Back to work...a NEW life

Oct 24, 2008

YAY!! go me! I started a job working in construction building a nuclear power plant on the ohio river near Louisville. ME!!! the girl who couldnt walk from the bed to the kitchen without needing to stop and rest. ME...I cant believe it's really me. I can wear a regular size Large now. I am having a hard time getting used to being out of the Plus Size section..Ive grown to know and trust the brands in that section. My feet even shrank. I went from a man's size 9 shoe to a man's size 7 boot thats still too big. Im wearing BOY's size SMALL tube socks..two pair at a time in my steele toed workboots at that lol! At this moment, the only thing hurting me is the osteoarthritis in my tailbone..that I got from carrying all that weight on my bones for too many years. Im loving being able to do stuff. The thing that I am having difficulty with now is looking different on the outside and getting attention from men, but still being the same ME on the inside that is used to hiding and being scared n wary of men. So they now smile and open doors n talk to me and it freaks me out lol.

Busy busy busy

Sep 26, 2008

Ok so now I am at 7 months and 21 days post op. I am thrilled to report that I now weigh 220lbs. I wear a size XL tshirt and 14-16 pants. My feet are even smaller! I walk daily from 5-10+ miles. I keep a pedometer on my waistband at all times cuz every step counts!! I met a MAN 5 yrs my senior, and have been with him since April. He loved me fat as a hog, and loves me thinner. He weighed 330lbs when I met him, now he is down to 280lbs. He walks with me. I dont cook much now, so nobody here eats much lol. Ive learned that food is my energy provider, not my comforter and lover. I live to move and breathe now, not to eat. I eat to live. I drink water or decaf unsweet tea all the time so I am not dehydrated. I take my prenatal vitamins and other supplements daily. I lose less hair now than I did prior to surgery. I love life!! I had never known what life even was before now. I have 50 more lbs to get to my surgeon's goal of 170lbs. I want to get to 140lbs, but 170 will be fine too. The looks and whistles I get now freak me out but I can live with that lol. I am SO glad I got the bypass and saved my life!!

2 months out

Apr 17, 2008

ok so it's now been 2 months since i came home from the hospital from the surgery. I had to stay an extra week in the hospital due to a deep incisional wound infection. I gained 8 lbs from the IV antiobiotics and potassium drips. I started losing weight after Fe 15th when I finally came home to stay. Its now April 17th 2008, and I am 58 lbs down. I weigh 272lbs now. My dr.'s goal for me is to be 160-170lbs, but ultimately Id like to hit 137lbs. I think I weighed that when I was 6 yrs old lol. The guy I had met before surgery didnt last long past the surgery. He quit calling and coming over and it was always some excuse, so I told him I was moving on in an offline note on yahoo, and havent heard anything from him since. I met a new man though..he is a few months older than me..actually closer to a year. Tomorrow morning he is taking me to Lexington to the Ky Horse Park. He calls me after work and later in the night to say goodnite. We chat online for hours. We cam with each other. Hes easy to talk to and I enjoy his company. People are saying how they are noticing, especially in my face, the weight loss. In 2 months Im down 58 lbs. I see that I am able to wear smaller clothes now. I am way more active than I ever was. I can do things, like bending down to pain my toes and put on socks now that I could have NEVER done before my gastric bypass. I mostly eat sugar free popsicles and reduced fat peanutbutter. Im just not hungry. I drink a good 40-60 oz of water a day and take all of my required meds. I started taking potassium pills again because of the water I drink, and I feel more energized for doing so. Im not losing hair, even though I dont get much protein. Im burnt out on the 100% whey protein shakes. I still have issues with some meats. I had some turkey wednesday nite at church's potluck. Didnt throw up the whole time. Im getting to where I dont throw up much anymore, and watch my portion sizes. I dont eat real food yet, because I am just not hungry. I seem to lose about a pound a day now. Its slowed from 10lbs a week, but I dont mind. Im starting to see and feel some saggin skin in my thighs, arms (big time turkey neck wobble) and even around my neck. The best part of all of this is that I no longer have high blood pressure or diabetes. Nor do I have sleep apnea anymore. The fact that my looks are changing is just a byproduct and bonus. I did this because I was dying due to my super morbid obesity. Im the only parent my son, who will be 18 june 4th 2008, knows. No way can I leave him just as his adult life is starting. Thats why I had the surgery. I wanted to live, and now I am doing just that. Thank you God for loving me and those important to me enough to keep me alive.

16 days post-op

Feb 20, 2008

16 days post-op..Had the surgery on tuesday Feb 5th and went home two days later...that sunday I put my binder on and apparently had an infection where in the incision where the stapler had gone in. It ruptured and the most vile smell and drainage came out. Mom was here luckily, so she took me back to Louisville to Suburban Hospital where I had just left to the ER. Dr Geller admitted me, and I ended up staying there until the following Friday on IV antibiotics and a Potassium drip. I was really sick. The staff there were so kind and loving to me. They were just like family. God bless my mom for running her arthritic little legs off going between me, my sister and the new baby, my brother and his kids, and her home. If that woman isnt an angel on earth then I dont know what is. 
I went to my PCP this past Monday and weighed 313 lbs..thats down from the 326 I weighed Friday when I left the hospital (I gained 8 lbs from the infection and fluids I had in the IVs). Two days later, Wednedsay Feb 20, I went to see my diabetes dr. Fakunle, and I weighed 302. I lost 11 lbs from Monday to Wednesday! I put on a top I had in the closet for years that was a size 18/ fit loosely on me! I called mom in disbelief..she laffed cuz I was so thrilled. Last night I made chicked and rice in creme of chicken soup casserole..I ate some because it was extrememly tender and soft..It was good..I had no problem with it. I am going to stick with my soft mushy foods and jello for now though, because I dont want to eat too much and stretch my stomach out. I take some big pills still, like my prenatal vitamins, cymbalta, prilosec, calcium, and the two antibiotics im on for another 10 days. Those fill me up and taste nasty. I am drinking up to 32 oz of water a day. I find Im just not hungry. My wound is still leaking a little, but it's getting better. I am not longer on high blood pressure medicine. I am taking 8units of Lantus at bedtime, as opposed to 50 units am & pm of Humalog 75/25, and am on Humalog sliding scale still of 2 units instead of up to 20 depending on the glucometer level reading. This is amazing to me. I dont know how or where the weight goes..but its going fast. I am still getting tired, and I am nervous about finding work again. Today marks my 1 yr anniversary of Humana firing me. I was denied disability AGAIN! Argh! I figure that now is the time for me to start looking into finding a job so that by next month, I should be all healed up and ready to go. 
My boyfriend, J, said last night that he wants to lose weight. He is going to see his dr. about it. I am glad. I feel guilty though that is it coming so easily for me. If his insurance will pay for the surgery, I wish he would have it. Will have to look into that.. He is super..I havent seen him in over 2 weeks because I was in the hospital and now he has a cold and doesnt want me to catch it. I am scared of looking pretty though. Already it seems like people look at my face when I am in a store and smile at me and speak to me..they never did that before. I am used to hiding behind my fat. Once it is gone where will i hide? Issues...boy im tellin ya lol.


Jan 28, 2008

  250)?250:this.offsetHeight)" _extended="true">  Finally!!! I have been trying to have surgery actively since 2005. I had it all planned out too. I went to the "Get aquainted" seminar only to find that my insurance at that time would not cover the weight loss surgery under any circumstances. My life was over. A few months later, that job ended and I took a job with Humana, Inc. as a Medicare Part D and Pharmacy specialist. That job lasted 117 of my 120 day probationary period because I missed one day too many for a doctor appointment because of my diabetes. My life ended again. 

I am a believer in God. The day I was let go from Humana I thought I had hit rock bottom. Nobody would insure me because of my diabetes and co-morbidities of my morbid obesity. I had no job, no income, and no insurance. 

I immediately went to my local office for Medicaid.  There I signed up for food stamps and Medicaid. I have a son who was 16 at that time, and he was on ADHD medication. I HAD to have my meds also. I was immediately qualified for Passport/Medicaid and foodstamps.

One evening while playing around online, I thought Id look up my Passport medical site and see what coverages I had. Nowhere on the site did it say they did or did not cover gastric bypass surgery for morbid obesity. So I emailed them and asked. I recieved a reply saying that they DID cover it if it was a medical necessity. Boy if this wasnt medically necessary, I dont know what was!! I was ELATED! When a door closes, God opens a window, and this window was my escape from a dying body to a new life!

I spoke with my PCP who said this surgery was necessary for me or I would not live to see the age of 50. I was 42 at the time. Then I contacted a surgeon in my area. Made the necessary appointments with him and began collecting the required paperwork for my insurance's approval. It took a couple of months to get it all together and only two weeks to be approved. The surgeon required me to see a pulmonologist, cardiologist, and have tests done. I did that, and my chest xray came back with a small spot on my left lung. More tests. I was ok'd to go ahead with my surgery. I have a history of a past brain anurism that burst, so I had to see two neurologists for clearance. SNAG...could only get one scheduled the first part of January 2008, and the surgeon wouldnt budge he HAD to have two. So I changed surgeons. That meant sending in my paperword to the insurance to be approved again with the new surgeon. That took one week. We are rolling now...I got my surgery date...February 05, 2008 at 10:00am. As it happens, my 40 yr old sister is having her C-Section the same day at 9:00am at the same hospital as me. When God moves in your life he doesnt halfway do it!!  What a blessing! My family can be in one place for both of us! I did my final labs and chest xray. I went on the two week all liquid diet to shrink my liver being that my BMI is over 50, my liver may be enlarged. Let me say that this is good training for learning to eat less. The 100% whey protein shakes start to taste VERY good after a few days lol. Luckily for me, I am a huge water drinker, and I went all day without eating and ate at night before I started this, so it really wasnt a big change for me. The change for me is going to be eating during the day when I am not used to it. 

Now that my date is 7 days away, I need to get my bag packed, house cleaned, and plans for the boys and the animals. Mom wants me to come to her house for a few days to stay. Dunno bout that lol. I might.

I met this wonderful man last week in the chat room where I hang out Yahoo's BBW 1 room. Ive been in that chat for 12 yrs. This man lives 8 miles from me, so we met at a mutual public place last week. I think it was love at first sight for us both. He is 27 years old..Im 43 but who cares...and he is my height, 5'6 and weighs 400 lbs Id say. He is the sweetest man and says he wants to walk with me when it warms up outside. He is a great support for me, and says he doesnt care what I look like, he cares for who I am. I feel the same for him.

I am all set at this point. I am feeling good and anxious. It's like I am dreaming, and I am to where the prince has found me and is leaning in for the kiss and I will transform into a beautiful thin's finally happening. 

All of the years my son and I have had to suffer and struggle because of my health, and it just being me as the parent, are finally giving way to brighter days.

About Me
Bedford , KY
Surgery Date
Dec 05, 2007
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Back to work...a NEW life
Busy busy busy
2 months out
16 days post-op
