I've had a weight problem all of my life. I remember being put on a diet at the age of 10 years old. Since that time, I've tried just about every diet - Weight Watchers, e-Diets, low fat diets, low calorie diet, high protein, Atkins, Pritikin and Susan Powter diets. I've also tried almost every over the counter and prescribed diet pills. I've even tried hypnosis - which failed miserably. I've bought thousands of dollars worth of exercise equipment and exercise tapes - I even bought one that said I could lose weight by breathing differently. I would lose weight with all of them, but would gain it all back and plus more. I've spent money on gym memberships that I would use for a month or two and then find every excuse in the book not to go.
At the end of 2004, after sending my boyfriend packing for the second time in two years, I gained another 40#. My back, knees and feet hurt constantly. I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded and I'd had some blood work that indicated that I was getting precariously close to Type II diabetes. It was really a wake up call. Both my grandmothers have type II diabetes and I certainly didn't want that for myself. That's when I started investigating weight loss surgery. I did a lot of research and homework before making an appointment. The first appointment I made I had to cancel because the hospital in LA didn't accept my insurance. The second appointment I had I canceled because the Doctor didn't accept the insurance. I finally found Dr. Stone in Redding - and as they say - the stars stated lining up. I went to the first seminar on September 12, 2005, met with the program coordinator that same day, had an appointment with the dietician and my psychologist within a week. The actual appointment with the Dr. took some time, but I met with him on November 29. The insurance company approved the surgery within a week. Because the holidays were here, my surgery date was January 9, 2006. I had to go on a diet prior to surgery to help shrink the liver and my goal was set to lose 10#. I only lost 6.5 by my pre op appointment, but Dr. Stone said it was good enough. I checked into the hospital weighing 243.5 with a BMI of over 41.9 or morbidly obese! What a devasting thing to hear - morbidly obese.

March 29, 2006 - 11 weeks post op and I've lost 49.5 pounds.

September 26, 2006 - 8 months post op. I've passed my surgeons goal weight and only 12 more to go to reach my personal goal weight. Total weight loss - 91.5 lbs.

November 29, 2005 - 10 month post op visit today. Doc says I've lost 100% of my excess weight.  Weight today:  142

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2005
Member Since

Friends 2
