May 24th 2007

May 23, 2007

Well June is around the corner!  I'm so glad warm weather and sunshine are back!  My weight is now at 206--seven more pounds to go to get to onederland.  Hope everyone is doing well! me

Happy SPRING TIME everybody!

Mar 30, 2007

Well Spring is here-YAY!! It's so beautiful  here in NC-all the flowers are sprouting up and the trees are all turning out their leaves and pretty blooms-it's amazing the transformation that takes place in just a couple of days.  I love it. This winter was not bad at all, but there is just something about the springtime that lifts the spirit.  I'm feeling wonderful-down about 90 lbs-I rec'd my lab results from the first labs I've had since surgery-gotta up my protein to at least 60 grams-thought I was!! and I've gotta up my calcium and vitamine D--so that's not too bad. Everything else looks good.  I've started having that thing happen now, where people don't recognize me-ha! That's so funny to me- I don't feel like I look THAT different.  Sometimes I'll catch myself in a mirror and think-WOW that's me!!! I still have a long road to go but the change is still very dramatic-it's funny the look on people's faces.  This weekend I'm visiting a friend I haven't seen in a long time-I can't wait to see what she thinks! That will be fun.  The best thing of all is people think I'm younger than I am--tee hee!! I was worried about wrinkles and stuff from losing the weight, but so far the only thing that I really need to work on is my arms--they are very flabby--but other than that-not too bad.  Now I just can't wait to get to the under 200lb mark-just 18 lbs to go---if I can make it before my birthday (in May) that would be awesome.   Well I hope everyone out there is wonderful and feeling great!!  Happy Spring!!! me 

Today is March 14th!!!

Mar 13, 2007

Hey Guys and Dolls!!
I had my surgery  (for my fissure) last Monday and can I just say WOW!! Those people at Duke really took care of me.  I was never uncomfortable and I left feeling great!!  I felt so much better even the next day.  I did stay home for a week because I was weak and had anesthesia and I was also taking those wonderful pain medications--my routine was take book....sleep.....take book...sleep....take book...sleep....ect..ect...ect...It was wonderful to totally relax and recouperate.  Never let anything that is painful or embarrasing stand in your way --get it taken care of--some times the thinking about it is so much worse than going ahead and getting it done.  I feel marvelous!!
I have now lost a total of 88 lbs only 12 more to go and it will be 100 lbs--it's so hard to believe. 
I hope everyone is doing wonderful!!  Spring is right around the corner.  Keep Healthy!!!  me

February 22!! Where does the time go?????

Feb 22, 2007

It's been a month and I just weighed in and I'm now down a total of 80 lbs.  This past month has been a little testy though.  I've had a terrible bout with hemmorroids-UGH!!!  I have been having so much pain so I finally went to the doc and I have a fissure.  So now I've gotta have out/patient surgery to get that fixed.  This has been the only bad thing that has happened to me that is surgery related.  It's because I was having multiple bm's and then I think I got a virus and it just made it worse.  So anyway, once I get this fixed I should be ok--actually ever since my doc appointment I have felt better.  I don't know why!! I have been in so much pain for the last 4 weeks and pain....oh well I'm gonna get it fixed anyhow.  So I know that was too much info but since this is a document to help all those going thru the surgery process and what they may have to deal with post op--I figured might as well add the bad in with the good no sugar coating!! But on the positive side I feel great other than that.  Everyone at work says I'm looking younger--thank heavens!! I was worried about looking wrinkley, but so far so good.      

Weighed Again-January 22, 2007

Jan 22, 2007

Well I know, it's just been a little over a week but I weighed again today-I'm down 4 more pounds.   So that's a total of 71 lbs gone!  I am really feeling so much better.  It's amazing, the  further you are out from surgery and the more your body heals and  your eating becomes easier and healthier it's amazing at  how much truly better you feel.   I knew I was doing something healthy for myself, and I knew I was losing weight, but just now I'm feeling like my old self again.  I feel energetic and just plain o'l good!!  It's weird I didn't realize how BAD I was feeling before, carrying around all that weight-and I still have so much more to lose.  Will I realize later at how bad I truly feel now when I'm feeling so much better and lighter then?  Only time will tell!!  Did anyone understand that?  Oh well!!  Hopefully it will just keep getting better and better. Now I truly understand when people say they love their DS--I really really LUV mine!!!  me

Time for an update!! January 12,2007

Jan 12, 2007

Well I made myself weigh today-I have never enjoyed weighing myself-ugh!!  Oh well, I really ate well over the holidays so I was really postponing it.  Everyone has been asking me how much weight I've lost so I figured I'd go ahead and check it out. I'm down 7more pounds--so a total of 67 lbs in --what? ummm since July 24 so thats almost 6 months--that is really hard to believe.  I've seen other's posting about how quickly time passes but WOW it is really going by fast.  I now weigh 240--I want to get down to onederland soooo bad.  I am walking and really enjoying it for the first time in I don't know how many years.  It's so nice to walk and not be in pain and out of breath.  I really don't see how others lose their weight so quickly--I feel like I'm losing so slow but I'm not complaining-AT ALL-I'll take what I can get.  It's just great feeling so much better and the energy--it is really wonderful having energy again.  I can't imagine the energy I'll have when I'm down another 40 or so lbs.  I feel like a new person already.  I finally went and bought some new clothes.  My others were really falling off of me.  It was so much fun--I haven't had fun buying clothes for about 15 or so years!!  I'm now in an XL pants and 1X top!  I've got to figure out how to load my pictures up here so anyone who wants to can see my progress.  School is going really well, I'm really enjoying it.  It's very hard work but when it's an area you enjoy it really makes a difference.  So that's really all that's going on right now.  Best wishes to all!!!  me

Dec 14, 2006

Dec 13, 2006

Hey guys!! I weighed in yesterday and I'm down 60 lbs. My surgery was July 24th so that's not bad for about 5 months.  I haven't bought one single article of clothing yet.  All my clothes are stretchy so they are starting to get big on me but I can still get some wear out of them--unfortunately!!  I can't wait till they are so big on me that I'm forced to buy some more.  The weight loss is nice but when you can still fit in your old clothes it's a little downer even if they are big and baggy.  I'm going to work on putting up my avatar--I feel like I have been losing weight from my head down.  I'm now at 247--I can't believe I devulge that information on here!!  But I did start out at 307 and that was after starving myself for 2 weeks  for surgery so who knows what I started out as?  Probably at least 320.  My next milestone will be 220 lbs.  
   I'm still working on getting my protein in--I think I've entered the hair losing stage--it's coming out in clumps.  I'm definitley going to up my protein.  Plus since starting back to college I can really tell when I'm not getting my protein-it's like I can't think clearly when I don't get it in.  It's amazing the difference it makes.    I haven't been able to check in here a lot lately because of school, work and family.  I've been exhausted!!  I've gotta make this work though.  I've read on here all the wonderful things that people accomplish after wls and I really want to get my college degree so bad.  I'm going to work on my Associates Degree and then go on for my Bachelors.   I wish everyone the very best this Christmas Season.  Kelly

After surgery life begins anew.......

Nov 17, 2006

Well it's Nov. 17 and I am now down 53 lbs. I'll take it!!  It's not quite been 4 months-I can't wait till December no, I take that back--I can wait...too much to do.  Since I have had the surgery I have been feeling like something was missing--maybe a new goal?  I dunno but needless to say I've started back to college--I am so excited!!  It's really been fun so far--I'll let ya know how it goes. There is just so much I want to accomplish and for some reason I've got this feeling like time is just slipping away--maybe that has to do with the big 40 coming up in a couple of years?  Well I've quite smoking-like 3 years ago--that was goal #1 then there was the weight loss surgery goal #2 now if I can get my degree (I'm going for my associates right now) I will really feel fufilled-I hope...:)  I'll let ya know how it goes!!!       

About Me
Mebane, NC
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2006
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 8
May 24th 2007
Happy SPRING TIME everybody!
Today is March 14th!!!
February 22!! Where does the time go?????
Weighed Again-January 22, 2007
Time for an update!! January 12,2007
Dec 14, 2006
After surgery life begins anew.......
