
Dec 28, 2006

Well after almost a year of working, talking and all around complaining, I finally have approval and a surgery date. My surgery is to be on April 11, 2003. I'm terrified and excited all at the same time. If all goes well with the tests, surgery will bee in 3 weeks. I'm ready to get on with my life. I just wish I had never gotten this big. I don't know if I could have prevented this but I could go back, I'd sure try.

April 5, 2003

Well I'm one week from surgery now. I'm starting to get a little nervous. I've spent the last few weeks trying to get everything in order. Being single, I have to make sure my will was updated. I drew up a Power of Attorney and Living Will. BTW, I highly recommend Quicken Family Lawyer software program to anyone. It has all of the documents needed. This is major surgery after all. But that is all done now. I've worked very hard in my life for the things I have. Heaven knows I don't want the state taking acre of my estate. Not that it's much but it's mine.
When I decided to have this surgery, I prayed about it. I am a firm believer in that God puts people and events in the path of our lives for a reason. Once I made the decision to have surgery, things just started to fall into place in my life to allow it the go forward.
So here I go, the rebirth of my life. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. I talk to you all Post op.

April 26, 2003
Well, It's been a little over 2 weeks since surgery. I had a small complication after surgery, I developed pneumonia and had to stay in the hospital a full week. I've been home a little more then a week and feeling pretty good. I'm on pureed foods, which is really hard to get use to but I'm managing. I find that I have to make myself eat. I never really hungry like I use to be. Food has become a necessity and not a luxury. That will take some getting use to. Change in behavior and habits takes time but I'm 20 pounds lighter and looking froward to more. I actually am looking forward to getting on the scale. So begins my new life.

June 15, 2003

Well, I'm 2 months post op and I feel great. I have lost 55 pounds. It is amazing the things I can do now. I can put on my shoes without put them on the side of the bed. I think I've even lost weight in my feet, my shoes fit better. I have found shirts I couldn't where for 2 they fit. I can get off the couch without help or pushing on the arm. I fit in my car better. I saw my diabetes doctor this week...GONE, NO MORE DIABETES. Just 55 pounds and I feel this good, it is hard to imagine losing another 100 or 150 pounds. I won't know what do do with myself.
I work at a television station and our medical reporter has done 3 stories so far on my experiences. Two before surgery and 1 after. I am amazed at the response I've gotten. For most of my career I hid from the camera because of my weight and now I'm talking about it to all of Mississippi. If you had asked me if I would ever do something like this, I'd have bet a million dollars..No Way! But here I am.
I never realized I was depressed about my weight. I mean I never really let it stand in my way, at least no consciously. I do know that I have lost jobs because of my size but I would rationalize it to something else.
No I'm seeing my life with new eyes. It's like being born all over again. I thank God for each and everyday, good and bad.

November 3, 2003
Sorry I haven't updated anyone in so long. I got busy back with my life. What a whirlwind the last few months have been. I have lost a total of 129 pounds in 6 1/2 months. I can't tell you what a difference this surgery has made in my life. My whole future is brighter. I'm am more active and happier then I have been in a very long time. I have created a website to chronicle my WLS. Please take a look.

March 3, 2004

Sorry it has been so long since I have written anything. It has just been a whirlwind of a year. I have dropped 156 pounds, going from 350 to 194. I have 44 pounds left to my goal weight. My weight loss has slowed down tremendously, but I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. I have added weight training to my exercise routine and am planning to start swimming soon. I'm hoping to be at my goal weight by august so I can have a tummy tuck and breast lift this winter. I already have a great deal of hanging skin and not looking forward to the hot Mississippi summer and the heat rashes, but hopefully with it all documented I can get my insurance to approve the surgery. Anyway, I look forward to my 1 year anniversary. I feel extremely blessed to have had this surgery and am looking forward o my future.

January 2005

Wow, I haven't updated anything here is forever. I guess life just took off. My life over the last 21 months since my surgery has done a complete 180. So many things in my life have changed. I've started dating again, something I haven't done in a very long time. I've met some real duds out there too. I'm beginning to wonder if I waited too long to date. Most of the men I meet have so much baggage these days. But I do like getting out more. I've joined a book club and have decided to make a "date" with myself each week. I either got o a nice restaurant for dinner, a movie or a club to listen to some live music. It has been very enlightening for me. I think just getting out there instead of hiding in my house has been a great big step for me. So I will just keep working at it. It's just nice to know that I'm going to be here to enjoy it.


About Me
Jackson, MS
Surgery Date
Nov 21, 2002
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