I am a 35 year old mom of two and married for almost 12 years. Have been morbidly obese for about 10 years now, was heavy as a kid reached puberty lost weight, gained a lot of weight after I got married. I am insulin dependent Type 1 diabetic (almost 20 years) and I also have hypothyroidism. I have my consult on Dec 6th with Dr. King.

12/6/02 I just got back from meeting Dr. King and feel I have made the right decision. I am waiting to hear from my insurance company and will be meeting with a nutritionist soon. I can't believe that this is started now. Hopefully it won't be too much longer.

1/22/03 I received my approval today! I am so excited and nervous. I really thought it was going to take more time considering all the runaround I rec'd from the ins co. I am so glad this part is over moving on to the next step.

2/11/03 My Lap RNY is scheduled for April 1st. I am so excited and nervous but I know things will be fine. I now have something to look forward to.

2/13/03 I wanted to note my height 5'3" and weight 250 only 46 days.

3/19/03 It is less than two weeks away (13 days). I went to the nutritionist yesterday and I have gained three more pounds. I actually thought it would be more. I am nervous, excited and of course second guessing myself on this decision. I keep coming back to the fact that I have tried for many years on my own to lose the weight only to fail and that this will give me the opportunity for me to become healthy. I will be posting pictures soon.

4/15/03 Had Lap on April 1st things went well until Wed evening and my oxygen levels were down to 40% Dr King had to go in and open he thought I had a leak. Well there was no leak but he said that I was not breathing deep enough. The worst part was waking up Thurs morn with the tubes down my throat and nose and feeling like I was suffocating. But fortunatley for me by Friday I was out of ICU. I came home on Monday April 7th. On Wed evening I had a wound open up and on Thursday it was diagnosed as infected. The wound is quite deep but is getting better every day. It really is the only bothersome thing from sugery. I do get tired easily but know it will take time to build up my energy and strength. Although I have had some problems as long as each day that passes and I feel a better I feel I made the right decision. I did go to the dr's yesterday and I am down 19 pounds, that was quite a surprise for me. I wish everyone well.
5/19/03 I went to see Dr King today, six week checkup. Everything went well. I am down to 218. Next appt in June I will have my bloodwork done which I am looking forward too, just to see how I am doing with getting in all my vitamins. This week I start working my stomach muscles, should be fun.
7/24/03 I am now down to 202, I feel so much better. I started working out at the YMCA last night and plan to go three evenings a week and of course continue my walking during lunch at least four times a week. I continue to get compliments. It is so funny cause I feel I have so far to go. My personal goal is 140. I plan on posting a before picture soon.
10/23/03 Sorry it has taken so long to update. I have been feeling wonderful. I am down to 179 pounds now. The weight is coming off slow but that is okay as long as it is coming off. I am still working out at the YMCA, had stopped for a short while but back on track now. I am wearing a 16 pant and an xlg or lg top. I haven't been this size in about 10 years. Life is good.
4/26/04 It has been too long. My weight loss has been slow but I have been eating a lot of the wrong things. I have not gained any and the weight loss is about one to two pounds a month. I am now down to 166 and feel wonderful. They started Weight Watchers at work and I am participating. I think it will help to keep me on track. It is so amazing when I look back at those pics from last year, when I look at them it's like I am looking at someone else. I continue to work out three times a week and I am starting to walk too. Hopefully I will have some pics up here soon. Take Care.

11/9/09 Yes it has been quite a long time since I have been here.  Over the last five years I have gained some weight back.  Got up to 196 then down to 193 started Thrive Weightloss and I am now down to 172.  Been eating well, bloodwork is good and continuing to exercise.   Pants are starting to get quite lose.  I believe that I am going to reach my goal of 145, I think I should be there by springtime which is fine with me.  I do need to start using weights to build up some muscle, and of course get that longer calorie burn too.  I do plan to log on here frequently, to see others progress and to note my progress.  It is good to be back.

About Me
Dallas, GA
Surgery Date
Nov 06, 2002
Member Since
