Hi there. I am so excited to start this new adventure in my life. I feel like I have always been overweight and each new adventure in my life adds more weight. College added more weight, post college added more weight, husbands deployment added more weight. I have always realized I have been overweight but one day my parents sat me down and had a talk about how they were scared for me...all i could do is cry and start trying to lose. I tried Jenny, Weight Watchers, Gyms, Trainers, and online diets, and now I am only down 20 lbs in 2-3 years. I don't know how that is. My mom and me discussed options and asked me about the Lap-band. I had previously started the process but insurance didn't cover, now on my new one it is. So now I am ready to take this on. Last deployment I gained, and now with this deployment i'm hoping once again my husband comes home to a brand new me, but a half the size me!!!!!

About Me
Marysville, WA
Jun 23, 2010
Member Since

Friends 4
