New year & New Me !!!!

Jan 13, 2008

I hope everyone had a great Newyears.... mine was great . I'm thinking this coming year i will be at goal weight and hopefully be physically ok. I went to my dr's appt on thursday and lost  12lbs  which gives me a total  of  37.5 lbs lost  thus far... i also got another fill which was 1cc so a total of 5cc hopefully i can get better results now ....take care until next update......johnathan

My X-mas wish

Dec 11, 2007

Every year around this time, people always reflect on what the newyear will bring and what presents were  received...So here's my thoughts on this...Well for one i would like to be better at blogging...i also would like to be more goal aggressive ...Now before any conclusions are drawn ,let me explain...dec 6/07 had my first fill 4cc no problem....Also i'm down 5lbs more so total of 25lbs since 10/22/07..I feel great ... I walk 2miles daily yet i feel like i should be doing more ....not really sure what...All i know is this tool ..oh what a great tool ..its hard ...hard in the fact your accountable...when you eat something you know you etheir made a good or bad choice...its not like your body will use only part of what you ate and get rid of the rest...No we as banders chose to be accountable...And so this upcoming year i will become Goal aggressive and become a New me for the new year......

What a week

Oct 28, 2007

When I look back and think, that just last Monday, I had surgery, and on Tuesday, I'd be walking 2 miles, I would have thought that someone was nuts. Well, considering that I suffered no complications and have been relatively painfree, I have to give thanks to God. I thought that the liquid diet would actually be harder than it actually is, but then again, my warden would say, that it's taking its toll on me Moreso, her emotional state since she has to put up with my disparate mood swings (these are HER words)

Fat dreams notice more of the small things in life...normally, when you do all the cooking and now your spouse does it, you start to wonder if what they are selecting as food choices and the abundance of it are new methods of torture that they are devising and that "I declare war" has been slammed down on the table. LOL

For example, my wife cooks spaghetti last week, then because I needed to eat chicken broth, I cooked homemade chicken noodle soup but I would eat the strained broth, yet no one would eat enough of the chicken noodle or chicken out of the soup, so I'd have to go in and "see" my creation going to waste....awww...fat dreams or nightmares....all depends upon your outlook or interpretation.

This weekend, the kids wanted pizza, chinese chicken wings, and french fries...My menu: strained egg drop soup and then yesterday's treat, strained clam chowder....while the family indulged in lasagna. :) Definitely, war has begun. I raised enough hell with the wifey last night, that she failed to go to work on the next day. I'm convinced that I'm now sleeping with the enemy....and the kids are now double-agents. Working for whomever pays them their bidding. What they don't realize is that the wifey thinks she's a lone assassin and that she's used to not having her needs met. LOL

Weight loss progress...I've noticed this weekend that I've had an abundance of energy....probably because I'm "sleeping with the enemy" the first note and pay

On Saturday, I walked three miles. On Sunday, I walked five....two during the mid-morning and three during the evening. And I also, had enough spare energy to cut an acre of grass...don't get it twisted...I was riding a mower. Momma didn't raise no fool. LOL

Unofficially, I've lost 12 pounds but I didn't want to report how much I've lost until my 2-week checkup but felt pressured to weigh myself for family and friends who keep asking me how much I've lost. I pretty much feel like the poster child for anyone who might/could be interested in having weight loss surgery...who were naysayers in the beginning when I first considered getting the surgery. Hopefully, this second week on the "losers" side will be just as smooth or much improved.

Quick Update

Oct 24, 2007

Yesterday was pretty much uneventful. Just have a small problem with bloating. Got the warden to buy Mylanta and I hope that it helps. I'm still having trouble sleeping...maybe I should contact my Surgeon? I started my walking regimen; I was surprised that I was able to do 2 miles. I was really  sore afterwards. Today I have been trying to mentally condition myself for this liquid diet. Physically, there s no urge to eat but mentally...I'm having FAT dreams. You know, when you're thinking of all the foods that you SHOULD have eaten B4 the surgery. My wife tells me that this will pass soon and when the weight starts dropping; clothes will be my new addiction. I tried sugar-free creamsicle and it tasted the best after eating jello for so many meals! LOL I walked another 2 miles tonight; I did much better and to help with the soreness, I took a shower. Tried to be careful to not disturb my dermabond stitches. 
Well my two-year old is doing is "Belzebub" impression, so I'm signing off.

Finally home and prayerfully on the losers side

Oct 22, 2007

My journey started this morning about 9 am. Decided that I'd get up and start cutting the grass so the warden wouldn't have to worry about it...LOL By the time I finished, it was 11 am...I had to hurry and shower with hibiclens...the hospital called around noon...asked if I could come earlier because Dr. Enochs was running ahead of schedule...I had to originally be there at 1 pm so there was no point in rushing to Rex when I live in Clayton. I got there at 12:45 pm...they took me back to the first waiting room at 1:10 pm...and administered I.V. fluids, then I went to the second waiting room about 2:00 pm....that's where I spoke with the anesthiolologist (misspelling!) to find out whether or not they wanted to put in an arterial line. They chose not to put one off I went to O.R. number 7. I got to the O.R. at 2:43 pm. Few brief chit-chats with the staff...then it was "lights out". I woke up in the recovery room...don't ask me the time...LOL I woke up to abdominal pain...the equivalent of doing a lot of wasn't unbearable....just annoying. They gave me what I think was morphine...I have 4 incisions held together by really long incision which i didn't think is called and the doc will have a talk about that at my 2-week follow-up...

We ended up leaving the hospital around 5:30 pm. I had to make calls to Pittsburgh (my Mom), Florida (my sis), and New Bern (my mother-in-law) to let them know that I was still alive and to speak. The wifey stopped to CVS to make sure I had my pain meds to carry me thru the night...she helped me with getting comfortable once we got home...

Actually, at the moment, I feel good overall. I feel a little restless...finding that I'm pacing a lot. Not sure if that is the anesthia trying to wear off but I'm just surprised at how little pain that I have. I've always known from my hospital and EMT experience that it is best to walk around as soon as you can to start the recovery process. Maybe this is behind the pacing. The quicker you start moving; the less risk you'll have of developing blood clots. 

I'd like to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts, and other well-wishes. It was much needed and appreciated. I promise to keep everyone posted...especially those of you who will be joining me on the losers' side pretty soon.

Take care, God bless, and Good night...

This is Johnathan...signing off until next time...LOL

A change will come....

Oct 05, 2007

Today i started thinking soon my life will be different...and i just need to embrace this time...and take it all see not being overweight growing was easy ...meeting people was easy...everything was easy .....yet sometimes i was bothered by see the world is based on looks and i hated least being overweight...people have no choice but to like the inner you.....and thats real....and i don't want to lose that .....but when i take this mask off....hopefully friends and family....will still like the inner me .....and not get caught up on the new disguise....


Sep 24, 2007

I recieved a call from the dr's office today.............I'm approved for wls.........i thought i would be more excited.....or scared but i'm not.............maybe still in surgery is scheduled for oct 22nd @ 1:00pm so i guess liquid diet will soon be in my future...........

Trying to stay calm

Sep 20, 2007

I had a dr's appt on tuesday with the WLS surgeon (my results visit), which I think was a little backwards...especially since they had already submitted my application to BCBS of NC, the friday before my visit. At the time of my visit, I found out they submitted the application for a roux-en-y when they knew that I requested to have the lap band. Actually, this doesn't surprise me because during the visit, they tried to convince me to have the roux-en-y instead. Now, in my surgeon's defense, it was the supporting staff that tried to convince me to have the roux-en-y ; not him. Today, I called my insurance to check on the status of my application and was informed that I was denied due to a lack of medically necessary conditions. I then called my doctor's office, and was told that I was denied because insurance was missing qualifying information in the application that was submitted. The office stated that they SHOULD be able to resubmit the application without following the appeal's process.

Enjoy the Moment!!!!

Sep 12, 2007

I woke up this morning ......and realized that this great and sometimes frustrating indeed a blessing ....for which i'm truly greatful.......So with that being said ...........i  hope today my dr's office will get better organized and get the ball rolling........i'm still waiting for my packet to be faxed to wish me luck.!!!!!!!!.

Glad it's football season!!!!!

Sep 10, 2007

Let me start by saying go ....Steelers... to love e'm...i'm still waiting to hear something from my dr's office......lately i've been finding it more difficult to sleep.....maybe due to the pain or it might be nerves...who knows at this point'm originally from Pittsburgh,Pa.....and moved to NC...3 yrs ago
and the fact i still don't really know people a little surprising to me...i use to be so out i'm more of a closed i'm today will be better.......wish me luck...i can really use it......p.s the picture  on my profile was at my dream weight of 220 lbs and i loved it..........hopefully i will get back.......bye for now

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 10
New year & New Me !!!!
My X-mas wish
What a week
Quick Update
Finally home and prayerfully on the losers side
A change will come....
Trying to stay calm
Enjoy the Moment!!!!
Glad it's football season!!!!!
