26 to 14 .......and counting

Jul 25, 2008

just saying hi - still losing & going to get 5mth chk up next
week - i am sure things will be ok -

still get a slight discomfot on right & left side.. dr said GB may have to come
out. but that is to be seen

some days i can eat my normal stuff. egg white, turkey, cheese etc
but some dasy, i want nothing to do with food...normal.. i guess

i am down to a size 14, (from 26) and i hope to have some pics soon


Jul 08, 2008

Today, I feel... HOT :)  i have on a lime green close fitting blouse (clevage peeking thru) & pencil line black skirt  (size L !!) with 3 inch HEELS !!!  Im bring Sexy Back... heheh :))  No for real.. i feel good today :)AND i got in over 50g of protein BEFORE 9am.....

24 to 14 in 3

Jun 07, 2008

 i donated my first bag of clothes today !    all 22 / 24
i now wear....(drum roll please)   14/16  !!   

and..... had the tailor took in some more of 
my pants suits for work..... by 5 INCHES !!! 

Its Better & Loving' the WOW's

May 27, 2008

so its the holiday w/e & i look thru my summer clothes
 N O T H I N G   F I T S !!    - had a few tops of size Large
and size 16 shorts.... they fit wonderful ..and not to mention
i look cute too....   so my RNY is doing good... yes i have some
day when not enough water etc, but i work at it... and getting better

Work & Me & Pouchie ..1st day back

Apr 29, 2008

went back to work today and maaannn.... when you are out of yr
rountine of being home fo 5 weeks... it gets tough
took 1st set of vits at 6am got to work by 7.30
was soooo busy did not eat until 10am and my body reminded
me as i got very dizzy       2 calcum c afterward
and lunch at 1pm -small amt of chilli... now its alomost
2 pm and i only at abt 20oz of liquid all day
Thankgoodness i leav at 3 & now getting the water
in.  awww well.. tmrrw is another learning day

To Solid Foods..and Beyond

Apr 24, 2008

seems like everytime i transistion, my belly says
'hey... why your gonna up & change the rhythm
...i DONT want it., take it BACK  
so i have had a few episodes with keeping stuff down
..fish of all things. so i tried chili and that worked.
so i went nd bought 20000 cans of it... lol j/k  just 100 cans

GBS is learning to eat all over again... very...very SLOWLY

Q's from an OH member - & My reply

Apr 18, 2008

i replied to a post & my answers really reflect my thoughts

My questions are what advice can you give me about any aspect of the surgery? 
Research your choice, know your surgeon and team as you are 'married' to them for life   

Any regrets, as far as having the surgery, 
Nope.  I am 4 weeks out & lost 30lbs+ so far. WLS is WORK, no doubt, but the benefits far out weigh anything else. ok..maybe a little regret... cake :)

Waiting so long, etc.? My timing was right, started in Sept07, had surgery March 08

What would you tell someone who asked, WHY THIS?  I
have tried EVERYTHING over the years and continue to have health issues & gain weight. I need a TOOL that i can work with
and will give me permanent results,  and this is IF i choose to tell anyone, besides immediate family.

What do you wish you would have known before having the surgery? 
Nothing i can think of, i researched WLS inside & out, even watched videos of the surgery being done so i know what to expect. Asked a ton of questions to my surgeon, nurse, hospital staff and of course OH members :)  

And my MAIN question, what is your "thing" to keep you in perspective as far as losing the weight and  becoming this person that everyone hates, cuz you got a stank attitude.  WLS is a journey, not a 100 yard dash. I look at it as a personal triump when i feel lighter each day (ok each week lol) , and overall healthier. yes, there will be stalls and bumps along the read, but that is LIFE...right?  So long as i maintiain what i KNOW to be the right food, choices, excercise, protein & vitamins, i know i will be alright and HEALTHY. What other people think, is their issue, not mine.  

little wow

Apr 11, 2008

went to hairdresser, and when going under the dryer
the chairs was always very snug..... today.... i had
alot of room on BOTH sides of me.
its amazes me with RNY how its these little 
things we  notice. 

ps......topped th day off with a new cut also... kinda like
Rihanna.....long sides, short back.   MANNN it looks HOT

Moving along...

Apr 09, 2008

feeling good, some days a bit tired than others, 
getting walking / vits / water down ok
on Stage 2 of Foods of Pureed vegetables in soups, creamed soups, skim/low-fat milk, sugar-free & low-fat pudding/fruit juices/yogurt/custards, sliced cheese. move to stg 3 food this w/e  yeahh as i love oatmeal & farina   S3 - PUREED: tuna, chicken, vegetables, turkey, cottage cheese, oatmeal, farina, mashed potato, PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS, tofu, low-sodium crackers


Apr 02, 2008

   Had my 1s NUT visit today & she is very happy with
my progress.   Dare i say....... total lost / gone/ good bye  todate 21.2 lbs

ok that jumping hurts.........

I am really happy with my progress    and sooo happy with new soups
i can now try.   so it on to Stage 2 of Foods of Pureed vegetables in soups, creamed soups, skim/low-fat milk, sugar-free & low-fat pudding/fruit juices/yogurt/custards, sliced cheese, PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS!!!

ps..can ya' tell...... i am just a 'little happy' 

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 28, 2007
Member Since

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Latest Blog 42
