"Lose weight."

Jun 26, 2011

So I have embarked on this journey to a new life, I am 29 and knew if I started my 30's off the same way I spent most of my 20's  I would be doomed. My health was/is consuming me and now has taken ahold of me and holding me back. I hit what I consider to be the unacceptable mark, 350 pounds. I knew if I wanted to change anything about myself and my life as I know it, it would have to start with my health. I hit the ground running, literally. I start exercising on an almost daily basis. I was going up hills and around parks and trying to make some sort of difference. The only difference I made was messing up my feet and knees, worse then they already were to begin with. The doctor said the unimaginable... you cant do ANY impact exercising or walking. I asked how would this get better, he looked at me with a serious face and said, "Lose weight". Needless to say, I walked out head down. My journey over the next few weeks lead me to REVISIT the dreaded option of surgery. See, I went to a surgery seminar when I was 22, but I felt like that option didnt apply to me, I wasn't like "THEM". I was just lazy and I could change my eating habits whenever I wanted to I just didn't fell like doing it now. I was young and niave! But at the age of 29, with my 30's barreling down on me, I knew I could control only about 50% and the rest was something deeper then my control. I knew surgery could give me that 50% support that I couldnt provide myself. So I joined what I call the "Insurance Circus". I jumped the hoops, walked the tight rope, and tamed the tiger, then June 15th I got the approval call. Reality sank in!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 26, 2011
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