I was denied!!!

Jun 09, 2008

Well...all the headaches I have gone through only to find out Aetna denied the surgery. Now I believe I will have to go through 6 months diet and exercise before I appeal it. This is extremely frustrating!!  Anyone have this problem? I am so irritated..what if I do all this and appeal the claim and still get denied? I had no idea how tough all this would be! 

Hoping for surgery

Feb 25, 2008

Today I had the upper GI done and that was a bit horrible. I found out that I have a small hiatal hernia and reflux.  Not to mention I am getting the run around from my pcp on getting my medical clearance. The say that I am cleared but for some reason they still have not sent all of the papers to the surgeons office. They tell me I am not diabetic but I have hypertension, high cholesterol and my liver enzymes are still high. So I have to once again go back to the pcp for more tests. I have already seen the physcologist and everything was fine there. I am scheduled for the sleep study on weds night..a bit nervous about that. I will have my first meeting with the surgeon on thursday morning.

I went for the sleep study last night..what a night! I didn't think I would ever be able to fall asleep with all those wires on me. I am still not even sure if I did actually really sleep. I didn't think the glue would ever come out of my hair this morning! 
I also met with the surgeon today. I expected it to go different than it did..but.. he said that once everything is together they would send in he info and let me know about a surgery date if approved.  I just pray that insurance will not be a problem! He also sent me over for an ultrasound on my gallbladder but I won't know anything until I return to see him next week. He said that more than likely he will have to repair the hernia while in surgery and may as well make sure the gallbladder is ok, if not it could be removed at the same time as well.  I also found out that I will have to lose 20 pounds before I can even have the surgery...so if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate any help!   I have so far finished all of the work ups except seeing the dietician, which is not until 3-17. Until then my fingers are crossed and just waiting patiently!!

About Me
Feb 17, 2008
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I was denied!!!
Hoping for surgery
