The changes

Aug 29, 2009

What a few changes we have had in the last year. We moved from  the big city to the country. Literally moved from downtown Minneapolis to a farm house.
We now have chickens and a large garden. We are going organic and I feel like Laura Ingalls.

I have been maintaning my weight and in fact since Jan have lost 10lbs that I wasn't even trying to lose.
Now if I could get surgery to remove the excess skin....

Life is Good!

Apr 08, 2007

Well the title says it all. Life is very good right now. Baby is wonderful and growing like a weed. =-]  A lady at my church just had a baby that weighed EXACTLY the same as Trinity when she was born. 
As I was holding him, I couldn't believe that she weighed that little only 3 months earlier. 
Until now I never really understood when parents say they grow up fast, but now I do. I thought I'd NEVER forget how small she was, but here it is 3 months later and I have "forgotten".  She is such a precious thing.  
I've never really been a fearful person before, but now I find myself thinking of all the horrible things that could happen to my daughter. Last night she threw up. She didn't seem distressed about it at all, but this morning as I was waking up and she wasn't awake yet, I found myself worried that she had died in the night.  I worry about SIDs, especially since she won't sleep through the night without lying on her stomach.  She is so precious to me that I can't imagine anything happening to her.  It was silly, she was just fine this morning, but I still can't help but think how I would be devastated if anything happened.


Aw the worries of parenthood. J  Both a good thing and a horrible thing.  Daddy is more protective than me, but in different areas like bad people. I’m sure it never occurred to him that she might be dead in the crib like I worry about.  So I guess between us, we have everything covered to be worried about. 

Maternity Leave is Over

Feb 19, 2007

Post Date: 2/19/07 7:46 am

I'm a little sad today.

Trinity has just started smiling and "talking" in the mornings and now I HAVE to go back to work.  I miss her sounds and holding her in my arms.

I have surrounded myself with pictures of her, but you know it just isn't the same. 

She has been such a wonderful baby. It softens my heart to see daddy holding his baby girl. She has such a wonderful smile. The first time she smiled at me was amazing. I had left her eye sight and when I came back she looked at me and then gave a BIG opened mouth smile.  She recognized me!  It wasn't what I said or did; it was that she knew who I was. 

If I didn’t have an interview today I would leave early just so I could get home and hold her.  Aw the weird pains we have as parents that you never think of. I don’t know had fathers have done it over the generations.

Lost baby weight and more!!!

Jan 21, 2007

So I weighed 212 or 209 (I can't remember) when I got pregnant. I was wearing a size 14, which I haven't worn since high school. I was happy with that and if I didn't lose anymore weight I was fine with that, though I really did want to drop below 200, just because that # sucks!!

I knew I wasn't really gaining any weight while I was pregnant because my top weight was 214. When I left the hospital after delivery I was 205. I was so excited to weigh less than my prepregnacy weight.

Wed at the doc's office I weighed myself again and I now weigh 198!!!!!!

I AM BELOW 200!!! I was happy where I was before, but this is better!
I can't wait to go clothes shopping after my belly tones up some more, after all it has only been 2 weeks since I delivered.

The nice thing is that all the weird changes my pouch went through from being pregnant... well everything is back to normal.
I don't want to eat everything under the sun anymore, I can't eat unlimited sugar anymore and it is certainly back to its pre-pregnancy size since I'm eating less and filling up.


Jan 10, 2007

I have to document our story. We went in at 12:30 on 1/7/07 for cervix gel. This was done because they were going to induce me on Monday and they have to get the cervix ready. By 3:30 I was having really obvious contractions so was pretty sure I wouldn't need to be induced. I was starting to think she might not even wait till Monday. 

They want you to return 6 hours later to reapply gel if the first application didn't worked. I went back @ 6:30 and told the nurse that I was having pretty consistent contractions and I was sure that I didn’t need to have a 2nd application. She agreed and on the monitor I was having contractions every 2 mins. They weren’t very strong and I was only dilated to 3 so I decided to go home since we only live like 2 miles from the hospital.

Daryl and I had decided we were going to try and stay home as long as possible so that when we were at the hospital it would go faster... little did we know... My mother was driving in from WI too so I wanted to have her come with us so that she didn’t get lost. At about 9:15pm the pain was getting pretty good, so we called mom to see where she was. She was past St. Paul, so I decided to wait for her since she was close. She got here we left at was parking the van at about 9:45 pm. 

By this time the contractions weren’t any closer (still 2 min apart), but they were getting REALLY strong and I was having really bad labor pain in my thighs. Daryl would rub them really hard for me and that helped A LOT of course on the drive he couldn’t do it so I was well aware of how much pain there was and how they were getting stronger. 

We walked up to the assessment area (with one quick stop at the bathroom). I laid down while they hooked me up and for a couple contractions they got significantly less painful and I thought ok, I'm going to be here for a while. We checked in, the machine wasn’t even on yet to test contractions since it was obvious I wasn’t going to be going home anytime soon and that I was “assessed to stay”. 

The nurse checked my cervix and I was at 6 cm. She went and got the wheel chair, rolled me down the hall to my room. I sat on the edge of the bed when another contraction hit and it hit me HARD and my water broke. Nurse says page her doctor, I don’t think it is going to take very long and get a resident too in case the doctor doesn’t make it. [My water breaking was pretty weird feeling. I felt like a water balloon breaking inside and then thought to myself, I can feel her head.]

The resident was walking by, heard they needed her and walked in. Then the nurse says we need you to lay back so we can check you again. I said I don’t know if I can move. The last contraction was so strong that I was gripping the edge of the bed and couldn’t relax enough to lay down or move at all. Then the next contraction hit, I said “She’s coming...” The nurse believed me, she and the other nurse grabbed my legs for me, lifted them up and twisted me to get on the bed and baby was crowning. And her head came out before anyone knew what was happening and the resident sat down in front of me, the 2 nurses grabbed my legs told me they needed to deliver the shoulders and I gave a tiny push, but it hurt so bad I didn’t really do anything, she just came flying out. 

I went from 6 cm to 10 cm in less than 5 minutes!! I didn’t even know that was possible. She was very red and cried until she got to nurse and she is still nursing like a champ. She was born 1/7 @ 10:12 pm. Weighing in at 7lbs 4ozs and 21 inches long. She is beautiful and there are pictures in my profile. Sorry this was so long but I just had to share the whole story and nothing but the whole story.

When will Baby Arrive?

Jan 01, 2007

I feel like I should be taking bets.  Baby is due today and of course she doesn't seem to be showing any signs of coming out and greeting the world.  My husband keeps teasing me that I can't do anything simple like "Delivery a baby".  

Well I guess I got my wish since I said I wanted her to wait till after Christmas. My parents are waiting, my in-laws are waiting, and my friends are waiting.  I can't call anyone, because they all ask the same thing... "Did you have the baby?"  Oh well. 

Weight gain has been pretty much nonexistence; I have only gained a total of like 7lbs.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to weigh less walking out than I did at conception, so that is pretty cool. Now we will see if I can keep it off.  I would be at my goal weight and size so that is exciting too. 

Dec 20th.... less than 2 weeks away

Dec 19, 2006

Well I'm less than 2 weeks from my due date. 

The pregnancy was fairly easy till the last month. I slipped and fell and some how pulled multiple muscles in my left hip and groin area. Like I'm not going to need those muscles when I deliver. :-)

Oh well, I'll have stories to tell her when she is pregnant with her own child.  

The weight as still continued to come off me, which is funny. I'm just transferring my weight into the baby, so the scale really hasn't moved. In the last month and 1/2 I've gained 3lbs, but my belly is bigger and the baby is bigger.  

We are so excited and I'm so glad I didn't delay on getting weight loss surgery. I can't imagine having an additional 100lbs on my frame and being pregnant. 

Oct. 16th 2006

Oct 16, 2006

I'm 29 weeks today with 77 days to go.
So far NO complications at all with the WLS and pregnancy.  In fact, I am doing a FIRST... losing weight and gaining it at the same time. :-D

I've gone up 3 pounds, but my hands have gotten skinnier again and my face is thinner. I'm kind of hoping that I can weigh less leaving the hospital than I did before pregnancy. I know, probably not going to happen, but you never know.

So far so good, both of us getting enough nutrition. But I have developed a chocolate habit that I know is going to bite me in the butt if I don't control it after the baby.  I know I'm not eating like I would have before surgery, but it sure is a lot more than before pregnancy. 

The story so far....

Oct 16, 2006

2/2005 - Well I waited and waited. And for many years I thought that if I had surgery, I was failing. Taking the easy way out and the scary way out. Now after 5 years of being overweight, hurting all the time and not being able to move like I want, I'm having surgery.
The deciding factor for me, was my great friend Lara. She had it done and it has been such a positive experience. I watched as she lost weight and gained energy. Now today if you held up before and after photos, you wouldn't even know it was the same person.
So now here I am, going under the knife on St. Patrick's Day.
I'm so excited to begin this new phase in my life. I'm excited to share the skinner and more active me with my husband.

3/19/2005 - Well the first surgery didn't go as smoothly as planned. I had the bypass surgery on the Thursday the 17th. After surgery I felt pretty good. It was a Lap procedure and I was up and about in the early evening. By night time I knew something wasn't right. I was so sick and running a fever.
The next day they ran a couple tests, but didn't find the problem. Figured they would wait and see if it was just post surgery stuff.
Well Friday night my heart was racing so bad they wouldn't let me leave the bed. If I lifted my arm, my pulse would jump from 125 to 140.
Saturday morning, I work up feeling even worse. So they did a CAT Scan of the belly and found that my intestine was twisted and distended. So off to surgery I went. It was supposed to be simple and they were gonna use the same Lap incisions as before.
I woke up 2hrs later with a 5" horizontal incision. They were worried that the bowl was so distended that if they punctured it, it would cause a belly infection. So I was in the hosipital recovering till Wed the 23rd. One week in the hospital.
One surgeon said that what happened to me was rare and that it had only happened to 5 other people. So I decided that was the end of my run as a statistic.

4/11/2005 Well I've lost 27 lbs. I don't even know if that is good or not. I lost 20 of it in the first week. Granted I was on an IV for most of the first week, but it seems like I should have lost more weight then 7lbs in the next two weeks. Two more days and I see my surgeon for the 3 week follow up.

4/13/2005 Doc says I'm doing great. My incision is healing nicely and she is suprised at how well I'm moving. I'm eating more then I was, but she says that is normal too.
Last night I noticed my feet were skinny and all the puffy/swollen look to my legs that I've had for years was gone. My husband is calling me "Skinny Feet" now. Finally I can see some of the weight lose.

4/18/2005 Well I've learned that fat is not my friend. I tried to eat a hotdog, only had half of one. Dumping is NOT fun. I have no problem with sugar or dairy or tomatoes. So far the most problematic is fat. Too much butter or greasy is not my friend either. But I'm excited, I'm fully past the liquid diet and eating good meals. I'm ready for my salmon.

6/24/2005 Well I finally got to go shopping for new clothes and I'm down 3 sizes. Froma 26 to a 20. I'm so excited, but then you starting doing the wondering game, am I losing enough, am I doing ok? Should I be thinner by now. Amazing how these thoughts enter my head. To go from extreme happiness at the lose, to doubting myself. God bless my husband who has been so suportive and wonderful. He is alwasy teasing me about my skinny butt (which is FAR from being skinny yet) to my tiny feet (I wear size 10). I don't know if I could do this without him.
I hope to be at goal by next March so I can start thinking about children. Starting to get to old to wait too much longer.
I'm so excited for next summer when I think about being at goal by then. Wow, maybe I'll get a two piece?!?

Well over a year out and I feel GREAT!! I've lost 125lbs. I'm at 200lbs, which is overweight, but I don't feel over weight. I need to lose weight in my legs, but if I don't lose one more pound I'll be happy. I am now wearing a size 16 and sometimes a 14 depending on the style. I was in GREAT shape in highschool and the size I wore then was a 14. Of course I weighted 50lbs lighter, but I'm 33 and not 16 so I'm not going to compare myself to an unreachable goal.

I can lose or not and either way I'm so happy. My husband always thought I was sexy and he still does. He can wrap both arms around me when hugging and I just can't ask for much more.
Just found out I am pregnant, 6 weeks. I am trusting God that everything will work out.

The weird thing... I have a pink suit that I bought when I was 16. I was in the best shape of my life. I weighed 155 (though I was very compact and everyone guessed 125). I have kept that suit with me for years (I'm 34 now). I decided to try it on, see if it fit. It FITS!! It is amazing. Now how come I way 45lbs more than I did in HS, but can wear the same size? Even my surgeon thought that was a little strange. I know that our bones are stronger, so weigh more, but still -- 45lbs... I am 25lbs from the goal that I gave myself 175, but I feel great, I look great. If I don't lose one more pound I'll be happy. I guess I made it to my goal size if not my goal weight.

18 Weeks pregnant and feeling GREAT!! I have lost weight too. I have gone down to 194. My legs are skinner, my hands too. I lost weight in some of those lingering pockets of fat. Funny that I had to get pregnant for that to happen.

It is a good thing that I didn't buy more clothes. I was starting to fit in size 14s. I'm not bigger except in my tummy and I can still wear my clothes. Don't have to buy materinity clothes just yet. Hate to buy clothes that I can't wear for very long.

Baby is doing good, hoping to find out the sex on Aug 14th with my level 2 ultrasound. It will be nice to know. Having trouble with boy names. Have the girl named picked out. Boy names seems to be much harder.

My husband wants a girl SO bad. I don't have a preference either way, but I don't want him to be dissappointed if it is a boy. My parents are beside themselves. First grandchild!!! My dad, the garage sale shopper, is already buying stuff and my mom keeps having to reel him in. :-D It is really sweet.

August 14th - WE ARE HAVING A LITTLE GIRL!!! Her name is Trinity Ann. My DH is sooooo happy, he is just beaming. My parents are beside themselves with excitement. This will be the first grandchild. My brother went out and bought a cute little girl outfit and a talking Winnie-the-Pooh. The whole family is excited.

Sept 11th - Well the pregnancy goes well. Have to take blood thinner shots twice a day, which totally suck. I take them "just in case". They burn really bad which I why I don't like them. Have the baby's room started. Going to have a garden/butterfly theme. Butterflies have a special place in our marriage, so it just seemed right to have them in the baby's room. Making curtains that will match the ones I made for our bedroom. Lots of paintings on the wall and LOTs of color.

I'm getting so excited for this precious little girl.

November 11th, 2006
Soon, very soon she will be here.  The baby's room is ready and we pick up the furniture on Dec. 1st. The only thing left will be her arrival.  
It has been a little weird with having WLS and being pregnant. There really is no different treatment then someone who didn't have WLS, but I find myself losing weight while I gain weight. I have had to get smaller rings twice now because my hands got smaller.
I see that my leg skin is sagger, something I may not have noticed, but hubby took a picture of me from behind in my undies and boy that saggy skin. :-(
My face is thinner than when I first found out I was pregnant.  I might actually weigh less after birth than I did at conception.  
Yet it is still unpleasant to see my weight go up.  Maybe it is because the scale goes over 200 and 200 anything just seems horrible fat.  Silly since the lowest I got was 192. It isn't like 8 lbs are that much difference, but when it went back above 200 and I had to tell myself over and over that it wasn't a bad thing.  
I'm curious, will I be able keep this weight lose or will I gain it back. I've gotten some very bad habits while being pregnant. Eating more, eating chocolate and other bad things. I have also tried VERY HARD to get in my protein, but I'm still afraid that I will keep these bad habits after pregnancy.  I guess time and will power and God's help will only tell.

About Me
Minneapolis, MN
Surgery Date
Feb 28, 2005
Member Since

Friends 26

Latest Blog 9
Life is Good!
Maternity Leave is Over
Lost baby weight and more!!!
When will Baby Arrive?
Dec 20th.... less than 2 weeks away
Oct. 16th 2006
The story so far....
