York Hospital

"I have NO complaint's at all of my treatment there after surgery. Every nurse that was on duty treated me with respect. They were friendly, outgoing, and never once did I feel they were just doing their job. They were all great people."

John Monk

"My very good friend and I decided to have gastric bypass done as a team. She went before me by about a month. The day I met my surgeon I thought...oh my he's a little guy, lol. I can't say anything negative at all about him. I did all that I was told to do, went to the meetings, did the pre-op routine and just waited for that magical day. The ONLY thing that sort of bothered me was my last visit in his office. As I was getting up to leave, knowing that the next time I saw him it would be in the operating room, he said to me....*you'll be beautiful*. Now....I don't know about other's, and maybe it was just me....but as I said goodbye and walked down the hall I felt like a 100% hefer, this large, massive *unbeautiful* person and that I wouldn't BE beautiful until AFTER I had this. I know he meant well....men usually do...they just have a way of MESSING THINGS UP..lolrnrnBut all in all I can't complain. I drove myself to the hospital that day. I woke up that morning with the worlds WORST migraine. I guess it was from all that drinking fluids and taking that lovely drink to clean one's insides out the day before. I laid there in the little waiting room...my head pounding to the point that when the nurse came in to check me I told her I had to leave. I told her I was getting sick to my stomach from the pain in my head and I couldn't lie there anymore. She was quick to call the surgeon and ask if I could have a shot of ANYTHING for the pain awhile. Bless that man, he said yes, lol. So after she put whatever it was in my IV I was a happy camper and ready for whatever came my way. I spent the next 5 days in the hospital. Its still a blur to me. I can honestly say I really wasn't in pain...I was just in la la land and couldn't focus or really do ANYTHING . Getting up was a chore....gawwwd I never felt so out of it in my life. But I kept telling myself this was temporary.rnrnIf anyone reading this is interested in the surgery and having it done, all I can say is YES! Go for it.....it's not a miracle cure because its just one of many things you HAVE to do in order to succeed. I never went into this to be model thin and gorgeous. I needed to feel BETTER and live life for once instead of just sitting in the house and not wanting to go out in society because I was always feeling as if I was the *freak*. I've had enough sarcasm's and insults to last me several life times.....I was ready to try a different life now.rnrnDr. Monk is a wonderful man and a wonderful surgeon. He truly cares about his patients and I'd go back to him and do it all over again in a heart beat if I had to."
About Me
Jul 18, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 2
*Sometimes I'm Just TOO Confused About All This*
*Odd How Old Memories Suddenly Hit You*
