kylakae 22 years, 2 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#E02B2F">Happy re-Birthday, Keith! Today marks the anniversary of your WLS. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss! I hope your journey has been everything you hoped for and that you are feeling happy and healthy. Please stop by and update your profile and share your reflections on being one year post-op!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Cinna G. 22 years, 2 months ago

Happy ONE year anniversary to you today! I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. Please post to your profile so that others can follow along on this amazing journey. Have an awesome day today.

spacetrace 23 years, 1 month ago

Hi Keith, Glad you made it home safe and sound. The fun part of the journey now begins. I had my surgery 9 months ago and when I look in the mirror I can hardly believe it is me. Take pictures along the way, you will want them in the future.Good luck and if you need support or advice please feel free to email me.

Johanna N. 23 years, 2 months ago

Hi Keith!!!!! YOU ARE HOME!!!!!!!!! I'm SO glad!! Remember what I said - if you need anything just give me a call!!! I'm so glad you made it through surgery and are on your way to a speedy recovery ( I just know it! ) Congratulations & God bless - oh and, you BETTER keep us updated!!! :D

Susan I. 23 years, 2 months ago

Hey Keith! I am a pre-op & just wanted to say congratulations you made it through surgery! Better days are coming. Keep us all posted on your progress. LOL Susan

KMF41701 23 years, 2 months ago

Well here I am back at home and glad to have made it to the "other side". I am sore as all hell and a little beat up but none the less my spirits are still farely high, most importantly I am just glad to be home. The people in the hospital were great but there is nothing like being at home. I look forward to sharing my experiences with all of you in the upcoming days and weeks. Thank you for all of the support you have given me so far, it has definately helped me get to this point today. Keith

Kathy831 23 years, 2 months ago

hi Keith....Congratulations on making it to the ther side!!!!!!! Everyday gets easier and better!!!! I hope to see you at the next support group meeting.

Johanna N. 23 years, 2 months ago

Angel reporting for duty again :) I just spoke to Keith at the hospital and he's doing WONDERFUL!!!!!!! He sounded GREAT!! I have to say, he's soooo nice in email and even nicer on the phone!! He's been walking alot and hasn't had any pain meds since Wednesday!! I told him he's doing better than I did!! He's eager to go home ( tomorrow )and is drinking and walking alot :) Way to go Keith!!! I'm sooo proud of you! Can't wait to meet you in person at the next support group meeting :) Keep in touch!!!!

rose N. 23 years, 2 months ago

Dear Keith, Good luck tomorrow!!! I will say an extra prayer tonight for you and tomorrow as well. I am one week behind (4/23), at Morristown Memorial Hospital in New Jersey. Hang in there. Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Keep us posted. ---- Rose

Patsy B. 23 years, 2 months ago

Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery, Keith... I will be 'crossing over' with you next week...Take care
About Me
Moriches, NY
Nov 19, 2000
Member Since
