
Hi! I have been thinking about what to put in "My Story".  My weight problems started with my pregnancy at age 19.  I weighed 107 preterm, 156 at term, and about 145 post-term.  I tried several times to get back to my pre pregnancy weight by starvation and extreme exercise.  Never made it lower than 130 & never kept it off for very long.  After a couple of failures, I gave up.  Went into the Air Force in 1980 and did ok for 3 years -- then I missed a weight check by a couple of pounds after being put on an antidepressant.  The military is very strict about weight.  I tried and tried to get back under the limit.  Seemed like the more I worried about it the more I gained.  I left the Air Force at about 160.  Over the next year I gained up to about 195.  I stayed at 195 for probably 15 years.  During that time I married and moved to Kansas.   Between a very hi-stress job and problems with my ankles (difficulty walking), I gained to 256!!!!   I tried to get it down.  Lost down to 170, but unable to maintain it.  Lost down to just under 200, but again unable to maintain it.  Currently at about 237, trying to get below 200 and stay there.  Diets I have tried:   low calorie, low fat, low carb.  Never did any fad diets. Did try NutriSystem while in the Air Force.  Paid $200 and gained 10 pounds!   Feel that my current problem with weight is exacerbated by some of the medications I take.  I feel powerless to solve this problem in my life.  I don't look good.  I don't feel good.  I have fibromyalgia, connective tissue disease, hypothroid, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, a skull base tumor (stable), and....etc...   I am fairly debilitated -- I can just about make it around the block walking.  I have ALMOST decided to have the surgery, probably RNY.  I have pretty much all the pre consult work done.  I am just not sure about putting myself thru a major surgery as puny as I am already, although I feel that this is my only chance to regain my health.

About Me
Aug 28, 2009
Member Since

Friends 7
