2 week pre-op Liquid diet :(

Apr 05, 2013

This two week liquid diet sucks! I am sooooo hungry all the time & the protein shakes to me aren't satisfying at all! The only thing that fills me up are these "frappe" like drinks i make! I find myself thinking if i cant get through this how can i handle the surgery :( Just ne of those days i guess.. I think il go for a walk. :)


This is where it starts...

Apr 03, 2013

For me, food has always been a challenge. I am a huge snacker and love my sweets. But I knew when i couldn't even run around and play with my niece & nephew something had to change. At the beginning of 2012 i made it a goal to work out and diet but as much as i tried it didn't work. Over a six month period i had lost 5 lbs. I had been eating better and exercising but i wasn't very strict with myself. This is when my doctor suggested Weight Loss Surgery. I took to the notion like a lot of other people that this option was just a way out. My doctor quickly corrected me saying that this is a tool to help me for the rest of my life. I am so happy she convinced me. I started my insurance requirements and have lost 25lbs since Dec 2012.  My surgery has been approved and it has been scheduled for april 17th!! I am excited as well as terrified. I want a new beginning in my life and this is where it starts. Right now i am on my 2week Pre-op liquid diet currently hungrier than I have ever been in my whole life, but strangely i don't even care. I am not saying its easy, its defiantly a challenge but i am going to kick this challenges ass!!! 


About Me
Lake Bluff, IL
Jan 28, 2012
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