The First Official WLS Blog

Dec 22, 2008

Well at least for me. I do blog daily (weekly) stuff that is happening in my life over on MySpace, but this one I will only (or try anyway) to post about my eating and weight loss 'stuff'.  Well where to begin - LOL - lets start about 25 years ago, no make that 36 years ago.  My dad was heavy, felt the 'family' was heavy (me) and so he/we joined Weight Watchers.  He did great, I gained.  I would go to the 5 and dime and get candy bars.  I did ok during JHS and HS.  I mean I wasn't a skinny minny, I was about 160? I was 180 when I got pregnate (I had already gained just being married - had to 'cook' for my husband don't ya' know).  When I was pregnate that gave me license to 'eat for two' and that is just what I did... I gained 100#!!  I can't blame it on her (my daughter) anymore, that was 24 years ago.  Since then there was Jenny Craig, Atkins, Phen/Fen - you name it!!  My heaviest was 320#, but my average is 310#.  Now my husband has really enjoyed my cooking and his top weight has been about 460#, but averaging about 420#.  My daughter is also a 'big' girl at about 380#, unfortunately she doesn't have insurance and I don't think her head is in the right place to have surgery done.  She hasn't really tried to many other avenues yet.

Now about 5 years ago both hubby and I were seriously looking into getting the bypass done.  We belonged to Kaiser at the time - enough said about them and that experience!  So now with new insurance and additional co-morbidities under our belt (DM & HTN for both and PE, RAF for Hubby) we decided to give it another try.  We went to an open seminar and got to 'meet' the surgeon that is a 'prefered provider' for our insurance and liked her forthrightness right away.  We were going to jump right on this band wagon but a 'thing' on my lung put a speed bump in the way.  That 'thing' turned out to be an abscess (Thank you God!!) so with ABX it went away. Now we have done our official meet and greet with the surgeon (Dr. L. Machado) and have seen the dietician and will be seeing the Psycologist in January.  Hubby will (at least I believe so) be getting a filter put in before his surgery, because of his history of PE.  I will be done first and then Hubby.  What is great is that we are on this journey together!  It is a total change in lifestyle and view on food.  I don't think we could do it as well if only one of us did it.  Maybe with us loosing and eating and being healthy it might just encourage my daughter in doing the same. 

This journey is a bit on the scary side, but also on the exciting side!  I know that the surgery is JUST a tool.  The hard work comes from us.  I have been reading forums and other sources of information. I have been channeling that to my husband to the point he gets tired of hearing about it.  I want him to be as excited about this and as knowledgable about this as he can be.  I feel that without that knowledge the road will be even harder than it has to be.  He will get to see me go first, but still. 

Well this is long enough for a first blog.  I'm sure I will post more to come.  I have enjoyed the forum on and haven't checked this one out yet.  This one is local people though - that might be interesting.  Well I will see you out there...


About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 22, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 5
