3 years out

Aug 31, 2010

Today is my three year anniversary, and I am happy to say that I've been within 5 - 10 pounds of my goal weight.  My plan is to set a new goal of losing at least 30 pounds through exercise [walking, gym, bicycling] and a stricter adherance to drinking lots of water and increasing protein.  I have been healthy and happy since the surgery.  My Type 2 diabetes is resolved.  Blood pressure down, bad cholesteral down/good up, triglcerides down.  Protein levels need work.  Best thing after surgery?  Never having to think about stepping outside to walk, worried that I would fall behind, get tired, sweat.  It really comes down to little things like that and not wondering if I would break a chair if I sat in it.  To everyone considering the journey, please research it and make a decision that fits your goals.  I don't regret have the GBPS.  I was one of the lucky ones, with support from family, a choice of a good surgical team, and the support of the Tallahassee Weight Loss group friends.  I also was very fortunate to not experience any after surgery problems, except for "foamies" early on. Good Luck!  Karin


About Me
Tallahassee, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 21, 2008
Member Since

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