3/14/07  I was directed to this sight by my cousin who is half her old size and looks great following RNY surgery.  Two years after her surgery, and after two years of telling myself I can do it without surgery (to only have gained more weight), I have made the decision to join those on this wonderful journey.  I have met with the surgeon and also with the psychologist.  Tomorrow I meet with the dietician.  I then meet with the surgeon again in two weeks (cause I have changed my mind and have decided I want the RNY instead of the lap band).  I have a temporary surgical date of April 23rd, but that might change if the insurance doesn't approve in time.  I am praying that it comes through without any problems.  Now that I have made this decision, I am very anxious and excited to get it going.  I have been visiting this site and reading people's stories, and decided I might as well join in and begin my account of the journey I am about to take.  I am excited, anxious, and just a little nervous.  I pray I am able to succeed!!!

About Me
Mar 14, 2007
Member Since
