Septemer 18, 2006

Dec 01, 2008

Today is my three-year WLS anniversary. I can't believe how far I've come in three years. I am at the lowest weight I've been since I was a child and I am loving life. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl on July 8, 2006. She weighed 6 lbs, 8 oz. and was 19 inches long. I have been busy with being a new mom and enjoying her every stage. There is a lot of fun ahead with her. I only gained 12 pounds with my pregnancy. I quickly lost that weight and more and now I weigh 18 pounds less than I did pre-pregnancy. What a wonderful feeling!

January 16, 2006

Dec 01, 2008

I can't believe that it has been more than a year since I've posted on this site. Time really flies. I was just thinking about this site today and all the wonderful people on it. I thought that I would update a little bit. I have been at goal weight, within about 5 pounds plus or minus, since December of 2004. I am going to start gaining a little bit of weight, now; however, since I am 12 weeks pregnant. My due date is August 1st. My husband and I are thrilled, as this is our first child. I hope not to gain too much weight, but I also know not to stress out about it. It will come off after the baby is born.

December 18, 2004

Dec 01, 2008

What a wonderful day it is today. I am 15 months postop and today, I hit goal!!! I am so excited. I just stood on the scale and cried. This is such an unbelievable feeling. I am no longer going to put updates on this profile. Good luck to everyone at every stage of this journey!

October 4, 2004

Dec 01, 2008

Right now, I'm weighing about 180 pounds, I am in a size 14 pants and large shirt. I would love to be able to wear a size 10 pant and medium shirt, but we'll see. I don't know how much fat I have left versus extra skin. I need to start drinking more water and I need to start working out. I have decided to head back to Curves this evening. I have been paying for my membership since last November, and I haven't been there since last January. Pretty pathetic, really. I am anxious to see what my body fat percentage is today when I go. I am starting to crave sweets and I hate that feeling! I try to make good choices, but sometimes, I give in to a sugar-free or no-sugar-added treat here and there. I think that the key is to keep everything in moderation. Moderation was not a word in my vocabulary prior to surgery, but now it means so much to me.

September 18, 2004

Dec 01, 2008

Happy 1-year anniversary to me! I can't believe that it's been a whole year since I had my surgery. What a difference in my life. I have lost 149.5 pounds. I can do things that I haven't done in years. It feels so great to be "free" from obesity. My BMI is 27.3, bringing my total BMI points loss to 20.6. I am almost half of the person I used to be. Life is good.

August 18, 2004

Dec 01, 2008

Today is my 11-month anniversary. I cannot believe that it has been almost a year. This morning, I weighed in at 188.5 pounds. I have lost 143.5 pounds and I am 22.5 pounds away from my goal weight of 166. The weight is coming off MUCH slower now, but that's okay with me. The important thing is that it's still coming off. I am very happy with my decision to have WLS and I am extremely happy that I chose to have the RNY. I am having some problems dealing with the issues that I have with my extra skin and thinking that I am still obese, but I am in therapy, so hopefully it will subside in time. I definitely want to have cosmetic and reconstructive surgery down the road, but I will have to wait until I'm finished having children. I sure don't want to have surgery and get a nice flat stomach and then stretch it all out again during pregnancy. After I'm done having kids, though, I want the works: tummy tuck, lower body lift, hip and thigh lipo, thigh lift, breast lift with implants, arm lift and lipo. You name it. LOL. Well, that's all for now. Good luck to everyone out there who is trying to get approval for surgery and best wishes to everyone who is post-op!

June 24, 2004

Dec 01, 2008

I am so happy today. I have reached a major milestone in my weight loss efforts. Today, I weigh under 200 pounds. This is so amazing. I never thought I'd get there, but I did. I am weighing in at 199 lbs today and I have 33 more pounds to lose to reach goal. I am hoping to reach goal by the end of 2004. I am one happy lady these days.

June 18, 2004

Dec 01, 2008

It has been over two months since I last updated. It seems like just yesterday. I am celebrating my nine-month post op anniversary today and it's so exciting. I have lost 130 pounds and 64.5 inches since having my surgery last September. My life is getting more and more fulfilling every day. I can wear 16's in misses sizes and even some 14's. I haven't been that size since high school! It's such a great feeling. I have 36 more pounds to lose to hit goal. I'm hoping to do that by the end of 2004. That gives me a little over six months to achieve it. I think that I can do it. I do need to start making some better food choices, though, and I need to find the motivation to exercise. I hate exercise, but I know that it is critical if I want to get the rest of this weight off and if I want to maintain my weight for years to come. Until next time, hugs to everyone!

April 7, 2004

Dec 01, 2008

Hello AMOS friends. I can't believe how fast time flies by. I am nearing my seven-month anniversary of my lap rny, and things are going great. As of my last weigh-in, I have lost 108 pounds and I feel great. I am having fun doing things that I have not done in years. I don't get tired nearly as quickly now, so I can shop and be active all I want. I can do laundry and housework without having to sit down and rest every 10 minutes and I can do all of it pain-free! That is the best part. Everytime I see someone that I haven't seen in awhile, they are amazed at how I've changed. Even I am starting to see the difference, which is something that I never thought would happen. I still have 56 pounds to lose in order to hit goal, but I am very comfortable where I am for the most part. Each pound that I lose is a great feeling, but I am so thankful for what I've already lost. If I never lost another pound, I'd be happy (as long as I didn't gain either).

I will admit that sometimes, I don't make the best food choices. I still like to have "bad" things like potato chips and snacks like that. I believe that it is okay to eat anything in moderation. I do still stay away from sugar, however. I very rarely eat any kind of sweets or dessert, but if I do, it's a very small amount, and it's no-sugar-added or sugar free.

I don't exercise as often as I would like to be, but I'm working on that. I've never liked to workout and it hasn't changed for me after surgery. Sure, it's a bit easier, but I still hate it. I love the way I feel after a workout, but it's hard to get myself motivated to get started. Hopefully, now that it appears that spring is here to stay, I will feel more and more like getting off the couch and getting active. I know that is the key to help me get off the last 56 pounds.

March 18, 2004

Dec 01, 2008

Today is my six-month anniversary. I am writing this post from lovely Ixtapa, Mexico. I am on a wonderful vacation with my husband and we are having a blast! The weather is great and the sun feels wonderful. Sure beats the cold, wind and snow in Indiana! Anyway, I am feeling great. I cannot weigh in since I am not at home, but it does not bother me. This surgery is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I am down over 100 pounds and each pound makes me feel better and better. I am hoping to be at goal by the end of the year.

About Me
South Bend, IN
Surgery Date
May 12, 2003
Member Since

Latest Blog 41
Septemer 18, 2006
January 16, 2006
December 18, 2004
October 4, 2004
September 18, 2004
August 18, 2004
June 24, 2004
June 18, 2004
April 7, 2004
March 18, 2004
