One Week

May 24, 2007

One week until my first appointments.  I feel kind of silly being so excited over just the first visits.  But I am ready....more than ready. I want to get moving.  I don't know exactly what steps will need to be taken in my case and I don't deal with the unknown very well.  Want it spelled out.  

I had dinner with the friends I went to Mexico with and we are now talking about going again with our families in December 2008 or January 2009.  I want to be thin when I return!

It's the little things

May 13, 2007

Mother's day is nearly over.  It was just a great day.  Nothing "special" if you were looking in. But my son was home today after coming to church with us and my daughter who has had the stomach flu and strep throat all in one week is finally feeling better.  We just had a great time sitting in the living room with the breeze blowing thru, enjoying talking to each other.  It was a wonderful afternoon.  I talked on the phone to my mom who lives in Florida and my sister who flew down there to surprise her.  

This website is helping me so much.  I return each day to read experiences, learn and continue to get in the mindset of a new me.  The only doubts I have are about the insurance coverage.  MMPC told me not to worry - they handle these things.  But I still do. 

First Appointments Scheduled!

May 08, 2007

I received a call today to schedule my first appointments.  I have my Behaviorist Appointment on 5/31 at 8 am and that same day at 4pm I will have a physical with the Internist.  

I have my first appointment with Dr. Kemmeter on 6/26.  I chose him because I have a friend that works at Spectrum Hospital that told me he is excellent, no complaints and is well liked by the staff. I am a little concerned though that his profile says he has only performed 1 vertical sleeve. hmmm  

The Journey Begins

May 06, 2007

Went to my orientation session yesterday with my husband.  I can tell he is not going to comment on this yet, I think because I have tried so many other times to do something and have failed.  I have tried to explain that this is different.  He came out of the meeting liking what he heard and while I was nervous at the beginning, left KNOWING that this was the right decision for me.  Now on to the fight I know will come with the insurance company.  I know that I have a lot of work to do in myself to even get to the point of having surgery.  

I feel excited!

About Me
May 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 4
One Week
It's the little things
First Appointments Scheduled!
The Journey Begins
