Hi everyone! I've been checking out this site for a few weeks now. I have really got encouragement and lots of good info reading in the forums. My story is: I'm 48 years old. I have 4 children grown, married with kids of their own. I also have a 9 YO son still at home and a 7 YO stepson at home. I got remarried in December 2006. I have struggled with weight most of my life. I did lose a little over 100 lbs back in the early 90's. I did very well at maintaining for a good ten years but then stress, hormonal changes, and other  health issues took a toll. I have gained it back plus more.

I know I am still on the low side for this surgery but I honestly can't imagine being able to live long with any more weight. I hurt so much. I have fibromyalgia and the added weight makes an already painful condition worse. I just can't move like I need to in order to keep the pain modified. I also have asthma and I get so out of breath just getting up to answer the phone. It is so hard to keep my house going and to take care of my boys. I feel as if I am cheating them and my husband. I also was diagnosed in 2000 with Cardiomyopathy. I since have been able to stop most of the medicines but my heart rate still beats at least 100 beats per minute at rest. The doctor says with exercise and weight loss it should improve. I'm not looking to have a thin, skin tight body. I'm not 20 -30  years old. My husband had wls surgery in 2000 and the hanging skin that is left is not pretty. The improvement in his health though was remarkable. That is what I am looking for. I want so much to hurt less. To be able to exercise each day to keep some of the fibro pain in check. I want to have a normal heart rate.

I also know this surgery is not instant success. It is not a permanent fix by itself. My husband has not followed the program and has regained quite a bit of weight back. This surgery has to be used as a tool. I feel it is only a quick start. For me it is necessary to enable me to start doing what I NEED TO DO. That is to develop healthy eating and exercise habits in order to live a productive, minimal pain free life. I am hoping to find the support I know I need from some of you that have made the decision to take this journey. Reviewing my life I know I do better when I have support. Some people can do well alone. I like having a walking partner, an exercise partner, etc. I even advertised a few years ago in the paper for a walking partner. I live in the Plainfeld -  Avon area. I actually have a walking trail in my neighborhood. I also have access to a swimming pool in the summer. I just checked into getting a membership at the new LA weight Loss center opening in Avon. I had a lot of success with a water aerobics class in the past. Having a workout partner helps so much. I also can be very supportive. I used to be a weight loss counselor. I am looking forward to someday in the future going back into some type of volunteer work. I will be looking forward to hearing back from some of you.

About Me
Plainfield, IN
Surgery Date
Nov 19, 2008
Member Since

Friends 10
