I was born and grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  I come from a family with many overweight people, especailly women.  Both Grandmothers, a couple Aunts, and my Dad are all overweight.  I had a great childhood, but I've always felt uncomfortable in my skin.  I've always loved food, ever since I could remember.  Food is a source of pleasure, guilt, resentment, happiness, celebration, basically every emotion can be tied to food.  I truly believe I was born addicted to eating and addicted to food. 

I moved to Kalamazoo to go to college and become a nurse.  I always wanted a career in which I felt I was truly making a difference in someone's lives.  In college I spent a great deal of weekends drinking alcohol and eating very unhealthy foods which ballooned my weight.  I would drink to feel comfortable and confident in myself, but it would ultimately lead to regretful decisions and only hurt myself in the end.

So basically my weight has caused many other problems as well...depression, anxiety, PCOS, etc.  At one point I was taking 5 different medications at one time, and I'm only 23!!!  I wrote many entries throughout my life into a journal.  I hated everything about myself, and I would eat to numb that pain and disappointment.  Shortly afterwards, the guilt would make me feel even worse; it was an endless cycle that I thought would never end.

I've never had a boyfriend.  I've never even been on a single first date.  What kind of 23 year old says that?  I've tried the online dating thing, and I've met a couple decent guys, but I was so afraid of when they would meet me and see how big I truly am, there would be no way they would want me.  You may say, "oh c'mon kelly thats not true" but I've actually had it happen where we would get along great until we would meet in person, then that guy would ignore calls and never speak to me again.  I go to bars with friends never expecting to meet men.  I'm the girl that has people laugh and snicker behind her back.  New Years my sister reamed out a group of guys who were taking pictures of me and then laughing and pointing. 

So anyways finally towards the end of 2009 I was at my heaviest weight...340.6lbs.  I decided to go to a bariatric surgery seminar with my parents.  We got a lot of really great information, although all it did was scare my parents.  It really got me thinking about trying a medical weight loss program.  Some insurance companies require you to try it before doing surgery.  So I signed up for medical weight loss.  I am on a 56week long program that consists of protein shakes and bars with one solid meal a day...roughly under 1,000 calories a day.  It is supervised by a nurse practitioner and I have to go 3 times a week so they can make sure I'm not burning up protein and stressing my kidneys.  The program cost me $1,300 up front with $250/month for the shakes and supplements.  My insurance did not cover anything, it's all out of pocket.  All of my life's saving has gone into this program, which is a huge motivation in and of itself!

I started December 29th, 2009.  So far I have lost 60lbs, about 4 inches off my chest, 4 off my waist, and 5 off my hips.  I went from a size 26/28 to 18/20.  I still have a long way to go but this program has been the most sucessful thing I have ever done and I truly feel happy.  I am off 2 medications and my confidence is so much better!!  I look forward to the summer and to everything that is to come!  I am making plans and I am SO ready to finally start my life!!!!!

About Me
Kalamazoo, MI
Mar 31, 2010
Member Since
