milesnichole 17 years, 11 months ago

Congrats Karly I was banded on 07/28/06. I'm glad your doing better. Your right nothing taste as good as thin. We have to find our ways with dealing with feeling then eating.

celgudino 18 years ago

Hey Congrats, your page looks wonderful. I am glad to see you doing well. Keep it up.

PrettyPlum 18 years ago

Greetings Karly...congrats on making to the other side. I hope that all went well with your surgery and that you recover at top speed. I wish you Loads of wow moments and much success with the band as you progress toward your personal health and weightloss goals. I support your choice to have the band and cant wait to join ya ! May your journey be as sweet as you are adorable ! Lovingly, Lala aka Plum

Ladybugz_247 18 years ago

Hi Karly! well I was reading your profile and realized your surgery was Yesterday! Congratularions! keep us posted on your progress..(hugs) Wendy

Cammy H. 18 years ago

Karly, Know that you are in God's hands. Be blessed. I wish you a speedy recovery as you start your new journey! Cam

KATHY B. 18 years ago

karlie, best of luck on your surgery, hugs--kath b.

Kathleen H. 18 years ago

Karly, You are probably in surgery already (I'm in AZ) so best wishes and speedy recovery. You'll do great!!!

Naomi B. 18 years ago

Karly, sorry I missed your surgery post, but better late than never...I hope you have a safe surgery and speedy recovery...and remember to sip, sip and sip....hopefully you got your gas x and heat pad....see you on the losing side...Naomi :-)

Dorcey56 18 years ago

Best wishes to you tomorrow! I pray that your surgeriy and recovery are speedy uneventful! = )

Bridget S. 18 years ago

My sweet, sweet Karly! I think this moment is one of the most life-defining moments you'll have. It will absolutely change your life for the better. I love you and hold you close in my thoughts tonight...and tomorrow. Keep the faith! Momma B
About Me
close to louisville, KY
Surgery Date
May 10, 2006
Member Since

Friends 16
