Jul 18, 2011

Its been a while... but im back.. going to try to get "back on the wagon" and "in the loop" =)

11 weeks out

Dec 11, 2007

Well here I am 11 weeks out! and down 20lbs. I got my second fill last week, the first one didn't seem to make much of a differance. However this one seems to be helping a bit! I'm tryin to get used to my new limitations, I find it hard for me to not finish the food on my plate, even if I am "full". It's like i don't want to waste food, or something silly like that. I have started using smaller plates at dinner, my portions sizes are about the same as my 3yr old daughter, which is strange too! Learning to chew and eat slow are something im still feeling out. Doing better everyday, but I still have my struggles! 
I have found myself wishing I went for gastric bypass a few times, and then my reality sets in and I continus to be happy with my choice. At times I feel like I am going to fail at this and it wont work for me. Losing weight slowly is obviously the more healthy option and on the other hand the more frusterating option! But I know I did the right thing for me. I look forward to the future. And have actually set a physical fitness goal for myself... OMG I am going public with it... now I have to follow though.. in 2009 I want to run/walk the Mt. Marathon race in my hometown Seward Alaska! whoo hoo... here i come gym!

4 days out!!

Sep 28, 2007

Untill today I was feeling fairly well. The hospital stay came and went just as surgery did! No big deal at all, thanks to the morphine! Today is day 4 and I woke up feeling sick to my stomach, ugh. No fun. The thought of food makes me want to vomit! I called my Dr. office and they called in a scrip for phenergan suppositories.. whoo ooh! I knew I was going to get to know myself better though this process, but I didn't think it would mean from the bottom up! ugh... I have lost 6 lbs already, so it is payin off! I just want to be normal... not sick and eating real food this full liquid crap isn't hitting the spot.. ttyl

tomorrow is the BIG day!

Sep 23, 2007

Whoa. It is finally here! I can't believe it. I'm becoming nervous about this new chapter in my life. I just want to be 3 months out and back to "normal". The getting to know my lititations sounds scary to me. I'll do everything I can to be a good girl and do as my Dr says, but I'm sure I will have to learn the hard way that some things! Wow.... my new life.. it sounds so refreshing!! YEAHH... Good luck to all you september 24thers too.. I can't wait to comapre stories! 

Surgery date changed!

Sep 18, 2007

I want to thank those of you who have sent me good luck comments. However, surgery has been moved back to the 24th in sted of the 17th of sept 2007! A few more hoop to jump through, as my Dr realized I had not completed all the pre op things I needed to have done. (His fault not mine) Trust me if he had given me the orders I would have done what ever he wanted me to do. Anyways, now I had to change my vacation time at work. I am begining to think "is this really gunna happen"? hum..

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 04, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 5
11 weeks out
4 days out!!
tomorrow is the BIG day!
Surgery date changed!
