Eleven Hours & Counting

Jun 19, 2007

It's hard to believe that in eleven hours I will be banded. It seems that just yesterday I had my doubts with all the flooding in this area. The water has gone and now everyone is trying to clean up and salvage what they can. It is hard to believe that Trish is gone. I just can't imagine what her family is going through. Her kids were grown and are flying in as I type. I found out today that she was on the phone with her husband when the water overtook her. It's hard to be excited about surgery when there is so much sadness around. I just pray that the Lord will watch over her family during this time and that they can eventually heal.  This has diffinately drawn our church family closer together.

Just 2 days and a Wake Up

Jun 17, 2007

It is hard to believe that on Wed. morning I will be banded. I don't think the nerviousness has sunk in yet. My husband, Jon, is having to work overtime on Tuesday so he won't be there when I go under, unless they are running late. He will be coming straight up there from work. My M-I-L will be spending the night with us for the week to take care of the boys. After Jon hears how everything went, he will come home and take the kids to the sitters so he can go down to sleep. Two of the nurses in recovery are from our church, so I know I will be well cared for. Carolyn from church is going to meet me at the hospital. She has been through WLS before. So she knows what I am about to go through. It is amazing the support that I have received from family and friends, including my employer. They are genuinly excited for me. Just the opportunity to use such a tool to loose weight and get healthy. Getting healthy is my main objective and in order to do that I need to loose weight. The liqiud diet has been going as well as can be expected. Which after being on it for a week, I had lost 7 lbs. when I went for my pre-admission. 

Although, last night I did cheat a little. Jon wanted chinese for Father's day so we went out to eat. Although, I only had about 1/4 of what I would have eaten in the past. But I am still regretting it, the gas, only without the surgery is bad, I can't imagine it after at this point. I did not drink anything prior to going or during and it was about 30 minutes after before I had any water. Needless to say it is nothing but liquids until the doc says otherwise.

The only I have left to do is to go to GNC and pick up some more clear liquid protein. I am hoping that they have the bullets in. I would rather drink 3 oz instead of having to worry about getting all 20 oz of the isopure in during the day especially since he wants me to get in 60++ grams of protein in. They just taste so nasty when they are concentrated. The powders that I have tried are pretty good but it will be a week before I can start those back up. Well, I will keep you posted on the outcome. 

I'm pre-registered!

Jun 14, 2007

I'm registered today. I have lost 7# since starting the liquid diet, so pretty much a pound a day. I can't believe that in 6 days I will be Banded. This month has just flown by.  The liquids are going ok. Today I got a headache, but with vacation bible school this morning, then registering and meeting w/the ansthesia dr. it was about a 6 hr gap in between protein sources or actually anything other than about 8 oz of water I got during snack time this morning.  I think I have everything either together or arranged. 
My M-I-L is coming over the night before surgery because I have to be at the hospital by 5:45 and I just can't see waking up the boys and dragging them down there. My husband is going to take me and then come back after I'm out if the dr and hosp stick to the schedule and take the boys to the sitters by 9 am.  They are going to keep me overnight, so I will be home Thursday. Carolyn, a friend of mine, is going to come up Thurs and stay w/me until they discharge me. She has been a God send through this whole process.

Day 4 ~ Things are looking better

Jun 10, 2007

Well it is day 4 of LD. Things are looking and feeling a lot better. The headache is gone. It now only strikes when I forget to "eat".  I am not used to eating anything till noon, so I have to make myself stop and grab something when I get up. Today was a bit of a self inflicted challenge.  After church, instead of coming straight  home I took the kids thru the drive thru @ McD. I got them their usual and then p-u'd something for my husband.  Man, was it ever tempting. The smell of those fries, but I knew if I had one I would eat them all. So I am proud of myself. I came home and blended me some soup and had lunch w/the boys. 
It is hard to believe that it is only 10 days now. Time is going by quickly. I did measure today. I can't wait for these numbers to change. 
waist-   50"     bust -  57      thighs - 29      calves  - 18
hips  - 65"       knees- 18.25   biceps -  21    neck  - 18   

My neck is as big as my calves. Never would have dreamed that one. But in time that and all those figues will change. 

Day 3 - Exhausted

Jun 09, 2007

Well, this is the start of day 3. I feel totally drained  and my head is throbbing. Caffine withdrawals!  I'm not one for drinking coffee w/o cream & sugar and that is on the no zone. So my tea is out as well. I guess I could get use to drinking it w/o sugar. But for now will do w/o. Did find a couple of protein drinks I like so far. But that will probably change after surgery. Today, we are going to go to a couple of nutrition stores in the area to see if they have any single servings to try. I don't want to buy a bunch and be stuck w/ something I can't or won't use. The kids don't quite understand why mommy is not "eating" with them.  I did drink my meals w/them last night and this morning.  But they are young 2 & 4.  I tried to explain that the drinks were mommies food, but I don't think that worked.  Hopefully, they will accept the changes taking place. I think once they see that mommy is able to do more with them they will either forget this beginning stage or push it to the back of their little minds. I have tried to prepare my oldest, Buddy, for when I go it for the procedure. I seems to get it as much as a 4 yo can. He knows mommy will be gone overnight and it will be at the hospital where he had to go one time. He also knows that when mommy comes home that he can not get on my tummy/lap for a while. But I have been working on that. So hopefully all will go well. The issue is going to be Jonaton, 2 yo, when he is not playing he wants mommy to hold him or as he says, "mommy, I want snwuggle." Each day is a new step in prepping for surgery, whether it is my family or myself. The next few days I will be stocking up for the first couple weeks post-op. 
Last night I went to the store looking for items for the pre-op liquid diet and was amazed at the even w/a list in hand how long and difficult it was finding items that met the requirements.  Especially when it came to the drinks. 
All things will work out. I just have to be patient and work the plan at hand.  

Day 1 ~ Liquids

Jun 07, 2007

My surgery is now set definately for June 20.  I started the Liquid diet today.  So far it is okay.  I didn't "eat" with the family tonight though. I waited til after they were finished. Day 1 down, now I have to go this weekend to find some more protein sources. I hoping that the next 2 wks go by quickly. At least all the weird hormonal cravings are gone for now. My biggest concern is getting all my protein in before/after surgery.  And then being able to take my meds post op. Drs ofc said to take one table every 30 min w/ warm liquid, I'll spend all day taking med. I hope to be able to go off alot of it before or immediately after surgery.  I think that if I still have to have my DM meds, I might see if they will switch me back to insulin. Save my pouch for nutrients, not pills. 
Hope to write more later as the days go by.

Surgery Date - tentative

Jun 02, 2007

June 21, 2007 is the tentative date. I am starting the pre-op diet this week. I'm a little nervous, but more excited than anything.

I'm Approved!!!!

May 31, 2007

I'm Approved!!  Dr. Cernero's  assistant called me today at work and told me she had just rec'd a call from Aetna. They Approved me!!!. Now for the next phase, setting a date and the 2 wk pre-op prep. But I can do it! This is the first step the rest of my new life.

Need to Vent

May 22, 2007

I know how insurance works and their stall tatics, it's frustrating. I called last night (05/22/07) to verify that they had received my info and find out what stage of the process they were at. The lady at the ins. said that according to my acct. that my records were rec'd but sent to the wrong review dept. and that they did not figure it out until the 18th when they sent it to the correct one. So it could take up to 30 days from the 18th instead of when they originally rec'd them in the first review dept. if they had gotten it right. Man, I was trying to be nice to her, but she could tell I was frustrated. But that's what I get for not calling sooner. I also should not have called her after dealing w/ the claims from work. Right now Aetna is not my best friend, but mainly b/c of my work and dealing with them in that situation. I just wish things could be a little simpler. It doesn't have to be all this red tape that they have created. Ins. and the govt. have virtually made it impossible for patients and doctors and receive and give the adequate care that they need. And trying to get ins. to pay for it is getting even more difficult.

The waiting game!

May 18, 2007

All my information has been submitted to insurance. Now I'm in the waiting game. I'm still seeing our local weightloss doctor monthly, so that insurance can't come back and tell us we have to go through that again.  It is helping or its the new migraine meds one. I've lost 18 lbs. during the last 2 months. I work w/ ins. co. every day appealing claims, I know how slow it can be, I am just impatient. My mother-in-law is going to help with what insurance doesn't pay. I ready to do it now.

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About Me
Sherman, TX
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2006
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Friends 14

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50 gone forever!!!!!
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2 month measurements
Update on Life
2 months!!!
Update on Life & WLS
288 and falling
5 days Post op
Thursday, June 21~ 1 day Post OP
Surgery Day June 20, 2007
