It's been awhile, need to update you guys!!
Apr 26, 2008
Hey Guys!!! I've been one busy little beaver this last month or so. Work, work and more work!!! I've been doin great! Down somewhere around 90 lbs! Give or take a few maybe.
I am starting college on July 7th at Kaplan University here in Des Moines. I can't wait!!! I know that before surgery I wouldn't have had the confidence that I have now and would've never started college... It amazes me everyday how much better I feel, how much more confidence I have, how much more energy I have, etc!! This was truly a miracle and I'm so grateful for it.
Food wise, I'm doin pretty good. I could do better, but like I said, I've been sooo busy with work and everything that sometimes I take the easy route when I eat... I eat Wendy's chili quite a bit, not that I can every finish it, but it's good and quick for the days when I'm super busy! I drink a protein shake every morning for breakfast :) I've been slackin on my vitamins and such, but I am jumping back on the wagon now and feel good about that! I have been getting so many compliments that it's actually startin to get on my nerves... mainly cuz I never got them before and now that I'm gettin them, I dont know how to handle it!!!
I'm excited to go to Adventureland (an amusement park here in Des Moines) soon, and FIT in the rides! I can't wait til summer officially arrives so I can go swimming (my favorite thing to do!!) Life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope everyone else is doing good :) I uploaded some new pictures, I cut my hair even more now, and I really like it! I even got a new tattoo, a shamrock on the top of my left foot! Hurt like hell tho, aint gonna lie :P haha.
Until next time my friends, TAKE CARE!
Mar 12, 2008
Appointment with Sleep Dr today!
Feb 29, 2008
I'm also done using my autopap which I couldn't be happier about!! I took it back to Mercy Medical Home Supply! no more for me!!!!! yay! Oh and right after they weighed me, she took the measurement of my neck, it was 19 1/2 inches pre-op, now it's down to 17 1/4 inches!!!
<3 katie
Feb 21, 2008
I am thrilled that this week is just about over... my job has really been stressing me out, to the point where I've been looking for a different one for the last few weeks.
My scale at home is officially broken, go figure. So I'm stuck not knowing exactly how much I've lost until my next postop visit which is March 12th. I could use someone else's scale, but I think I'd rather just wait til my appointment. I don't really feel like I've been losing anything, but I'm sure I have... inches at least. It's sooo crazy how I am starting to feel bones that I could never feel before... like in my arms, my chest area, and then there's the fact that I am NEVER hungry. I'm not complaining about it, but there are days when I absolutely don't want to eat, but I make myself. The thing I'm really struggling with lately is that I'm unsure of how many calories I should be consuming. The program I went through for this surgery states that I'm not supposed to have more than 2-3 meals a day *doable* BUT also NO SNACKING! I read so many posts on the forum and nearly every one of those people snack to get all their protein in. It confuses me, because am I the only one that isn't supposed to snack???? I do admit that I have an occasional snack (not very often) but I just don't see how someone could get all the protein they need without some sort of snacking.
I need to up my protein intake, right now its somewhere in the 50's (not good, i know) so I'm just trying to figure a way to get it all in without snacking. I have stuck to all my dr & nuts rules except a couple, like the snacking and the red meat rule (none for five months, last week i tried a beef soft shell taco with cheese on top, I only ate the insides (the beef and cheese), and it went down fine.. granted it was very very ground beef). I think I'm freaking myself out because I don't feel like I'm losing. I just keep telling myself that I'm doing good!! I do need to start exercising more, I have no excuse, but by the time I get through working my very odd hours (*and long hours*)I am soooo pooped and just want to eat dinner, take my vitamins and shower and go to bed. I need to motivate myself to exercise!!! What works for you? Anyone?
Oh, and does anyone else have trouble swallowing pills? I find that since this surgery I am totally freaked out every time I attempt to put a pill in my mouth... I cut the bigger ones in half and the smaller ones I just hope and pray make it down. It's really weird cuz before I used to swallow huge ass horse pills like nothing, but now I'm deathly afraid. I still take them as I'm supposed to, just dread it everytime. Anyone else experience this? Just curious. Hope you all have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND! ENJOY YOURSELVES - YOU DESERVE IT! :)
I never thought I'd see the day...
Feb 09, 2008
I have never liked exercising but I have decided what I need to do is JOIN A GYM! And, I have called several local gyms to get prices and fees and whatnot, I found that there is an AWESOME gym only about 5 minutes from my house, and it is really cheap (I was shocked! Only $19.99 a month!!!) So I am planning on joining that in the NEAR future, just trying to work out some kinks. My sister is thinking about joining it also so that we can be work-out buddies but she is still a little weary, so I'm waiting for her to make her decision.
I am still working with my stationary bike at home *usually around 3.5 miles at a time* and my bowflex, every other night. I also have some little 2 lb weights that I lift, even though they probably aren't doing as much for me as I would like. I REALLY plan on working my arms (I am sooooo afraid of having all the excess skin hanging from my arms, I already have some so I really want to get rid of as much as I can). I've always wanted to wear those cute sleeveless tops in the summer, but never have. Anyway, back to working out, I'm totally pumped about starting the gym. I even went out last night and bought myself a new sports bra so that the "girls" won't be bouncing around too much :P I am down 2 pant sizes.. I started in a size 24 jeans, I bought a pair of size 20 jeans about a week ago. They are a little snug, but I figured that they will last longer that way. I remember before surgery I told myself that I wouldn't buy any new clothes until I'm done losing, but honestly how can someone do that? I can't wear a size 24 when they are falling off me, even a belt wouldn't do much good! So I bought two pairs of jeans, some more sweats and pajama pants (I live in those!) but other than that, I have not bought any other clothes.
I'm struggling REALLY hard with my supplements... I am doing good with my multi-vitamin, I take 2 chewable multi's a day. I HATE the Citrical Creamy Bites that I had to buy prior to surgery (I have a huge boxful of them) but I do try to eat them. I just recently started eating them on a regular basis again, I have to eat 3 of them a day, so pretty much with every meal!!! UGH! I haven't started my B12 or Iron yet and the reason is because I was really confused on what exactly to buy. I ended up buying B12 sublinguals at Walgreens, and I ordered Ferro-Sequels (Iron) online and just got them in the mail today. Now the other thing is, I'm really really really scared to take a pill. It's odd becuz I never minded taking pills before (even the huge horse pills) but after reading other people's experiences with pills on OH, I am so afraid to try it myself. I KNOW I NEED TO THOUGH, and I AM GOING TO FORCE MYSELF TO!!!
Wow, this turned into a long post... haha.. I just wanted to update it for those of you who read :) Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
until next time...
6 week post-op appointment...
Jan 31, 2008
I had my 6 week appointment with the surgeon yesterday. I got weighed first thing and I'm now down to 288 (if you remember I started at 334) so that is a total of 46 lbs! I am amazed at my progress. The dr looked at my stomach and had me cough while he pushed on it, he said "everything looks awesome" and "you can now do anything, no restrictions!" YAYAYAYAYAY! So the only thing he wants me to work on is exercising (figured that much) since I've only been walking and not really 'upping my heart rate enough while i walk'. I am excited because now I am cleared to actually workout. So last night when I got home I got on my stationary bike and did 3.4 miles. I WAS EXHAUSTED afterwards, but I also did 30 reps on the Bowflex... I'm really afraid of my arms and the "wings" I have now.
Needless to say, I had a good appointment, I am now starting to take my Iron and B12 pills. I told the surgeon that I was having trouble with my calcium chews (ick ick and more ick) so I asked if it would be ok to switch to a calcium pill and he gave the okay so I'm going to pick some up this weekend! Overall, I am TOTALLY proud of myself. I just keep thinking of how far I have come and even though I have a lot farther to go, I feel so MOTIVATED NOW!
I hope you all are doing marvelous!
Katie <3
It's been 3 and a half weeks now!
Jan 12, 2008
I have been eating lots of chicken! And it feels good... I mean, real good! I've also been eating tuna and a little string cheese. I ate at a Mexican restaurant the other day for lunch and ordered the chicken fajita plate.. the chicken was sooooo yummy. I'm still munching on leftovers. I'm down 41 lbs now.. maybe more since I haven't weighed in almost a week. Things are going pretty good, I'm walking a lot and I'm going back to work on the 22nd. I'm nervous about it, but happy to be getting some routine back in my life! Anyway, that's jsut a really quick update for ya. Stay tuned....
Katiegirl <3
This is real. I know it is now!
Jan 04, 2008
I went to my 2 week follow up appointment today with Dr. Smolik. It went really good, they took out my JP tube which I couldn't be more thrilled about. He took off the tape on my incisions and they look amazing (I was surprised how well they are healing in just 2 weeks!) I got on the scale and am now at 297!! HOLY HELL I AM UNDER 300 LBS! NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE THE DAY WHEN THAT WOULD HAPPEN! I'm down a total of 32 (and a half *wink*) lbs... isn't it wonderful? I can't remember the last time the scale read less than 300... honestly I can't. I went into my work today to talk to my boss. Told him that I'd be coming back on Jan. 15th I think (we don't have to work on the 14th)... so he just told me to make sure I was healed and if I wasn't ready to come back than I should just stay home. I'm feeling pretty good though, other than back pain. I got a new prescription today for that so it should be a piece of cake now (God cake sounds good, just kidding! I don't even crave it). I've been eating soooo many refried beans, I literally live off them now. I have been trying different kinds and finally today I found the kind that tastes soooooooo yummy! I go back to Mercy Capitol Monday afternoon to get my G tube taken out also! I'll be 3 weeks on Tuesday and then I can start eating more foods again like deli meats (lean cut meats), string cheese, soups (i've been craving some egg drop soup like crazy!). So I'm really excited about that! Can't wait til tuesday baby! Anyway, that's a quick update for those of you who actually read my posts. Life is going good!
til next time...
22 Loafs of BREAD on the wall!
Dec 29, 2007
YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Thursday, the 27th of December, I had lost a total of 22 lbs! OH MY GOSH, can this really be happening?! Pinch me, please!
Letting it be known,
Katiegirl <3
Dec 26, 2007
Hi Folks. I really needed to post an update on here, so I finally made my way to the computer. I haven't sat here sit the day before surgery! YOWZA! Anyway.. where to begin...
I'm going to keep this as short as possible (but who knows?!). My surgery went pretty well, I did loose some blood during the operation so I spent the first 2 nights in the ICU. NOT FUN AT ALL. I don't really remember much but what I do remember was the minute they got me moved to ICU, I started crying hysterically and frantically yelling at the nurses because I felt I couldn't move my legs (I'm WAY clausterphobic) and they reassured me that I was fine. I guess the end of the bed I was in had a part that flipped up and made the length of the bed shorter, making it impossible for me to stretch my legs out. Anyway, I was being a complete baby, but it really threw me for a loop. After that, like I said I spent 2 nights there... Had a couple of family members stop in (don't recall too much of that).
They finally shipped me down to the 3rd floor to my own private room. It was like heaven! It was really big room! I got more used to my bed too... wish I had one at home now! haha. Anyway, the nurses were hands-down the best I could've ever wished for. They took such good care of me! I got to leave last Saturday. I was really nervous leaving, just for the fact that I would be in control of taking care of myself and I was unsure if I had it in me... The ride home was terrible also, the weather was awful (it was snowy and slick on the roads) and the bumps were the worst! Ah! But I made it home, my sister took really good care of me.. and since then I've just been trying to walk walk walk and sip sip sip like so many of you advised me to do! It hasn't been a cake walk by any means but it's worth it!
The day I got home from the hospital I could already tell in my face and my hands that I had lost some weight. I'm really anxious to weigh myself (tomorrow I believe they will weigh me as I have a Diet & Exercise class in the morning). It's just amazing the difference! I have been trying really hard to get my fluids in. I cannot tolerate any sort of broth so it's just been water and sf jello. I got a call from Mercy Capitol this morning from Tracy checking in with me.. She asked how much I was getting in as far as liquids, and I was honest and told her somewhere around 25-30. (I KNEW IT WASN'T ENOUGH). She told me that I HAD to drink more and that I should be taking in at least 50 oz. She told me to drink as much as I can get in today and then when I go in tomorrow for my class I was supposed to let her know how much I ended up getting.... Right now, I've gotten somewhere between 50 and 55 oz! I'm so proud of myself! I just kept on it really really hard today. I also had my Upper GI done this morning and let me tell you... if you haven't done it, IT IS THE WORST TASTING STUFF I HAVE EVER PUT INTO MY MOUTH! I kept dry-heaving and they wouldn't let me drink but two TINY sips of water... IT WAS TERRIBLE (THE WORST PART OF THE ENTIRE SURGERY FOR ME).
As far as the pain, I'm gettin through it. I haven't taken any meds for going on 2 days, and I honestly don't think I need them anymore. I'm a little sore here and there but much better than before. One thing I am finding really hard is the calcium chews that I bought before surgery, I cannot tolerate them at all, I think it's the chocolately taste or something. Other than that, I'm following everything to a T. It's hard to get up off the couch sometimes, it's hard to stand straight up without a little discomfort, and it's a bit hard to shower... I wear myself out in the shower.
Well I'm done with my babbling.
to be continued....