Feb 03, 2009

WOW!  Time flies!  I am one year out already and down 103#!!!  The weight loss has really slowed down but I feel good and all my blood work looks great.  It's amazing how much easier it is to do things now.  It is so strange to sit in auditorium seats and not be squished or touching the person next to me.  It is amazing to hold my 3 1/2 year old and not feel like I am going to drop her!  It feels great to go up 2 flights of stairs to my office and not even be winded!  I LOVE WLS!  I saw my dr. last week and she said that to get to my goal weight I have 50 more pounds to lose.  She said they will come off slowly (I already know that) but if I keep up with my current habits I should be able to do it over the next year.  We'll see how it goes!  I am still going to Curves 3X/week and have now started to do a Walk at Home DVD 2-3X/week which I really enjoy.  I'm hoping the extra exercise will help the pounds come off.

I better get back to cleaning the house.  Just thought I better do a quick update since I am now officially 1 year out!


Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

Oct 16, 2008

WOW!  I finally hit the 90# lost mark.  I was at a plateau for a good 4 weeks!  I had my yearly physical done the end of September and had bloodwork drawn.  The results are so amazing I have to share them here:

   Pre-Op                        8 Months post-op                Normal Range
(01/04/08)                       (10/01/08)
252                                     155                                      100-200
LDL (Bad Cholesterol)
154                                     82                                         66-100
HDL (Good Cholesterol)
58                                        55                                        >55
200                                      91                                        50-150

This is amazing and one of the reasons why I did Gastric Bypass.  I always struggled with my cholesterol and triglycerides and they are now perfect - only 8 months after having surgery!  AMAZING!  No wonder I feel so good!  The weight is going off much slower and I have to exercise a lot more but the results are worth it!  I know I've said it before but I really need to get new pictures up here!  I hate looking at my double chin in the picture I have on here!  Hopefully this weekend.

I am in a size 20 pant and XL shirt.  The 20s are getting loose on me.  When my husband and I were out one night I was telling some friends that I'm wearing a size XL shirt and my husband told me to quit telling everyone that I wear an XL and I said, Why?  I'm proud since I used to wear a size 3X!  He didn't realize that and said "oh now I know why you are telling everyone"!!  Men!  My 10 and 12 year old daughters are even commenting how small my but is getting!  WLS is great!

7 1/2 Months out - Down 84 Pounds!

Sep 04, 2008

WOW!  Summer is unofficially over and my kids are back in school!  YIPEE!  Life is so much easier when we are on a schedule.  My eating has not been the best with so much going on this summer, so this is a welcome change for me!  I didn't realize how a lot of restaurants do not have stuff that is easier for us post-opers to eat!  I love Crystal Lite iced tea or any sugar-free iced tea and most places don't have that.  I tried eating some roast beef at a restaurant and it did not go well.  Nothing really bad but I didn't get much lunch that day.  Thank goodness I had a protein bar along.  Also, the ice cream shops don't have anything sugar-free either.  So I drink water.  I need to remember to bring along my little Crystal Lite one-serving thingys to put in water.  I also ate some caramel puff corn that we had bought at a store and boy did my pouch not like that 12 hours later!  Nothing like being woke up by a tummy (pouch) ache!

I have to seriously get some updated pictures on here.  I look at the one I have posted and can't stand the double chin!  I am down 84 pounds and lovin' it!  It is actually fun to exercise now!  I still go to Curves 3X/week and now I have been out walking as well.  I love fall and it is easier for me to get out and walk when it's not so hot.  I realized I didn't have any fall type clothes to wear so I went to K-Mart yesterday and bought a few tops and pants.  I figure K-Mart clothes are good enough for now since I go through them so fast.

Overall, things are going well and the weight is coming off slower but I'm finding it easier to exercise more so maybe that will help the weight come off faster.

6 Months Already!!

Jul 17, 2008

WOW!  It's been 6 months since my surgery and I am down 75 pounds!  I have been at 75 pounds for a few weeks now.  There has been so much going on this summer and I haven't been watching my eating real closely.  That's the bad part about being able to eat anything.  But, at least I am not eating as much as I used too.  I still continue to go to Curves 3 times a week and now my husband and I have been walking 3 or more nights per week.  It feels so good to go on a good brisk walk!  I have noticed that my skin is getting pretty flabby but it is so fun to buy new shorts that are 2 sizes smaller.  Since I am at 6 months I will have to get some pictures taken and added here.

5 Months out & down 71 pounds!!

Jun 19, 2008

Again, it's hard to believe it's been 5 months since my surgery.  I have never lost this much weight in my life!  I'm feeling good and enjoying exercising at Curves, walking and playing more with my daughters!  I went through all my "big" clothes and brought them to a consignment shop.  It felt so good to get rid of them!  Good riddance and I will never be that size again!  Hopefully next month I will have new pictures on here.  I haven't had any taken for quite some time.

4 Months & 1 Week Out - Down 65#

May 29, 2008

WOW!  Time is going so fast!  I love WLS!!  I feel so good and have much more energy now that I am down 65#!  I have gotten more done in the last 2 months than I ever have before!  I have the eating down and try to eat a lot of protien.  The only time I have trouble is when I eat too fast which I have done a few times lately as I seem to be rushed.  My hunger is starting to come back now and I can eat almost anything so I have to be careful and make sure I fill up on things that are good for me.  Otherwise not much else has changed.  I have my 6 months check-up the end of July and they will do some blood work then.  I'm anxious to see how my cholesterol and other stuff is doing.  I feel great so I'm assuming everything is in the right range.

2 Months out - Down 44 Pounds!

Apr 01, 2008

Last Thursday was my 2 month anniversary!  Hard to believe that it's been 2 months already.  I am feeling pretty good although I am still tired by the time evening comes around.  I'm hoping that when (if) it warms up outside I can get out and walk some.  I've been losing about 2 pounds per week.  It seems like I am hardly eating anything and I'm still working out at Curves 3 time a week so it seems like I should be losing more than 2 pounds a week.  Oh well, at least I'm losing!  Everyone says better to lose slowly and keep it off than fast and gain it back.  I have had fewer episodes of throwing up from eating too fast.  I think I am finally slowing down when I eat.  I usually can get my water in but struggle some days with protein.  Between trying to get all the vitamins down and water drank some days I'm not hungry for more protein!  I even did well over Easter!  I cooked and had to remind my guests to let me know when they are hungry cuz I'm not!  That was a different feeling!  I have 2 month pictures to post but just need to find time to do it!  I'm surprised that more people haven't noticed that I have lost nearly 45 pounds!  I feel so much better and I guess I just expected people to notice as 45 pounds is a lot to lose!  Oh well, eventually I will have some "WOW" moments!  I guess people see mee too often and can't tell the difference.

03/06/2008 - 5 Weeks out - Lost 6 pounds this week!

Mar 06, 2008

So, Thursday is my day to weigh in (I have to limit myself as the dietician said I was obsessed with weighing-and I agree with her) and I lost 6 pounds this week!  YIPEE!  

I got my "friend" yesterday and was feeling so miserable so I think I lost a lot of water weight from the bloating from that.  I also haven't been able to eat or drink much this week and was going to call the dr. today to see if I could get checked to see if my opening was strictured down but I started feeling better and actually ate almost a cup of chili at lunch time.  So, I'm thinking it was all the bloating that was pushing on things.  It sucks being a woman!  Next week I probably won't lose anything.  Only time will tell!  

The other night I went to the back of my closet and washed up my too small pants and I wore a pair yesterday and a lot of my co-workers are beginning to ask how much I have lost.  I don't think I have ever lost this much in my life before!  It's great!  

At Curves I signed up for Curves Smart.  This is like having your own personal trainer.  The machines are computerized and you have to work so hard and when you're done it evaluates how you did and the areas you need to work on.  It's hard to explain but it's a great program and I feel like I am really working out hard now.  So I think that is also helping with my weight loss.  So, all in all things are going well.

02/26/08 - Scale moving FINALLY!

Feb 25, 2008

Finally the scale has moved!  The dietician told me I was weighing too often but at first I was losing a pound or 2 a day so it was fun to weigh!  It is strange as my clothes feel loose but the scale wasn't moving!  So, this morning the scale said I have officially lost 30 pounds so that is good.  

It is hard to believe that Thursday will be 4 weeks since I had surgery.  Time is flying!  I feel so good and am enjoying not eating junk and stuffing myself all the time.  I have puked up a few things but that's my own fault for not chewing and eating too fast.  On Thursday I will start taking all the vitamins that are recommended so that should be fun keeping track of all that.  Not much else to report.  I'm still pluggin' away!

02/16/2008 - Tired today!

Feb 16, 2008

It's Saturday and I am dead tired!  I worked a full day on Thursday and Friday I worked until 12:30 and then had my post-op appointment and didn't get home until 5:30.  Dr. Monson said everything is going good and the only thing to watch for now would be narrowing.  I've only vomitted once and that was today after I ate a hard boiled egg too fast so hopefully narrowing won't be a problem.  I met with the dietician yesterday too.  She said I'm doing good and just need to watch the calorie intake more.  I was so busy keeping track of protien and water that I forgot all about the calories!  I guess I'm suppose to be getting 800 per day so I will keep a better eye on that.  I also asked her if I had to eat even if I wasn't hungry and she said yes.  So, I will continue to try to fit everything in.  I realized that it's even harder getting everything in when I'm busy at work!  I will start back at Curves on Monday and I'm hoping that will make me feel even better.  I need to sit down and write down all the vitamins I need to go buy as in 2 more weeks I will start taking all the vitamins they have listed. 

About Me
Detroit Lakes, MN
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2008
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 17
Numbers, Numbers, Numbers
7 1/2 Months out - Down 84 Pounds!
6 Months Already!!
5 Months out & down 71 pounds!!
4 Months & 1 Week Out - Down 65#
2 Months out - Down 44 Pounds!
03/06/2008 - 5 Weeks out - Lost 6 pounds this week!
02/26/08 - Scale moving FINALLY!
02/16/2008 - Tired today!
