
Jan 29, 2011

Since I've started school I can't seem to shake any more pounds off - to much stress and quick fast food is the enemy!!  I need to come up with cheap portable foods to take with me on the run!!  I'm still feeling good - Just 18.5 more pounds to get under 200!!  This is my next goal - I will be happy to stay there for quite a while...


Almost at my first goal!!

Nov 04, 2010

12 more pounds and I will be at my first goal of 220!!  I have went down 2 sizes in my pants and comfortably 1 in my top.  Oh, I did have to by a smaller bra too!  I'm trying to keep my shopping to a minimum and may consider Thrift shops or Consignments before all is over with.  I love running into people I haven't seen for a while - They just can't get over how 53 lbs gone looks on me.  I honestly have about 65-70 more to go; but I know it will come.  I'm hoping to start exercising soon - I just feel so wore out after going to school, driving an hour and a half home and then working on some of those days as well.....Whew!!!

A few days past 2 months post-op

Aug 17, 2010

So I'm down 35 lbs!  Averaging about 1.5 to 2lbs per week.  I am pretty much eating what I want.  I haven't started exercising.  However, I did start a 2nd job which has me on my feet and walking quite a bit more than my day job.  I'm loving my sleeve!!  I want it to happen faster but I know slow and steady is the way to go.  I think I might try and incorporate more exercise with a Wii dance game.  Looking for suggestions...

1 month post-op!!

Jul 14, 2010

So I'm 27lbs down from my pre-op diet.  Yesterday's post was made in frustration & I now saw another 1lb lost this morning.  I believe my body is back on track!

Finally 2lbs down...?

Jul 13, 2010

So Mother Nature has now decided to visit me two times this month.  Before that it had been over 9months.  Only down 2lbs in last 3wks.  Hopefully she leaves very soon and the pounds will follow more quickly.  :(

The dreaded stall - 3wks post op!!

Jul 03, 2010

So I haven't lost 1lb all week!  When reading others posts, this is supposed to be normal.  The body has been starving and needs time to settle...  I sure hope my body catches up soon.  I can't take this much longer.  I honestly feel as if I will burst into tears any day over it!!

Had some Mashed Potatoes!!

Jun 27, 2010

Yum Yum - I could only eat about 5 teaspoons!  But it sure feels good to have something besides soup - Yay!!!

It's official - I'm a Loser!

Jun 19, 2010

I'm actually feeling pretty good!  I'm just don't have alot of energy.  Dr. Almanza's group was great.  They really took care of me at the recovery house!  I am so thankful to my friend Christy whom endured this experience with me like an angel.  I can't wait to be on mushies!!!!!

5 Days until my new life begins!!

Jun 09, 2010

It feels sooo good to type those words!  I'm a little nervous but mostly excited right now.  The only thing I regret now is not starting my pre-op diet earlier.  My surgeon only gave me a 5 day pre-op.  However, I have been reading how some people started earlier because they wanted to - or their surgeon suggested for them to.  I gorged myself the last month knowing I was having surgery and put on an extra 10 pounds.  This is just ridiculous!!  Like I was really going to miss out on the stomach discomfort I had every other night or the hearburn from the McDonald's Super Sweet Tea I got everyday for lunch!  Boy do I have some soul searching to do.  I HAVE TO FOCUS ON WHERE I WANT TO BE IN MY LIFE AND WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO OBTAIN THIS!!


Officially 10 days away!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 03, 2010

I start my liquid diet soon & pray that I am strong through this!!  My nervousness has went away for now...  I'm just worrying about having everything ready for when I get back home; reservations confirmed, international calling turned on for my cell, phone numbers documented for my traveling partner to call my family, supplies I can fit into my carry-on, etc...
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About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2010
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