8 months out - 100lbs gone

May 08, 2011

I am 8 months and 100 pounds finally.  Just can't wait till I reach 199 or 98 or 97 (you get the picture). 
I had to have my gall bladder out thursday 5/5/11.  I was really worried about but was told by numerous people not to worry because I would be ok.  I knew I would be but was totally surprised by the pain level (or lack therof) after surgery.  It was done on an outpatient basis and I was back at home within 4 hrs of having it done.  Felt pretty good the day of but after a nights sleep felt like I was hit by a truck.  So the next serveral nights I slept on the couch propped up by serveral pillows and several pillows under my knees. Made all the difference in the world.  i thought I would be off of work for at leat a week but only had to end up taking 1 extra day off.  I work Sun-Thurs had surgery on a Thursday and returned to work on Sunday.  This was great cause i wanted to use my time off for something I would actually enjoy. LOL

One more week will be 3 months out

Nov 29, 2010

I am down a total of 72 lbs now.  I feel great and feeling better and better about myself everyday.  In the beginning I wasn't sure I did the right thing in regards to having surgery.  Now that I am feeling better my opinion has definitely changed.  I am soooo glad I got this done and have absolutley no regrets now.  I still struggle from time to time but it is with my own inner food demons.  I am going to try and get into see my pre-surgery therapist after the holidays.  I wish I could go to the support groups but unfortunately my work schedule doesn't allow me to do that.  I am still working towards working out 5-6 days a week right now I average about 3 days a week between 30-60 each time.

My husband has been a total godsend to me and supports me in everything I do.  We have put a gym in the basement of our home but, the remodel is not completely finished yet. 

Will update more soon

5 weeks out

Oct 10, 2010

5 weeks out and totally pain-free finally.  I was so happy to be sleeping in my own bed again.  I'm at 269lbs now which about 50 lb loss now.

1 comment

1 week post-op

Sep 14, 2010

I am 1 week post-op now.  I was very sore in the beginning.  I had 5 small incisions and a drain in me.  I did go home the next day after they took my drain out.

I will also say that I don't know what I would have done without the never-ending help and support of my wonderful husband.  He was there for me every minute of everyday, and he also spent the night in hospital with me.  The smallest things seemed difficult after I got home.  I still can't lay in my bed currently, simply because I can't get comfortable, so for now I just sleep in a recliner propped with about 3-4 pillows.

I get around pretty well now with the exception of being in my own bed still.  That will come soon though, I'm not frustrated a bit.

I was at 294 the day of surgery and now 1 week out I am 284.

I have managed to get most of my protein in everyday after the first 2-3 days after coming home.  I am still struggling with getting the 64oz of fluids in though.  I am getting about half of that.

I go for my 1 week post-op visit wednesday.   I assume this is when my staples will be removed also.  I think I have about 12-13 staples.

I feel like I was given a new lease on life and can't wait to see where this trip takes me.  I told my husband that one day I would like to be able to compete in a 5 or 10 walk/run.  I definitely don't think that's impossible now.

I also was not sure I would've had this surgery done if it wasn't for a friend a couple of friends of mine that had it done and neither have no regrets at all.  It's nice to be able to confide in someone that has been through what I was/am currently going through.  I have no regrets at all right now.

I will say the TV is not very nice though.  A couple of days after coming home I seen where Olive Garden has their never-ending pasta bowl event going on right now and Red Lobster has their shrimp fest going on.  These are 2 of my favorite restaurants. 

I gotta admit though this was egg day for me and it was wonderful!!  I savored EVERY bite.

Will try and post more later along with updated pictures and remember....

The happiness in your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.  Take Care


2 week liquid diet

Aug 26, 2010

Well, what can I say...this week so far has been fairly difficult with trying to do the liquid diet before surgery.  I knew it would be hard but, never thought I would be craving real "stomach filling" food. 

I hope these cravings go away soon.  I'm wondering if they will still be there after surgery while I'm healing.

Surgery countdown is 12 days

Will write more later.


The beginning for me.

Aug 22, 2010

August 22, 2010
My story began Mid March 2010

I am 43 yrs old.  I have 2 kids who are now 20 & 21 yrs old.  I had lost 125lbs back in 2005-2006.  After accomplishing that amazing feat, I was so proud of myself and vowed I would never put that weight on again.  Well here it is 2010 and I weigh 318lbs now (7lbs shy of my original weight when I started losing the last time)

I always knew the weight was coming back but, I always told myself I will get back on track tomorrow.  I went through 3 yrs of tomorrows.

My friend had RNY in Jan 2010 and is doing wonderful and she feels so good now and looks wonderful as well.

When I learned she was going to have this surgery I started checking into it.  I  had checked into it before I had lost the weight the last time but, found out my insurance didn't cover it.  It was no surprise considering who I worked for at the time and it was the employer that deemed whether they wanted coverage for WLS.

I started my journey in April.

My insurance company required that I had 6 months of doctor supervised dieting and psychiatric counseling.  Those were the biggest hurdles to get through for me but, surprising both went very well.  I was however diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (which runs rampant in my family) and high cholestorol.

I will have to admit the insurance requirement on the dieting is a good thing.  It kinda guards against making a "spur of the moment decision" on getting this procedure done.  It makes you really think about whether WLS is a route that one really wants to go through or not.
At first I was a little frustrated with all the "prerequisites" before getting the surgery done. 
They are there for a reason though, it didn't take me long to figure that out.  I just kept looking ahead the whole time.

My last primary care drs appt was Aug 10th, 2010.  After that, it took from the 10th to 19th of Aug to gain pre-authorization from my insurance company.  I am not one to wait around for a phone call so I ended speaking almost daily with my insurance on the "status"  and once I rec'd word I called my surgeons office and told them and they got me scheduled when I was on the phone with them.

My date is set for 9/7/2010 at 9am (day after labor day)

I pretty much have things in order.  I know I won't be the only one having surgery though.  I decided to have my little sweetheart dachshund her name is Tori spayed at the same time.  (we can heal together :-)  I still have a few minor details to take care of but at this point I am pretty completely prepared.

Well I guess I have rambled on long enough now.  Will post and update soon.

Take Care and God Bless!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 21, 2010
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