Just under my 4 months

Jul 16, 2013

So I am less then a week away from my 4 month post and my weight loss is so slow now, I feel like I shrunk but scale is saying not really, I am at 188, which is a 67 lbs loss but last month I was at 63 lbs lost.

I need to focus on more water and less carbs, I have been eating too many of those and I know it. I have gone back to the gym min 3 times a week so that is a good thing but my next goal is to lower my carb intake, focus more on my protein and increase my water intake.

I feel pretty good most of the time but I did have my first dumping the other day, thought I was going to die for like 20 mins, lol it was not pleasant and I will try and avoid that from now on.

I have always been eating like 2 big freezies in the evening, I blame it on the heat but doesn't make it ok so I am going to cut that down to 1/2 one max. Man I wish my brain would have had the same surgery as my belly cuz my belly controls very small portions but my brain hasn't changed the crap some times. time to focus on that stuff.


Just over my 3 month post up

Jul 01, 2013

Well for me it is getting a little too easy, kind of not liking it because I just feel too normal again. I still have a hard time with sugars and can't eat much at a time but I tolerate fatty foods pretty good, I don't eat much of it but I can still eat it. I am noticing my bad eating habits are still there. It scares me because I know it hasn't been long enough to have broken my old habits. I stay away from most sugars but I do have freezies and a little juice. I don't touch any desserts or candy which is good because those were the worse for me, no pop and I did try a few sips of booze but not liking it. Anyhow we went to a cottage last weekend and I did eat some chips, 1/4 of a burger, I can have like 2 or 3 pieces of bacon. It is never very much but I have had some things that aren't the best for me. I haven't really focused on fruits and veggies yet and want to start to change that, having them with min 2 meals a day, even if it isn't much just to really start to rebuild that habit. I also haven't started to workout yet, I had been loosing so fast that I wanted to wait until it slowed down a little. At this point I think it is the perfect time to start slowly getting back to the gym, I want to start toning, noticing I am getting mushy, lol not liking that. My vitamins are good my protein not so much. I haven't had much hair loss yet but I am just in my 3 month and I know some people it is closer to the 4 th month, so that scares the hell out of me, I did cut my hair short so if I loose a lot it would be less visible.

Weight loss is currently at 63 lbs in total, it has really slowed down in the last month.

this journey is not easy because once you heal you start to feel normal again and then loose focus of the food, I never want to have to go through surgery again so I need to start doing things to re bring the focus back to me and my habits. I am going to start journaling again and need to make some goals.

My first goal will be gym 3 times a week and veggies twice a day. So in my next blog I will let you know how I am doing with these goals.

Wish me luck.


11 Weeks post

Jun 11, 2013

Well things are getting a little easier for me and some times a little too easy. I have made some mistakes and I am trying to not focus on those and just continue to change my habits and make better choices. I have to admit I haven't gone back to the gym yet, I wasn't feeling the best for about 2 weeks and barely eating much so I just decided to wait. I am still loosing at a nice rate so I don't feel it is a big deal yet. I want to go this week and get min 2 workouts in and continue from there. I have been doing much better with my vitamins and getting them in on a much more regular basis, not perfect but my blood work came back and they are all good. Except my liver enezmes are a little high so we will watch that, apparently it happens after surgery so I am not too worried right now.

I have moved down in clothes size and it is a little loose so that feels nice. I have been getting more and more fluids in so that feels better too. I still do horrible with sugars but seem to have an easier time with fats, I can have a little and I feel ok most days.

I am waiting on the hair loss stage with crazy scared nerves, I know it's coming I know to expect it I am just praying it isn't too noticable in the front, I actually love my hair short so if it gets too bad I will cut my hair but would be nice to avoid that. Anyhow my arms are mushy and I can see my angel wings coming in so I am hoping to work on that at the gym, guess we shall see what the next few months bring.


8 and half weeks

May 27, 2013

Hi, so I am now over the two month mark and have had a little bit of an unset stomach lately, I had tried a few new foods and I think it was too soon. I have also been having the feeling like something is stuck in the back of my throat but read that it could be that I don't chew properly or eat too fast so I am going to try and work on that. As for Vitamins I have switched over to the prenatal as I am told I can take on a day, easier. I have found a protein bar that is better but still not eating enough protein. I still feel fine energy wise but I have noticed I am not as hard/firm as normal lol I think my fat is a little mushy right now so I am going to start going to the gym this week.

I am down a total of 52 lbs as of right now, only 4 lbs away from those damn 100s lol, come on body loss 4 lbs soon, lol. I am looking forward to being in the 100s so much I think I am mentally blocking my weight loss right now. lol.

Overall the last two weeks haven't been the best food wise, upset stomach a lot but nothing major, I still don't regret my surgery just feeling a little under the tummy weather, but to be expected it's only been 2 months.


6 and half weeks out

May 13, 2013

So the last few weeks have been getting easier and easier, I am now down a total of 45 lbs as of this morning, 11 more lbs and i will be in the 100s, i am so so preying to see a 1 in front of my number soon lol. I still am not super good with my protein and after speaking with the nurse she told me now would be the time to really make sure I get it in because your body is always a little behind so what i do now will show in about 6 weeks, so I am super scared of loosing a lot of hair on the top front part of my head, she said I could minimize this by getting all my protein in now. So today I will re try protein shakes, but I think I will go get protein bars as they seam to go down better. Anyhow I am down a size in clothes but nothing major when it comes to clothing yet. I will be going to the gym a few times this week to get that back into my routine and increase my workouts with the months to come.

I will take some recent pictures soon so see if I can see any differences.


4 and half weeks out

Apr 23, 2013

So it is getting a bit easier to drink and even eat now, i am still not able to get too much at a time but I am also never hungry so that's ok with me. I hadn't lost any weight at all for over 3 weeks and on sat morning I noticed I dropped 4 lbs and again 1lbs this morning so now my total is 36lbs. I am pretty happy with that number but I don't see it yet, my clothes are so much looser but still fit into them.

Anyhow every step has been a struggle, this week I have been doing much better with journaling and my vitamins. I am not 100% yet with those but I am not going to be too hard on myself, I am focusing on really getting as much in as I can. I have been taking more multivitamins and my b12 isn't an issue. My nutritionist said I didn't have to take the Iron because my multivitamin has enough in it, but I think I will take a little  a few times a week as I am noticing my energy at the end of the day isn't very high. My food well I tried to trick my body, lol I so wanted a small slush, yeah that didn't happen, 2 sips and slush went to my fiance. lol Oh well I tried lol

I am going to go back to the gym on May 1 but I am not going to go crazy just yet, all I want to do is focus on toning and swimming, I don't want to loose weight too fast because I am hoping to reduce the loose skin a little so for the first few months I will focus my energy on light weights and swimming, then when I see I have lost a pretty good number I will kick it up with a little heavier weights and cardio. I think for my body stages are better in the long run. I am still trying to get this all done right.

Such a learning curve after surgery, I find myself now thinking more and more about everything that has to be done, still screwing up, eating a little too fast and here comes the pain and one throw up lol, so that is still a challenge for me, hopefully I will get better and better with time.

Sometimes I still don't believe I will be skinny, I try to chase those fears away but I guess it's hard being over weight for most of my adult life to think maybe I can actually be an average size person, crossing my fingers I get this right and it happens for me too.


Getting a little easier

Apr 15, 2013

So I had my surgery 3 weeks ago and let me tell you for those who say you are taking the easy way out, well you can kiss my big ass, I have never done anything that has been so hard in my life and I am only 3 weeks out. The first week for me was torture, the pain was ok but the lack of food was making me a little nuts. Being able to get only a few table spoons of food in at a time and people coming at you every which way on what you need to do was too much for me. Yep I broke down crying, the pressure and lack of food hit me hard. I cried and then I felt better lol. After I actually started to be able to get food in I started to see my mood increase back up again. I had my first weight in and was shocked. I have lost 31lbs in 4 weeks (13 lbs on 3 weeks of optifast). I was super happy to see that but also know that with no food well that would happen lol. Now on week 2 I went to soft foods, could not stomach pureed foods at all. This got a little better for me but still not able to really get much vitamins in, luckily milk became my best friend so that helped for my calcium. Every time I try to break my multi vitamin and take it feels like it gets stuck in my throat. So I decided not to focus too much on those things for the moment, I am trying to find ways to just get my food in and remember to separate my fluids from my food. Not always easy to remember that lol. It is coming along.  I haven't started to journal yet but I know I want that to become my number one priority as I will be able to keep track of everything that goes in.

I haven't lost anything in 2 weeks but I am not really stopping at that, I just think my body is in shock from the drop in calories.

It hasn't been the ideal start as I am working on really focusing on getting everything in but I am dedicated to making this last for the rest of my life.

So my goals for the next month are as follows



Increase more protein

Going back to the gym - only swimming and resistance training. ( I don't want to do too much too fast)


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