5 days out of surgery

Apr 07, 2008

It's been 5 days since my RnY ... I feel pretty good actually.  I haven't taken any pain meds since yesterday.  My biggest complaint is that I am having a hard time getting water down - cold or room temp.  Chicken broth is tasting & sitting the best.  When I came home my core/trunk muscles were so sore, but that has gotten better everyday.  Getting up & down from the chair or bed still is rather comical, but will continue to improve. 

3 More Days!

Mar 31, 2008

Just 3 more days!  I'm not sleeping well & have been doing crazy stuff like scrubbing the floor on my hands & knees!  Just trying to work out some of that nervous energy. 

4 weeks to go!

Mar 05, 2008

Tomorrow I'll be just 4 weeks from my surgery.  I'm starting to have some anxiety about how I'll get everything done, but overall ... I'M SO EXCITED!

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 01, 2006
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 3
5 days out of surgery
3 More Days!
4 weeks to go!
