I guess my story started when I was little. I have never been the skinny girl in class. Big boned was more like it. I played sports so my body was great for that. I could fit into regular size clothes but on the big end of the size. I was fine with that. Then when I was 20 I had my Daughter, Maddie. When she was about 6 months old I had started loosing weight. I lost 35lbs in 1 month. I though this was great. Finally the baby fat was coming off. Then I noticed I ate all the time, couldn't sleep, very moody, like I was going to have a nervouse break down. I went to the Dr and found out my thyroid was all out of whack! By that time I had lost 80lbs. Making me the smallest I had ever been. 150 lbs. I loved it. Shopping was a blast. For the first time in my life I was finally happy with my body. Then in Feb 2004 I found out I was pregnant. We were so excited. We were having a little boy. I wan't worried about loosing the weight because it came off so fast the first time. But then when our son was 6 months old I found out I was pregnant, again. What a shock. I was on birth control pills and we only wanted 2 kids. So as things calm dowm we got excited over the upcoming birth of our baby girl. I had not lost the baby weight from the last pregnancy and I begain to add on the weight with this one. Reaching 240lbs at the end. I couldn't believe it. "Oh well it will come off" I thought to my self. I started back to work not worring about my weight. about 5 months later I had lost 20lbs. So I thought that was ok, not as fast as I'd like but ok. I finally got down to 210lbs and it was a stand still. And now I have gone back up to 230lbs. I am tired of wearing my maternity clothes eveny though my baby is over a year old. I have been exercising and watching what I eat but nothing yet. So my Dr had referred me to Dr. Boone. I have my seminar on June 2 and we will take it from there.

About Me
Dec 20, 2006
Member Since
