swangirl 18 years, 4 months ago

Congratulations on your successful weightloss and best wishes for the future! Linda/Bactrac/swangirl Name/CB handle/me post op

neubian78 18 years, 5 months ago

Wow you look G.R.E.A.T.. Thank yoyu so much for sharing your journey. I can't wait to begin my journey on the other side. My pre op appt is 02/28.

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 19 years, 1 month ago

Congrats on making the century club! You've come far! WTG!!!! Hugs & Shalom (May you be blessed in every aspect of your life) Toots

Traci P. 20 years ago

Congrats on your wls journey Kath, its good to hear your doing so well. Keep up the good work!!! Huggs!!!

bunnymorris 20 years ago

Good for you! I'm one week post op so I know exactly where you are!! They were right...everyday gets better. Hang tight and I wish you the very best! Drink, walk and sleep! Bunny

Teresa D. 20 years ago

Kathryn I'm SO glad to hear you're doing well !! I've had a terrible time getting info on you. I called the hospital to check on you the afternoon of your surgery, as I promised, and was told that you weren't a patient there ! I thought there may have been a misunderstanding on the spelling of your name so the following day I called the number, again, that "information" (411) had given me for Methodist Hospital. THAT time I spoke to someone who was kind enough to inform me that there is more than one Methodist Hospitals and I may have been given the wrong phone number. That was exactly what happened... I was given the phone number (by 411) to Methodist Charlton Medical Center. Once I did get in touch with the correct Methodist hospital I was told you were there but nobody would give me any details about your condition. They did, however, give me your room number and I've tried to call your room a few times but you're never there. I guess I just happened to call when you've been cruising the hospital halls... I'm GLAD to know you're doing THAT, though !!!! I also called Laura today and she didn't answer her phone, either, so I left her a message. I feel like I've been a pathetic angel's helper to you but I had every intention of being there for you ! This has been a nightmare & I hope you can forgive me ! :-(

Botina 20 years ago

Kathy, So glad to hear you are doing well and are on the road to recovery. I'm so excited for you to have finally made it to the losing side. Will be praying for you and sending you warm wishes as you travel on your new journey. Hugs, Bonita

Squawmeemaw 20 years ago

Gload to hear that you are up and about. Oh well, here you are just another loser. Isn't that great? Cyn

Kay B. 20 years ago

Kathryn, how are you doing?!!!! Try to get some rest inbetween walking. Let me know how you are after you get home and feeling like getting back on the computer. God Bless you. Kay

WLS_Deb 20 years ago

Hey Kathryn... welcome to the losing side... hoping your home ASAP and posting on the board. You are true angel and we need ya so hurry up and get well *hugs*
About Me
Burleson, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 19, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Pre-op July, 2004
December 2005

Friends 16
