
Oct 23, 2009

What a sweet little word.  I hit 140lbs last week and for my height that put me in the "normal" category with a BMI of 24.9.  Since then I have lost another 3lbs with a BMI of 24.3.  Who would have ever thought.....

I remember getting down to 170lbs and thinking that if I never lost another pound I would be happy.  Then it was 160, 150, and once I hit my original goal of 149 I was ecstatic.  Then the little devil popped his head up and said - you are still considered "overweight".  Well, I had come to far to let that happen.  So I reset the goal to hit 140 which is the upper limit for my height (5'3).  Since then I really have watched calories, protein and liquid and it just worked.  I would like to stay securely in the 130's but not any less than that.  In looking back at pictures from 24 years ago when I weighed 125lbs I was very thin with lots of bones showing - not so attractive.

I am just so excited to be where I am and that I have the most awesome group of people around me who support me and give me the praise when I need it.  I know that they will always be honest with me and when they say "enough" it really means "enough".

God bless Dr. Lord in knowing how to give us the tool needed to succeed.

Good luck to all!


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Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2006
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What a day...
It worked
Another Stall
