KristyKatt 22 years, 1 month ago

I would like to comment on how terrific this WLS site has made me feel since my decision for surgery. I have never seen so many people come together wishing others well, nor have I ever encountered so much honesty and will-power in all of you out there. I feel like I've already HAD surgery because I feel so confident and strong ~ but May 2 is my date. It's an incredible feeling to know how many people are really out there that understand ME! THANKS TO EVERYONE!

RODEO CLOWNS S. 22 years, 1 month ago

Best wishes to you on your upcoming surgery. I hope all goes well and that you have a problem free recovery. My husband and I both had wls in 2001 and have lost a combined total of 285 lbs. YOU DESERVE THIS AND YOU WILL SUCCEED!!! GET READY FOR THE MIRACLE OF WLS!!!!!!!!!!

Janet I. 22 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May you be blessed with an easy surgery and a rapid, painless recovery. Don't forget to drink your water, get enough protein, take your vitamins, exercise and... CONTINUE TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS YOUR REALITY

kylakae 22 years, 1 month ago

Kristy, congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May peace and love surround you on your journey and carry you along safely. Remember to drink your water, take your vitamins, walk daily and most importantly, be gentle with yourself along the way. Lastly, don't forget to stop by occasionally and update your profile. As you know, our profiles provide a lifeline to others embarking on this journey. You never know who you might inspire!

Allie A. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hello All- Kristy is having surgery May 2nd. She is an amazing lady and deserves all the support we can give her. She is nervous about her upcoming surgery just like the rest of us were so please send her some well wishes and prayers and show her that she has all of us behind her for support! YOU CAN DO THIS KRISTY!!!

rhondan 22 years, 2 months ago

Kristy, Best wishes to you on your surgery and a very speedy recovery...hugs to you
About Me
Sioux Falls, SD
Surgery Date
Apr 21, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Yakov Smirnoff and me (June 2001)
270 poundslbs
July 2004
