
Jan 07, 2011

OMG! Happy New Year, Losers!!!  

It's been some months, but now is a great time to pick up where I last left off.  My last post had me coming off of a short term diet (HCG) and confirming that I would need my lap band replace.  As far as maintaining the 29 lb weight loss, I'll say I've kept about 15-20 lbs off.  Not too bad...  So, the lap band.  It was placed on hold b/c i didn't have insurance coverage nor $10,000. Well, I'm proud to say that not long after my last posting I obtained a job with the same insurance coverage which will allow me to have my surgery!!!!  **happy dance!**  My new insurance kicked in the first of the year, and today I made the call to Dr. Benavides' office to schedule my surgery.  I will be starting "Take 2" of my Lap Band journey on...drum roll....JANUARY 20TH!! EEEEEK! I'm so ready, yet extremely SCARED The thought of going under freaks me out. I know, I know, I've been through this before, but that was 5 years ago; and although everything turned out fine, there's always "what if..." 

So, Bandsters, I'm ready to become a "Loser" again and hop on the new & updated Lap Band(wagon). 

On a serious note though, everyone, anyone who reads this post, PRAY for me.  Yes, this replacement surgery is a minor day surgery procedure, yet MAJOR things can occur.  I want to make it through without any complications and I'm truly worried. I'm praying on my end, but send an additional one up for me. 

Until Next Time Losers,


The end of HCG/ Lap Band part deux

Sep 16, 2010


So, I've ended 30 days of taking HCG and lost about 29 lbs. Not bad. I'm going to try to maintain this weight loss.  I experienced some drawbacks from this diet.  I found myself experiencing nausea and losing my appetite; and I also had a constant pain in my back in the same spot for weeks.  HCG helped me in a short amount of time, and that's something I really like about it. I just hope to keep the 29 lbs I lost off and not gain it back.  Of course, that's up to me to eat the right types of food and gradually add back in the starches and sugars as the HCG wears off.  I don't think I'll be doing another round of HCG though, which brings me to my next topic...

I am getting my lap band replaced!  I'm experiencing mixed emotions...I'm happy  because I can get back on track with the band, however scared because that means I have to go back under the knife.  I'm not getting the surgery right away, however, because I currently do not have insurance. I'm waiting to get back on my mother's insurance.  If I would have already had the insurance I would have been able to have the surgery as early as NEXT WEEK!!! YIKES!!!  Although, I'm ready to get back onto the Lap Band(wagon), I'm kinda glad I have time to kinda wrap my mind around the fact that I'm about to go through the whole thing all over again. I have quite a few fam members who just got the band, and I always thought of myself as the Veteran of the group; but now I'm about to start over again as a "newbie"  LOL  Oh well, at least I know what to expect. 

Until next time, Losers...


*sigh* I cheated...

Sep 09, 2010


Ate at Chili's...

2-3 Honey Chipotle Chicken Crispers/ ranch
A few french fries
2 Mozzarella cheese sticks/ marinara sauce

It may not seem like a big deal, but it is in HCG-world. I hope I don't stall too long w/ my weight loss

Until next time, Losers...

I feel like cheating...

Sep 07, 2010


I've been on HCG for 3 weeks now. Having much success with it. (down 26lbs)  I've been sticking to my diet to a T, but right now I could really use a hot dog or anything with cheese on top!  I sooo feel like cheating! I guess I won't though...


Until next time, Losers

On a mission to Re-lose

Aug 21, 2010


Hello "Losers"! It's been over a year since my last post. Sorry, I'm not consistent with my blogging.  In Unrelated Non-Weight loss News:  I am now a graduate of the University of North Texas with a BA in General Studies!! YAY...ok, now back to your regularly scheduled blog..lol   Anywho, well, this whole lap band thing...It's come to a stand still because:  1.  I currently don't have ensurance and can't really afford the fills.  2. According to a barium swallow x-ray, due to a few dilations with my band, it's caused my stomach to stretch in a certain spot, so i may need my band replaced. Before I can go back for a fill, I must see my surgeon so he can review the xray. It's most likely they'll have to go and look into my stomach. Can't remember what it's called, but all i know I can't get the procedure done right away (refer to #1)  So with that said and done, my band hasn't seen any fluid since Februay.  I haven't gain't much weight, yet I haven't lost.  I've been around keeping my weight around 240lbs.  NO BUENO.  I've been stuck at this "Post Baby" weight for almost 2 years now!!!  I wanna be back to where I was.  I mean I'm pretty and beautiful and GRATEFUL that I'm not the 280-something I used to be, but I was SEXY. Just look at the pics. I was FINE!!! lol  It's depressing being stuck and can't do anything with my lap band.  I needed a solution to my weight problem, at least until I could get the lap band situated.   That solution?  HCG

If you don't know what HCG is and how it's being used for weight loss, please Google it.  I won't explain. lol  I heard about it before, but at the time I was sure that me and my lap band would have this excess weight off.  Well, you know how that story goes.  Well, a couple of weeks ago, my sister started the HCG regiment and is satisfied with the results so far.  Well, last week, I jumped on the HCG bandwagon, praying and hoping it will work.  I started on Tuesday, 8/18/2010 weighing in at 243. How about yesterday, Saturday the 21st, I weighed and LOST 10 LBS!!! Whoo Hoo! Couldn't believe it.  HCG has me on this strict diet and drinking the amount of water I should.  I think once I come off of the HCG I'll be more disciplined with my eating habits, which is something I failed to do with my lap band. 

I'm happy that this HCG is working (so far). I can see my "pre baby" weight in the near future!!!

Until Next Time, Losers!  (whenever that may be...I'm going to try to update more often...FOR REAL...eh, we'll see :-) )


I'm BAAAAAACK!!! 7/15/09

Jul 15, 2009

Hello O.H. peeps!!!  After over one year of being on hiatus, I AM BACK. Yay!  Time to update yall on my absence.  Well, as the last post from Jan '08 stated, I was trying to get back on track with the weight loss after experiencing a dialated band (filled to tight, stomach started to stretch).  I was slowly gaining weight back.  Well, 3 months later I find out I'm expecting a baby.  *I'm all smiles now, but I wasn't at that moment; that's another story though lol*  Anywho, being pregnant I had to get all of the fluid taken out of my band, giving me the freedom to eat like I did pre-operation.  Long story short, by the time I was due at the end of November, I had gained at least 50 pounds.  I knew that there would be weight gain, but I had gained absolutely too much weight back, and my OBGYN did not let me forget it too.  I guess the moral of the story is, no matter how filled or unfilled I am, I need to learn to eat correctly.  So, 11/29/08 I had a beautiful and healthy baby girl.  Now, I'm no longer pregnant and looking like I did a year after I had the Lap Band surgery, and most certainly feeling like the former fat girl I was before.

I got refilled gradually in Jan '09 weighing in around 250.  I've been going to monthly appointments to keep getting filled back to where I was before I got pregnant.  Right now, I weigh 226.   It's a good start, but I guess I'm impatient because of the slow process and I'm so ready to be back into my size 12/14  and not at a size 16/18, plus I want to look good for my upcoming cruise in Dec.  Overall, I just don't want this weight loss surgery I had nearly 4 years ago to be a big waste of time. 

Oh, I had another fill about 3 weeks ago, and the amount that was put in the band was the amount I had before I got pregnant.  Well, guess what...it was too tight!  the same thing happened to me again with the dialation and the stomach stretching...GRRRRRR!!!!!  I had HALF of the fluid removed yesterday (on fluids 5 days and soft foods 5 days..grrr...)  Remember from previous posts of me expressing how it threw my weight loss off track and I was gaining. That's my worry now.  I'm still a good 30+ lbs. from where I use to be and this little problem is not helping.  Hopefully, it won't be like last time.  I just want to be back to the way I was.  This whole pregnancy/weight gain really hurt my confidence.  I just don't feel as outgoing anymore; I feel like the fat girl I was back in '05 before the surgery. 

I just hope it all works out



Jan 05, 2008

Hey, folks!  Hope everybody's having a good year so far.  Anywho, I don't have much to say; nothing important like my last few posts.  I go to the doctor on Monday. I need them to fill me with a quickness! I'm eating more and more, and I know I've gained.  I'm just trying to brace myself for what I weigh.  The whole fiasco w/ them filling me too tight back in November threw me OFF!  Hopefully I'll be back on track.  

You know what I've noticed?  Most of the times when I eat, I catch the hiccups.  It's always while I'm eatting.  It's gotta be lapband related.  I wonder why? Oh well, just some random info for those of you who are reading this.


Dec 20, 2007

Hello, Everyone!!!!

I have no real news or anything to get off of my chest.  Just wanted to let every one know that...

           IT'S BEEN 2 YEARS Y'ALL!!!!

Yeppers, on December 19th, 2005.  I went under the knife to be a BANDSTER!  Now, 2 years later, I'm about 100 pounds lighter and LOVING IT!!!! I've kept a picture time line showing how my appearance has changed over the 2 years, so check it out in my Photos section.  Anywho, I'm still working on losing weight and getting in shape.  The Lap Band made it easier, but it's still a LOT of work and often NOT EASY!   Well, that's all for today, folks.



Dec 01, 2007

Hello everyone!  Just writing to give an update and get some things off my chest.  Well, I had my fill on the 30th of October.  They've really switched things up at the Surgery Center of Richardson.  I use to have to get filled under an X-ray machine, but now they do it in an examining room.  So I got my fill, all was like normal.  That week, I was ok, but the following week?  Everytime I would go to sleep, food that I had eating or drinks I had, I would cough it up and it would run out of my nose.  MY GOSH!  i didn't know what was going on.  When it first started, it did it for a few days, then it stopped for about 2 days.  I called the Surgery Center to inform them, but I didn't go in to see them because I knew I had an appointment coming up soon and I was hoping it would go away by then, BUT it didn't. I went without any good sleep for 2 weeks because I would have to jump up before I cough up my food all over my sheets or to get tissue before it ran out of my nose.   I was afraid to go to the doctor because, I was afraid my band had slipped and I would have to have surgery or get my band removed.
I finally went to my appointment this past Tuesday, and I told them my symptoms. It appeared that my night coughs were from my band being too tight.  I did a Barium Swallow, and the X-ray confirmed that my band was too tight, and eating was putting pressure on my stomach causing it to streatch.  It wasn't a slip. but if I had ignored it for too long it would have ended up being one.  Either way, it could be fixed.  They took some fluid out of my band and put me on liquids for 3 days and soft foods for 3 days.  That night, I slept all the way through. I was so happy.  I'm kind of concerned because after 2 years of having the band, I've never had this situation (band being too tight) happen before.  I'm wondering is it because they've always filled me under Xray and did a barium swallow?  However, this time, when they just do it in an examining room, I have complications.  I think fills need to be done under Xray at all times, to avoid this problem.  It's probably less trouble and quicker to do the fills in a room, but going through what I had to go through for the past few weeks, I don't want to run into this problem again.  

Now that i've updated, I want to get some things off of my chest as far as being a "Bandster".  Being that I've had to be on liquids and soft foods for 3 days each (which I still have 2 more days including today)  It's been very hard and frustrating.  Just becuase I'm not hungry as often doesn't mean I don't  get hungry, and when I get hungry I want something I can chew.  I hate the fact that I have to drink my breakfast, lunch, and dinner;  then when you get around everybody else, they're eating normal food.  Yes, I know it's just for a week that I have to be on liquids and soft foods, but when I get around other people, it's a constant reminder that eventhough I appear slimmer, like the other person without a lap band, I'm still a "fat girl" on the inside.  It reminds me that I will never be a normal.  Then when people ask me why I'm not eating, my boyfriend jumps in and says "She CAN'T eat. She can only have liquids",   it makes me mad because, eventhouh I don't mind sharing that I have the lap band, I don't like just RANDOM people knowing certain things without knowing the full story of me having the lap band. All they know at that moment is I can't eat regular food, which leads to them thinking I'm sick.  These past couple of days, I've had people look at me like I was dying becuase I could only drink liquid.  I told my boyfriend to stop informing everybody that I can't eat, and just let me explain myself that I'm "not hungry" or "just ate".    I feel more comfortable saying that, then people wondering what's wrong with me, or me having to explain everything about the lap band to someone who is VERY RANDOM (A person I don't know at all).  This whole process sometimes gets so irritating because when I can' t eat is when folks want to have big dinners or parties, and I'm left sitting there watching people such on chicken bones and eat cake and stuff.  I mean, I'm glad I have the lap band and I wouldn't change the fact that I got the surgery, but there comes a time where you still feel left out in some way or different from everybody else, just like when you were heavier.  It just irritates me.  I hope whoever's reading this kinda sees where I'm coming from; if not, I'm sorry, but oh well. It makes sense in my head.  It's kind of hard trying to write down all the feelings that's running inside me and make sure I get it all down in a way where people can understand what's going on.  

Well, I just needed to vent a little. 


Oct 18, 2007

Boy! It's been a while since I've posted an update. Well, I haven't had a fill in a while, but I will be getting one on the 30th. I have to get back on track! I have to get even more FINE for my Spring Break and Summer vacations.  

Anywho...This post is really a testimony for me.  As you know (well, those from Texas) the State Fair of Texas is here.  Some years back, I'll say about 5 or 7 years ago, I went to the fair with my family. I for one love to ride and have always loved to since I was a young child.  Well, of course, as I got older, my love for riding at the fair remaind the same, however my weight didn't.  I was at one of my highest weights.  There are restrictions on some of the rides; you know, the standard stuff such as "Do not ride if you have heart conditions, pregnant, etc..."  Well, there are also WEIGHT restrictions.  Being a teen who wants to ride and have fun, I really didn't pay attention to the restrictions.  So, my nephew and I decide to get on one of the THRILL rides. I'm EXCITED  This ride spins, twirls, and takes you up in the air.  My little nephew at the time is excited too b/c he's finally tall enough to ride that year.  So we get on.  I get up in the seat with the over the shoulder bars.  The seat is kinda a tight squeeze but it's ok, I'll manage.  It's now time for the operators to let down the shoulder bars. The come down....UH OH....mine is not fastening...I push down hard trying to lock the bars, but no go..The operator comes over to me and says, "You see that light over there, it's not lighting up.  It's because you're not locked in. We can't start the ride until you're locked in and the light comes on." So, the man calls a second operator, and the two of them proceed to push the shoulder bar down over my stomach.  They get it locked, but boy was i jammed in.  The worse part is, another rider decided to get off the ride and all the bars had to be lifted, so the two operators had to do the same thing again to lock me in.  THAT WAS THE MOST HUMILIATING THING EVER TO HAPPEN TO ME.  I rode the ride.  What would have been a fun exciting few minutes, was the worst time I had in my life.   I didn't, but I felt like crying the rest of the day at the fair.  I made a vow to myself from that day on that whenever I went to the fair I would NEVER ride any of those type of rides (unless it was the bumper cars ) I wouldn't tell anybody the real reason why I wouldn't ride. My excuse?  I don't trust any ride that comes in on a truck. Meaning I don't think it's safe.  Saying that to folks, I could laugh it off, and people wouldn't know the real depressing reason why I wouldn't ride at the fair. 

FLASH FORWARD TO THE PRESENT (90 something pounds lighter)
I went to the State Fair of Texas with my family yesterday (10/17/07)  I always enjoy myself when I go, whether its for the food or carshow; but this time, I went with EXTRA EXCITMENT.  I'm going to RIDE. I'm lighter and smaller and definitely sure I would fit easily into the seats.  I haven't ridden what I want since that embarrassing day, so yesterday was the day to ride for the first time on the SAME RIDE (or something similar to it) I did 7 years ago w/ my nephew.  I paid my tickets and went towards the seat.  I got in. WOW! I have room to move!  Then there was the infamous shoulder bar...Oh I remember You!  When it came time for it to come down, it locked with EASE! YEEEESSSSS!!!!  The ride started and I had the TIME OF MY LIFE!!!!!!  After I got off, I took a picture of it with my camera phone (look for it in my photo album); and as I walked away, I said to my mom, "That ride meant so much to me", as I proceeded to tell her the story of the last time I rode it. (IT WASN'T LONG AS THIS STORY lol)

But Yeah, this is my testimony.  I can now feel comfortable riding the rides I want at the fair. However, I really don't too much trust rides that come in on trucks LOL  :-) 

About Me
Duncanville, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 28, 2005
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 22
