Got my first bite of food

Apr 08, 2011

  Yay.. I got my first bite of  soft food today, I was so excited.For lunch I am going to try some cheese. I was weighed in yesterday and  I am down to 195... woohoo finally below 200 mark, Sure does feel good.


had my surgery

Apr 01, 2011

ok i had my surgery on March 23,2011. I have been a week on liquid and will be able to have my first bite of food on April,6th. to my surprise  do not feel hungry at all, I had some jello today and was surprised that with only a little over a tablespoon i was full. I have alot of pain still on my left side from the incision, And after i come home from the hospital, I should have rested, but living in the house with 2 boys and a husband, and after being in the hospital for 5 days, my home was beginning to look like a man cave. And sure could have used some cleaning, ow I am paying the price. Well at least now I am getting the rest I need.
I am looking forward to next week when I can try to have some beans and cheese, woohoo.


The 2 week liquid pre-op diet

Mar 09, 2011

Oh wow, My doctor informed me about this day, I will have to go on a liquid diet for 2 weeks prior to my surgery, So Yesterday was my first day, Oh my.. WOW... Does a body actually survive on just liquid alone, Ok now that was my first thought, then come the thought of " am  going to be hungry ". "what will I do"
 Ok now I actually completed my first day and to my surprise I really did not feel hungry, I was drinking all the time. I really did not have much time to think about it, I wrote out a  schedule of what I will drink and exactually when I will have it. I found it difficult to even get down all the liquid i had to, but I did it. WOO HOO BRING ON THE LIQUID !!!!!


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Nov 06, 2010
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