Getting back on track...

Jan 24, 2010

           I did really well over the holidays and was pretty proud of myself, then....the first 2 weeks of January were miserable. We had snow and temperatures in the teens. I wasn't able to get out and walk, mainly due to being afraid of falling (I'm disabled partly due to a back injury) I was stuck inside, got lazy, watched too much tv, took naps, kept my crockpot going, and by the time it cleared up, I HAD GAINED 8 LBS!!!! I was soooo upset with myself. I gained 8 inches along with that 8 lbs  
             This was all totally my fault.  I didn't really eat the wrong things, just too much of the right things. I kept saying, "Tomorrow I'll get going again."  Having this band is quite a learning experience. I think I was given a very tempermental band, lol. One day I can eat something just fine, then the next, I can't eat it at all.  It's far more difficult than I thought. When they tell you the band is a "tool,"  that's exactly what it is. It will assist you in weight loss, but won't do it all for you. It still takes a lot of effort!
               I made some changes to make sure this doesn't happen again. There's still a lot of long, cold winter ahead.....
1. I keep a food/exercise journal. If it goes in my mouth, it goes in my book. Somehow, seeing it there in black & white keeps me honest, lol I put in food, portion size, protein, calories, carbs. I keep track of my water and vitamins, also my walking and exercise.
2. I got a few exercise DVD's, and bummed some exercise equiptment from my daughter. If money is an issue for you (it definitely is for me) you can get tapes & DVD's from your library. I also went online and found some exercise instructions, now I have no excuse when the weather is bad.
3. I try to make sure I get support. I come on here and to a Facebook group called Lap Band Diva's. It really helps me to know others are going thru the same thing. I can get advice, info and support. How did we ever survive before computers????
4. Back to the basics...I try to review all the info given to me by my Drs office, so it's fresh in my mind and I'm sure I'm doing all I can.
5. Water, water, water! I know, I know, it's constantly the #1 tip given, but it really does keep me feeling full.
                  I have 3 lbs and 3 inches to go to be back to where I was at the beginning of the year. It's all a learning experience and I have no regrets...even on bad days, I LOVE my band

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Barboursville, WV
Jan 04, 2010
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