Hello everyone!  My story of truly being obese began about 16 years ago.  I messed up my shoulder, and everything attached to it seemed to go haywire.  Several surgeries later (on various things), along with daily migraines/headaches over a three year period, oh and don't forget the major depression, got me to this horrible sedentary point!  Whew!  I have high BP, high Cholesterol, Huge ankles, Arthritis, Sleep apnea, and diabetes, and NO energy whatsoever!  I'm so ready to get rid of these constant companions.

My journey to WLS has been really easy.  My PCP recommended that I talk to my husband and look into the surgery.  I did.  About a month later I began a series of classes for 12 weeks.  I then had all of the blood work, EKG, ultrasound, etc. done.  Found out that I had that  H-Pylori and was treated for that.  I saw some other key people prior to my insurance approval, but once they submitted it to my ins co it went thru without a hitch.  Amazing! I have had my nutritionist, internist, and psych eval and passed them all. I am now scheduled for RNY surgery on 12/02/10.  My surgeon actually gave me a choice of the RNY or the Sleeve.  I REALLY want the sleeve, but I chose the one that would most likely help me to rid myself of diabetes, therefore...RNY.  (My mom suffers from Diabetes. Pills, Insulin shots twice a day, pricking herself 4 times a day, etc.  I don't want that to be my focus in life if I have a choice.)

Am I scared?  Yes!!!!!  Half to death!  But I have a wonderful supportive husband, family and friends.  I have only told a chosen few people.  I'll tell everyone else on an as needed basis after the fact!  Lol!  I'm ready to get back to really living and not just occasionally pretending to live.  I've become a recluse, maintaining my friendships and family relationships via the phone.  That is NOT good.  I have many friends that have had this surgery and their quality of life, and more importantly their health has improved tremendously!  I can't wait to join them!

I realize that there will be many challenges with this new way of life, but there are many challenges with the way that I am now!  Let's take on this new challenge and make it a win win situation!  Good luck to all of you who will be following me on this journey.  The good thing is, is that I don't believe that God has brought me this far to leave me!  Much love to all of us who have had to choose this path.  It is far from the easy way out.  I want to thank everyone on this site for all of their posts!  I'm addicted to this site and have gotten lots of great info here, and am truly looking forward to your support as I cross over to the losers side of living!  Toodles!

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 27, 2010
Member Since

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