8 weeks out!

Feb 25, 2009

 Life has been good!  I got in to my size 16 pants this week!  What a wonderful thing!  I haven't been watching the scale as closely, but the crazy way my clothes are hanging on me is a great feeling.  I am weeding out the closet--getting rid of things I have held on forever.  Never before have I felt so confident in removing these big sizes and not keeping them for a later date when I might need them!

Activity level has been busy.  I have been meeting my friend Steve over the course of the process for various recreations.  We started out swimming, then working out in the gym at his complex.  Now, we are playing tennis a few times a week running around chasing balls!  I am riding my bicycle with my 8 year old daughter and it is a blast!  She wants to play tennis too.  Spring break will soon be upon us and I would sure like to go on a cruise and try out my bod!

I am a teacher and right now Florida is in big trouble with finances.  We are having a huge rally this Saturday and hope to have a great turnout.  It will be fun to attend to be part of such a process.  We need people to rally behind education and make sure our students get the funding they deserve.

Since August, I think I am down about 65 pounds.  People have been telling me good job all week.  Another teacher just brought me a big bag of size 16 clothes!!!  Yea!  I can't wait to try them on to see what I will be wearing tomorrow!  One thing I have learned--clothes are not lasting too long, so don't spend too much on anything right now.  I would love to buy a new bathing suit though!  It is one thing I use a lot.  Even when I was 300 pounds, living at the beach, I have always been a swimmer.  I look a lot different now though!  Come Springbreak--another month--I could be wearing a 14!! How small will I actually get???  I still have about 75 pounds I want to lose----what a concept to be a size 8!?!?!?  Could it happen????  Stay tuned...

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New Smyrna Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 21, 2008
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