Surgery Day - Thursday, January 25, 2007
Surgery Type - RNY Laproscopic
Hospital - SUNY Upstate University Hospital
Surgeon - Dr Howard Simon
My Height: 5' 8"
Starting Weight: 274 lbs

March 27, 2007
Well everyone, it's been about 2 months since the surgery and I'm down about 50 pounds! I am planning on joining Curves tomorrow to help keep up the weight loss and gain some more muscle. I have a bridesmaid dress to fit into on May 26th and I can get it on and zipped, but there are some bulges in spots. Also, I am looking forward to the annual whitewater rafting this summer and want to gain muscle and feel like I have control over my body. I declined to go rafting last summer (which killed me inside) because I felt I was too big and just didn't feel like I had control over my own body. NEVER AGAIN!
I am graduating from college on April 21, 2007 and have interviews to go to and a new job to look forward to and need new clothes!! I have gone to the Salvation Army and found a few slacks and a blazer there for under $20 for all of it. I hate to spend too much since they likely won't fit in another couple of months.


Surgery Day - Thursday, January 25, 2007
The morning of my surgery, I had my mom take a before photo of me, and I'll be posting that at some point. My surgery was scheduled for 12:45pm but there were some complications of the first bariatric surgery that my surgeon performed that day (apparently the patient did not want to wake up), so I didn't end up going into the OR until around 2:30pm. That's a long wait when you get to the hospital at 10:30am. So during the wait, I had my mom, dad, sister in law and g/f there with me. My mom and g/f took some basic measurements of my bust, waist, hips, arm, thigh and neck (yes, I had the forethought to bring a measuring tape) so I'd have to starting numbers to compare to in the future. I was not allowed to eat or drink (not even water) Wednesday after midnight. No food Thursday (by this time I was SO thirsty they gave me ice water and swabs to moisten the inside of my mouth, but I was not allowed to drink it or even suck on ice chips). I think today was the day they started me on IV meds for nausea and heartburn.

Post Op Day 1 - Friday, January 26, 2007
On Friday I had to do what they call water trials. This entailed drinking one medicine cup (eqivelant to 2 tablespoons) of water in the first hour, two in the second hour and three in the third hour. If you "pass" the water trials with no problems, you get to advance to the G1 diet, (level 1 was just clear liquids for me) This was kind of nice to finally be able to drink, but my new stomach filled up quickly and it felt kind of strange going down. But, I kept it down alright and so advanced to the G1 diet. They brought me my lunch right after the water trials and I was like it would be really nice to eat/drink these things (broth, jello, diluted juice, aprox 1 oz each) but I'm SO full from the water! So I waited until dinner to eat anything from the G1 diet (again broth, jello and diluted juice, 1 oz each). I ate a little jello, not even half of the ounce and drank some of the juice. Friday I got an oral liquid for heartburn in the AM, I think it was Protonix, but anyway it was clear and tasted NASTY! The only way I could get it down was to take a sip of the protonix and immediately chase it with some diluted juice. Same with the crushed Lexapro in water they gave me that night, that was truly the nastiest taste EVER. I think this was the afternoon they took away my pain pump and allowed me oral pain meds. I wasn't using the pain pump much and my pain never got above a 5 on a scale of 1-10 the whole time I was there anyway. I didn't take any of the oral pain meds today.

Post Op Day 2 - Saturday, January 27, 2007
On Saturday I got more broth, jello and juice. I decided to drink all the broth since it probably had the most protein in it (though not very much I know) and drank some juice. I have determined that the best flavors of juice to dilute that will still taste any good after being diluted are grape and cranberry, apple is no good diluted. Anyway, on Saturday I was discharged form the hospital at 10:15AM and was anxious to get out of there! The nurse removed my IV and I got up and took off the leg pumps myself, brushed my teeth, got dressed myself, including socks and boots and packed my bag! I was EAGER to leave the hospital! I sat in a chair and waited about a half hour for my parents to arrive and then another half hour or so for a nurse to bring a wheelchair to wheel me to the car. I hated waiting but knew I couldn't have made it to the car by walking. Still didn't need any pain meds during most of the day today, but was SO exhausted I couldn't keep my eyes open on the hour drive home from the hospital. And I even took 2 naps that day. I ended up taking a half dose (7.5cc) of the liquid lortab for pain that I had from packing this AM and moving around more than I had been. Another, this time full (15cc) dose of lortab at about 8:30PM because of some gassy hiccups (they hurt!) and to help me in and out of a laying position in bed, as that's a little difficult at first. This was when I realised that the 15cc full dose was WAY too much for me! I was pretty woozy. I also got to start on my protein shake today as soon as I got home, which I enjoyed very much! It's Spring Valley's Vanilla Soy Protein mix, tastes just like yellow cake mix. Still having the liquids in me from the IV fluids, I was peeing all the time today.

Post Op Day 3 - Sunday, January 28, 2007
No pain meds today and I increased my intake of protein shake a little more. And today was the day that the diarrhea every 10 minutes or so. Let me tell you, I have decided what the PERFECT gift for WLS patients is...SUPER SOFT toilet paper, wet toilet paper (like baby wipes) and tuck's hemmorroid pads! And I'm serious!! I actually went through an entire roll of toilet paper (by myself) today!!

Post Op Day 4 - Monday, January 29, 2007
Still no pain meds today. In fact, this AM was the first that it actually didn't hurt to get up from a laying position in the bed. And more diarrhea today, still every 20-30 minutes. Thankfully my sister in law brought me some tuck's pads. She had the surgery about 2 years ago only with an open incision, not laproscopic. She came over to babaysit me today while everyone was at work. She says it was just to make sure I ate enough, which I believe. it's hard to make sure you do because you just don't want anything...except, well, I did dream I was eating pizza last night, LOL.

Post Op Day 5 - Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Well, I'm still making frequent trips to the bathroom, though not quite as often. Mom brought me a new brand of protein shake tonight because I kept complaining that I was getting tired of the spring valley vanilla (even though it tastes really good). She bought me chocolate this time, it's MET-Rx Protein Plus Ready to Drink Chocolate protein shake. I am hoping that if I switch (since this is a RTD with no milk in it) that the diarhea will stop. I had been mixing the spring valley powder with 4 oz of skim milk and 4 oz of water and noticing that after/when I drank it was when I was running to the bathroom most, so maybe it is just a reaction to the milk. My sister in law who had this surgery about 2 years ago said she became lactose intolerant after having the surgery. I was slightly lactose intolerant (if I ate ice cream or drank large amounts of milk, which I did often since I LOVE milk) even before having the surgery, so I guess it's possible that even that little bit of milk could bother me now. Hopefully switching to the RTD without milk in it will give me a clue. I drank the most protein shake today than any other day so far, but I STILL don't think I am up to the 12-24 oz daily recommendation of my Dr yet (actually I am just hitting the 12 oz mark). It's so hard because I am never hungry now, so I just have to force it down, AND it makes me run to the bathroom! I can't eat anything other than the protein shake and water during the day or else I waste the stomach space and can't manage to get through more than 8 oz of shake in an entire day. Anyway I keep saying that it would just be more efficient to pour the shake down the toilet and skip the middle man! Ugh, this can be frustrating. I also can't wait to eat REAL food - EVERYTHING smells good, even things that I hate! I had a moment today. An Olive Garden commercial came on (my favorite restaraunt) and I wanted to cry because I don't know if I'll EVER be able to eat there again. For an instant I though, "What have I done!?" But then I think of my sister in law and she can eat out, so maybe I will be able to in a couple of years. Granted I can't do what I used to and order appitizers, salad, meal, wine and dessert, but I still may be able to go and enjoy the atmosphere and at least have a taste of the food someday. Speaking of taste of foods, I was thinking today 'I could really go for a Dorito!' which I wasn't sure was a good thing or a bad thing because I know Doritos are bad for you and I know I can't have one, BUT I wasn't thinking 'I could go for a BAG of Doritos' like I would have before the surgery, I only wanted one Dorito. Well, that's it for today, I'm going to bed.

Post Op Day 6 - Wednesday, January 31, 2007
All night last night I had a gas bubble stuck just under my stomach and BOY did it hurt! I don't know how I got it or why it was there, but it seems to be mostly gone this AM. I have been drinking the MET-Rx Protein Plus RTD shake only (plus water) today to see if I visit the bathroom less because of cutting out the milk. My mom also suggested mixing the protein shake powder with soy milk to see if that helps, so I may try that this week. I started exercising today on my Gazelle for 10 minutes at a time (I will try for 3 10-minute walks on it per day) and it went great! No pain and it actually felt good. I also know my incisions are healing because for about 2-3 days now they have been itching, and it's so hard not to scratch! The Steri-strips are still on (I didn't have any staples or stitches) but they are gradually peeling off at the edges. I am keeping them covered with fresh bandaids everyday to keep them clean and dry and to keep the Steri-strips on because I figure that the longer they stay on, the better they will heal and hopefully leave less noticable scars. Back to the MET-Rx RTD shake (chocolate), it's not very good for those of you wondering.

Post Op Day 7 - Thursday, February 1, 2007
Well I found out through cutting out the milk Protein shake all together that that was most certainly the problem, as the diarhea stopped immediately after I stopped it. I also advanced to stage 2 today and got nauseous on yogurt (milk based), but did well with everything else. My middle back has been hurting a LOT the past couple of days and keeping me awake most of every night (not fun). I was taking the ortab liquid pretty regularly (though 10cc, not the prescribed 15cc) just for back pain. I had my mom pick me up a back brace this evening and it helps keep the pain in my back to a dull roar. Tomorrow is my 1st follow up after the surgery.

Post Op Day 8 - Friday, February 2, 2006
More back pain last night and today. Had to get up early and get more ready than I've had to in awhile since the surgery. Today is my first outing post the Dr for a follow up.
Turns out I have lost 16 pounds in the first week since the surgery! Can you believe it? I never would have thought that possible! All in all I am doing well said the Dr, I can continue with stage 2, begin taking my multivitamins and calcium both twice a day and can now swallow whole pills (Yea! No more drinking crushed up Lexapro!). Told them about the back pain and the surgeon said it may be from laying on the OR table for 2 hours, though I think it has to do with me hunching over when I walk to favor my stomach. I also asked about the milk problem and they said it's not at all uncommon for people to become lactose intolerant after this surgery. I told them that the prevacid wasn't lasting me the entire day through and they wrote me a 2 times per day script. Oh, and my incisions look good and are healing nicely.
I tried a new food today (never had it ever before) called Maypo Creamed Farina cereal. I made it with vanilla soy milk and it was SO good!

Post Op Day 11 - Monday, February 5, 2007
Ok, so I skipped a few days on here, but I am back and I'm here to tell you all the new things I have tried to eat over the past few days. I have tried: Farina Maypo cereal made with soy milk, scrambled Egg Beaters, Quorn brand vegetarian chicken tenders cooked in broth, canned carrots (mashed), egg salad with mustard and mayo in it, real chicken and chicken salad (just chicken and mayo, S&P). I didn't have a single problem with ANY of it and have not vomited yet, knock on wood!!! As for my back pain, I still have some during the night and in the morning, but it is a little less since wearing the back brace everyday. Also, I am now able to swallow whole OTC Motrin, so I can manage the pain pretty well. Other than that, not much else to report, although I AM beginning to go stir crazy and REALLY want to leave the house to go anywhere. I got to go out Friday to a Dr appointment and then to a store afterwards with my mom, but I am itching to go back to school! My mom doesn't think it's a good idea to me to start driving quite yet because she says I a) don't walk very fast so she thinks I won't be able to hit the brake peddle fast enough if I need to (I don't know) and b) the weather has been HORRIBLE out here, Lake Effect snow everyday now (I live on the lower right hand corner of Lake Ontario in NY), and school is about 40 minutes away from here and she's afraid that if I got into an accident it would be much worse because of my insides not being all the way healed.

Post Op Day 12 - Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Today was the first time I went back to school after the surgery. I felt fine, and had no problems. This was only an hour long night class that I went to, so it was a good test to see if I'll be able to handle my 3 hour class on Thursdays as well as 3 hours a day (MWF) at my internship site. The only thing was I was really tired when I got home and went to bed at 9:00.

Post Op Day 14 - Thursday, February 8, 2007
I weighed myself today and found I have lost 21.5 pounds in the 2 weeks since my surgery, YEA ME!! 


About Me
Oswego, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 09, 2005
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Heartburn & Diarrhea
