12-19-06 ~ 73 lbs Gone

Dec 19, 2006

I am doing so much better these days.  I think my previous posts were more negative and left folks wondering about the rest of the story.  My weightloss really seemed to kick in this summer and I continue to do well.  I am currently averaging 1.5 lbs per week which I am happy with.  It comes off in chunks though.  I can essentially weigh the same for three weeks and then lose 5 lbs the next week.  I started out wearing a size 24w and I am now a 16w or 18reg.  I am so close to real regular sizes--I can't wait.  I am feeling somewhat flabby, but I hope the skin tightens up at least a little.  If not, I am definitely not opposed to plastic surgery as long as I can afford it.  I can eat most things except soft breads and tortillas.  I am not on a strict diet, but do try to include meat in every meal.

Everything is going great and I can't wait to see what the summer will bring.  Maybe I can look half-way decent in a swimsuit!

Blog from Old Profile

Dec 13, 2006

11/16/05 ~ Surgery day
weight: 304
height: 5'-9"
size: 24

11/28/05 ~ I am nearly 2 weeks post op and already struggling which is scary. I only had to do low-carb before surgery, was fine on my clear liquids for about 3 or 4 days, then I started getting HUNGRY. For my second week I am supposed to be on a "full" liquid diet, meaning creamer soups and even mashed potatoes. I am not doing too well on this--this week just happened to coincide with Thanksgiving--I am eating stuff I am not supposed to. I am angry with myself and fearful that this is a sign of things to come.

12/28/05 ~ I am a little disappointed with my band, but not hopeless. I have gained all the weight back that I lost just after the surgery. I can eat almost the same quantity I did before the band, and as far as I can tell, I can eat ANYTHING. My first fill is next week and I have my fingers crossed that it will make a significant difference. I am also making the good 'ol New Years resolution of getting into the gym and exercising. I am fortunate that the company I work for has a great gym with a personal trainer. Four years ago I lost 80 lbs doing Atkins and exercising like a maniac. This was pre-husband and pre-child though. My time is much more limited, so I will have to do most of my exercising at lunch. NO MORE EXCUSES come Jan 3rd.

1/10/06 ~ Well...things didn't exactly go as planned last week. So I decided to try again 1/9. I've done a little better. I did a step aerobics class yesterday and did the elliptical for 30 min today. My meal choices are still very poor. I just don't feel like I have a plan. So, I joined Weight Watchers. They are going to offer a class at work during our lunch hour and will deduct the fees from our weekly check. Can't get any more convenient than that. It actually starts on Thurs. My first fill is tomorrow. I had an appointment last week, but missed it. I thought it was the following day. I bought myself a PDA to keep everything straight. I hope it helps. (weight 308--it's going up instead of down)

2/6/06 ~ My doctor's staff looked nearly horrified when I told them I had joined WW. They were afraid I was giving up on the band. I'm not...just waiting for it to start working. I lost 5.6 lbs on my first week of WW. Then I got a second fill. I have to be much more careful about chewing, but it seem like I can still eat more than I am supposed to. The last weeks I haven't really tried to follow my WW plan. That seconf week on the diet I gained .8 lb and the third week I lost 2.4 lbs. I was very surprised at that loss. The funny thing about the band, is I feel like I am not doing well when I am not starving all the time (like all other diets). Like last week, I ate every meal, and even snacks, and still lost 2.4 lbs. This was very exciting, because I know this loss was because of the band. I have an appointment this Wed, but I am still debating whether to go or not. I probably should. (weight 299)

2/16/06 ~ Well, I wound up having another fill because I gained 3 lbs when I went to the doctor. I now have 3 cc in my band. I can tell I am eating a little less. I don't seem to get that full or satisfied feeling. I am eating and then all of the sudden, the food doesn't go down as well--almost like it is a chore to eat. That is when I stop. I am beginniing to wonder if those sensors I am supposed to have at the top of my stomach work!! I am also surprised that I am not losing more weight, just because I used to eat sooo much. There has definitely been a dramatic decrease in the quantity that I eat. However, I know I have not done a great job on changing what I eat. I haven't been following my WW either. I really need to get back on board.


278~Weight just after having my baby (DONE)
270~Become Severly Obese (DONE)
235~Become Obese (DONE)
215~Lowest weight after last weight loss of 80 lbs (pre-band)
200~Become Overweight
170~Become "Ideal" (Goal maybe)

MY Reasons to Lose Weight:

1. ENERGY--I want to keep up with my little boy!!
2. No more back and joint pain.
3. Want stomach out of my way so I can bend over without getting light headed.
4. Improved self-esteem and confidence.
5. I want to buy clothes because they look good, not because they fit.
6. I want smaller feet (they got bigger when I gained, hopefully they will shrink as I lose).
7. I don't want to have a near panic attack when my husband mentions us meeting some of his old friends or family I haven't yet met (I always feel so embarassed for him and try to find an excuse for me to not go).
8. I want to participate in activities my husbad enjoys: golf, bike riding, running, weight training

About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 27, 2005
Member Since

Latest Blog 2
12-19-06 ~ 73 lbs Gone
Blog from Old Profile
