puree the cottage cheese until smooth and add egg whites, if desired.  In a bowl, mix egg yolks, cottage cheese blend, mayo and mustard.  Refigerate

One Week After Surgery -

Feb 17, 2010

Yesterday was one week out from my RNY surgery.  I saw Dr. Schneider for my followup visit  yesterday (he's going to be out of town next week, so I saw him at one week instead of two weeks after surgery).  My incisions look good, I'm tolerating foods, doing well.


Okay, I know that's not some huge mind-blowing number.  But I keep in mind that they pumped me full of fluids for 2 days while I was in the hospital and my body is probably in hunker-down starvation mode, so I am happy with 8 pounds for the first week. 

I am even more happy that my doc has given me the thumbs-up to move to the next phase, pureed foods.  I am soooo tired of the clear liquids!  This morning I made about 3 of the recipes included in the book provided at the clinic - tuna salad, egg salad and chicken & veggie supreme.  Judging on my sample bites, all three will be yummy and tasty and satisfying. 

I have had a hard time with any of the protein drinks/supplements.  Not that I don't tolerate them - I just totally don't want to eat them in any form.  My stomach is turned off at the mere idea of any "protein" type of drink/mix/etc.  So I have had to be sneaky with getting in more protein - I make little yummy shakes and don't tell my pouch that there's extra protein in there.  I drizzle them with sugar-free chocolate syrup - oh, doesn't that look like fun!!!  - and my pouch doesn't seem to notice the protein.  But, I'm glad to be getting in some "real" protein with the pureed foods. 

My energy is slowing getting back to normal.  As of Monday (6 days after surgery), I feel "good" again and did some light work around the house.  Tuesday (7 days postop) I actually drove myself to my followup appt and then went to Target - but I paid the price by being wiped out the rest of the evening.  Today I have been busy in the kitchen making my pureed foods, and right now I do feel tired.  But each day is better.

Most importantly, my mood has lifted and stabilized.  I definitely went through a few days right after surgery where I questioned my decision and felt very sorry for myself.  I kept asking myself, "Why couldn't you just be a happy fat person?  Isn't this extreme?  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??!!!!!"  But now that has gone and I am feeling better. 

Okay, this has been longer than I planned.  Just wanted to update my situation.

For those who have recently undergone surgery -  dig in your heels, know you will make it through those rough few days and come out feeling stronger and better. 


One Week Countdown!!

Jan 31, 2010

  Hooray for me!  This is the last full week of my life as an obese person!  Next Tuesday, on February 9, 2010, I have my surgery and finally finally finally finally start my journey to a thinner, healthier and happier me!  Wow.  .  .   . it's already been quite a roller coaster!

I had my presurgical meeting on Friday at my surgeon's office.  It was a 3-hour process that included a weigh in and then a group meeting with about 5 other patients, first with the nurse and then the dietician.  We went over our preop diet, what to expect while in the hospital, our postop diet(s) and care, and our long-term diets and other aspects of care involving bypass patients.  Out of the 6 of us at this presurgical meeting, 4 were having RNY performed, 1 the vertical sleeve and 1 the lap-band. 

When I was weighed in by the nurse (the first step of the process), she noticed that I had lost weight and no longer was hitting the 40 BMI required by my insurance - I had fallen just very slightly below it from the preop high-protein diet.  Duh.   So she said she didn't know if I would still qualify for the surgery and it might have to be cancelled, but I told her I had already talked to the insurance gal and she said I had been preapproved and that I didn't have to worry - but still, the nurse wanted to check before she proceeded any further with me.  So, I had a few minutes of uncertainty until the nurse came back and confirmed that Yup - I was good to go! 

The next day my husband took me out for my "last supper."  We went to Nick's 22nd Street Steakhouse.  I had a petite filet mignon with a lobster tail and rice, but first my hubby ordered an onion bloom appetizer - I only had a few bites of that, because to be honest I don't really go for the greasy stuff.  But after dinner - and 2 glasses of wine - we shared a heavenly piece of tiramisu.  That's my weakness - sweets and desserts.  So now I am back to eating healthy and low-fat in preparation for my surgery - gotta shrink that liver! 

I have done all my shopping for my postop supplies, so I am set with that.  Next Saturday, just before my surgery, I'm going grocery shopping for the family.  I have already planned a 3-week menu of easy stuff for my hubby to fix the kids, since I don't think I will feel like cooking, and he is an awesome guy who is really stepping up to the plate.  But I want to make sure my family is prepared, too, so I want to get in a big shopping trip for them. 

I am excited!  I can't wait to be slimmer and feel better about myself!!! 

Two week countdown!

Jan 25, 2010

  I'm getting very excited, I have two weeks to my surgery date of February 9!  I have been kind of fanatical about getting together ideas and resources for after my surgery, especially here on the OH forums.  I appreciate the sharing everyone does and I have gotten some good recipes for after my WLS. 

I am hoping that I bounce back pretty quickly after the WLS.  I have had a few surgeries before and usually I pull through quickly, so I am keeping my fingers crossed!  I have arranged for 2 weeks off work, but since I work from home, I am thinking that if I feel great I could return after 1 week.  I haven't said anything about that to my boss, though, just in case I do feel yucky and want the whole time off. 

I am struggling with what to tell everyone.  I have no problem telling those closest to me what type of surgery I'm having - weight loss - but for those critical relatives and the people at church, etc., I really don't feel like sharing the specifics.  I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about my surgery, but I really don't want to open myself to the endless round of "Why don't you just diet and exercise?", or "You are still pretty, you don't need to be skinny," or, "You aren't THAT fat."   Sigh. 

I  keep thinking that by summer I will have lost a chunk of weight and already be looking better and that is so motivating!  I will feel like getting out there and doing stuff, going swimming and being active, because I won't feel so uncomfortable and fat. 

Well . . .  just wanted to take a  minute and update where I am on my journey to WLS. 
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Thoughts on My Way to Surgery . . . . 3 weeks to go

Jan 20, 2010

I have my surgery scheduled for February 9, 2010 . . . . that is 3 weeks ago.  Between then, I have my preadmission testing and also my presurgical meeting at the surgeon's office with the nurse and dietitian.  I can tolerate this very large body right now because I know it won't be with me too much longer and I will never see it again.  Hallelujah! 

My husband, who is very athletic and fit and has never ever battled with his weight even one moment of his life, does not fully understand my desire for this WLS.  He thinks - and says - that if I would just eat right and exercise  more, I could manage my weight.  Well, MY body does not work that way.  Unfortunately.  My body likes very much to hang on to fat, my body stores that fat lovingly throughout in all the wrong places and refuses to let go.  No matter what. 

I could have lived the rest of my life as a kind-of-large woman, managing through a very difficult day-to-day struggle to keep my weight at a socially acceptable level of "large", but every day for the rest of my life I would have felt like a failure.  Because of this one thing.  That I just can't seem to do.  You know what it is -  LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF. 

So, rather than see my weight and thereby my figure go up and up a little each year until there was no way of denying that I was OBESE - I would rather take control now and enjoy my life. 

Anyway, just thought I would share today's thoughts.  Feels good to get 'em down.

About Me
Armada, MI
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2010
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