Starting to accept my new normal

Dec 10, 2009

I have one more weekday before I go back to work and begin my life again.  This past few days have been pretty good.  I feel sick and weak in the morning, but then once I get up and get some food in me I start feeling better.  I have forced myself out of the house, which came with multiple benefits:
1.  I had to get dressed, which meant putting on real clothes instead of just sweats.  And once I put on my clothes I could tell a big difference in how they fit.  I wore a blouse that I always thought was just too small.  I thought I looked great all day.  At the end of the day, my husband told me it actually looked too big for me.  Ha!!  I still don't think so, but it was sweet that he thought so.  My pants are definitely too big now.  And only at a month.  I have no idea what I am going to wear to work next week, but I am sure with all the sizes in my closet I will come up with something.

2.  I got fresh air which made me feel alive.  It made me feel good.  I was in the house for so long because I felt so bad, that I think I was mentally caught up in my own misery.  Once I got out, I felt the energy of the world and wanted to be a part of it again.  I didn't want to go home once I was out.  I realized the beauty of the area we live in and want to spend my days appreciating it. 

3.  I went shopping.  I went to a local Harley Shop and tried on clothes.  It was fun.  I actually already bought a smaller size.  I bought something for my husband as well.  It made us both happy. 

So even though I am not looking forward to going back to work, I am looking forward to becoming a part of the world out there again.  I am getting my hair done today, finalizing the plans for a new business tomorrow, going to my mom's for the weekend and going back to work Monday.

This concludes the 3 months off that I have taken to change my life.  From here on out, I have laid the foundation for a new beginning.  It is up to me to set proper goals, keep the proper attitude and make it an even better future from here.

Here's to the future!


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About Me
Morgan Hill, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 23, 2009
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