It's done...

Jul 28, 2008

Well, I'm home now and it's about 4 days post op, and I'm feeling pretty good considering I just had some major surgery. It was kind of nice to be able to have the surgery and recover in the same hospital and unit I work in! Needless to say I had a lot of visitors the two nights I stayed, LOL.

Before sugery I was weighted and I had lost about 15 lbs with the liquid diet! But I put on like 6 lbs back on with all the darn fluid that was pumped into me. LOL

I'm a bit gassey and dealing with the fact that it just feels different. I'm a bit different from before!

The viocodin does give me some crazy dreams though, let me tell ya!

until next time

Another pre-surgical surprise!

Jul 21, 2008

Well, it turns out that my surgeon is not avalible for the 30th, and it turns out I'm getting it on the 24th!!! Which means.... I'm gonna get my sleeve this Thursday! Two days to go!!!! Whoot

Jumpin' through hoops!

Jul 10, 2008

Well, I know that the last time I posted I said that I was going to be getting surgery in June,'s now July and nothing. 

I had to jump through some hoops, pay off some medical bills, but know I have finally gotten a date! July 30th!!!!!

I start my pre-surgical liquid diet next Wednesday, and I'm half excited and dreading it. I actually am more excited and ready to get this started!

Tomorrow I go for an ultrasound of my gall bladder and some pre op blood work, and also my pre op exam with the surgeon. Yeah!

I'll keep posting.

Gettin closer!

May 01, 2008

Just talked with my surgeon's nurse yesterday and found out that I will most likely be getting my sleeve done in June!!! That is only a month away, eeeek! I'm so excited and a little scared at the same time, but I'm ready.

Yesterday I also had my EKG done and everything was fine. The cardiologist actually said that I am probably the most healthy bari patient he has screened! Feeling good there!

He does want me to have an Eco Cardiogram, so I'm having that tomarrow, and that should actually be pretty cool. I've only seen my babies on ultrasound, my own beating heart will be very interesting to see.

Well, until next time!

Sure horror

Mar 13, 2008

Well, I was jus looking at photos of myself through the past few years and really had fun....not. I started to think about what I must of been thinking and feeling at that very moment. And I came up with an answer...weight. For probably the past 7 years I have nothing but thought about, obsessed over, and have become depressed about my weight.

There are pictures of me from two years ago when we had an awesome trip to Washington DC to visit one of my best friends. While looking at the pictures I remember how uncomfortable I felt the whole time. Walking around the capital was a daunting task, and I felt like I slowed everyone up. One night had a incrediable experience and particpated in a night segway tour through the capital. It turned out to be a great time, but the months and days, even hours leading up to the tour, I just kept having a reaccuring nightmare that they will tell me that I'm too big to be on a segway! 

I just can't wait till the time when I don't have to be so obsessed with my weight, when I don't think that everyone is looking at me because of how large I have gotten. I just want to be comfortable in my own skin, and feel that I can comfortably and freely have a good time when ever and where ever life takes me.

Getting Ready

Mar 09, 2008

Well, I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row to be able to get this surgery done as soon as possible. I just can't wait to be able to go into a classroom and not have worry about not being able to stuff my self into those desks that have the chair attached. There are time when I leave class and my abdomen hurts so much from actually cramming myself into the desk, it is so embarresing.

I am planning on having my surgery at Bronson Hospital hopefully in early May. I still have to a pre surgical program called LEAF (Lifestyle Exercise Attitude Fitness). This is the only requirement that my insurance has since I'm a employee of the same hospital that I'm having my surgery. I actully work on the same darn floor that I will be on after my procedure! That should be very interesting. 

I start the LEAF program on April 1st, which takes care of my fitness, psyc, and dietary evaluation before surgery. I still have to get the endoscopy done and see a cardio doc.

I'm planning on getting the sleeve gastrectomy. I have weighed the benefits and find that I like this procedure better than the others. The patients that I have supported with this type of procedure do very well. So I'm pretty sure I have chossen the right one for me.

Well I will keep updating this as my journey progresses! Thanks for listening!

About Me
Kalamazoo, MI
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2006
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 6
It's done...
Another pre-surgical surprise!
Jumpin' through hoops!
Gettin closer!
Sure horror
Getting Ready
