
2012-2013 Changes

Aug 08, 2013

Well I have been MIA for forever I see! In the fall I had my crazy band removed! I had a lot of problems with it and so many fills and unfills and it finally slipped and I had it removed. I tried to go it alone but I am back up to 247 pounds which is still almost 60 off but in the last 8 months are so I have been gaining and losing the same 30 pounds and 250 was my cut off! So I am going for the sleeve. I have a new Doctor and doing all my pre-op stuff in hopes of a Nov 2013 date. I'm not in a rush but I do not want to gain anyyyy more weight either. I am back at WW and going back on to my diet mode. I am really amazed at the results people are getting with the sleeve and really encourage. If I wee to lose 100 pounds from here that would be 145-150 pounds! I have never see those numbers in my adult life! Do I dare to dream? I think I shall kiss


3 year check in

Jun 19, 2012

Well I had my surgery in Jan 1999 and now it is June 2012. I lost 102 pounds at my max and I have had lots of issues I did regain as much as 30+ pounds so I have been working on losing that extra weight.


A lil reflection if I had it to do over again I would do a few things differently 1) I would not have waited until I was 299.5 pounds to do the surgery 2) I would have had the sleeve as my Doc suggested but I like a challenge lol


I am currently 234.4 pounds as of this mornings weigh in last summer I got down to 219. Life has just been busy and I have been eating. I had some fill issues so I am slowly building back up and my goal is to lose 40 pounds by the end of the year! I will check back!


March 2011 Check in!

Mar 07, 2011

WOW Ic ant beleive I have been gone so long! Its crazy! Well I ams till trying to find the right sweet spot and I have been up in the 220s ad 230s all falla nd new year. I went for a fill yesterday that took me from 4.0 cc to 5 ccs and I cant keep anything down and I am talking water! It seemed fine in the office yesterday but nope gonna have to go back and get an adjustment maybe tomorrow. I was toying with the idea of just not eating till Monday then go back but I know that will make thing sworst not better. But I will call in a few.  I hope you have all been well. I am back on a good workout stride and need to keep it up. I was good at 4 ccs to be honest but I am too greedy to maintian that but if I had real self control 4 would be good I can still eat a few things and I still PB if I over do it on mix too many things up. But as for now I need the restriction to stop me sooner. I will check back in! Yesterday I did clock in at 224.7

Blast From The Past!!!

Dec 29, 2010

Hi Everyone! I know I have been MIA and I can't even say for sure why so I wont make up any excuses! Well as a quick update I am at 230 lbs  I had to have an unfill again! I was talking about that in the last entry I think. I went back for a fill and I am at about 5 cc I think. Its weird it kicks in when it gets ready to so there's no consistency to it. On one hand I like the flexibility because now I am not getting stuck or running to the bathroom all the time. But the slightest irration makes it get too tight. The perfect device would be self controlled but then again I guess now lol

I am still working out and I have a fill in Feb so I am back on Weight Watchers and trying their new plan which I still have not jumped into with both feet yet but its a good change. I just require more restriction to lose weight. I think my body is ok here since I spent so much time in the 280-290s sure the 230s is a good "set point" but I want to get back to 198 ASAP. My Doc doesn't like the idea of unfills but I am going to talk with ehr again I think twice a year I should get a month or even 2 weeks off. My birthday and the holidays not a total unfill but just to maybe where I am now and keep it super tight all year. We'll see she's a tough cookie.

Needless to say I have work to do to get my body back under 200 and so I am fighting this time of year when its cold and it gets dark early and all I want to do is go home and go to sleep! I am sure you all can relate! 

Let me go catch up on some blogs! I hope you all are doing well!!

 Thanks for checking in on me!!! Imma do better!!!

212.0 again!

Sep 28, 2010

Whoo ho back in the lower 200's and it feels good. I swear there's no happy medium for me but I went for a slight unfill. This time only 2.5 cc's were taken out. The vomiting was bad the reflux is horrible and I feel some relief after like 3 weeks of hell! Thank God. I am back on my Weight Watchers they have me at 214.4 so my goal is to try and lose at least another 5 pounds until my next fill. I already have an appointment later in October. My workouts have to get back on track. I been going good for the past few weeks and it shows. I am happy. I am fitting back into some of my skinner clothing. I hate to say it but my eating is so crazy I need a tight band. But I can live with it. I may just have to have constant adjustments. 

My bathroom experience after the slight unfill was similar to the last time just not as bad or extreme but that just tells me it is not good to not get an occasional unfill to free up your bowles properly. Yeah the stuff they don't tell you before surgery. 

Anyway aside from that all is well and I am super busy but going to keep up with my workouts and stay focused!! Thanks!!! 

Black vomit again....

Sep 08, 2010

Ughhhh what now!? I don't know what got on Wonder Woman's nerves but I was vomiting up black stuff again yesterday and today. The band got all tight acting all of a sudden and I had steamed shrimp on Saturday night and maybe I had too many it kinda bothered me I should have used some kind of sauce maybe they got too dry. Well next thing I know I am sliming alll day I tired to eat a bolied egg and toast and that came up. Ice cream helps and I had some but its acting up again. I went to water and broth but then Monday I tried eggs and toast and it was a mess! Later I tried a very soft sweet potato and no dice right back up again! Everything came up all day. Yesterday I went with water and an icey  and broth and ice and same thing then the black vomit last night...which I learned already is blood. The band got tight for no reason and the food I had didnt help at all. I am trying to rest it. I took a reflux pill like they told me last time and I been sipping water all day and only had a 16 oz and I am still spitting all over. Why oh why???!!!! I don't want an unfill since I am getting back on track but goodness no more black vomit please. I am going to try and keep on sipping and pray it stops and it opens back up by Friday.  I am back to working out and feeling good home scale said down 4 more pounds I check in this Saturday at weight watchers so we'll see!
1 comment

Checking in

Aug 31, 2010

Well its been a few weeks I am down a few pounds but I can still eat around the band when I put my mind to it. I havent been on my grind like I need to be. I am trying to get back on it though. I had an appt with my Doc tomorrow but I am going to hold off. Really it is at a good level if I wasn't so greedy lol but I am going to give it until end of Oct. and if I haven't lost at least 10-15 pounds I will get another slight fill. Aside from that things are going on well with the boyfriend, really well we work out together and just really have a great time!


Aug 10, 2010

Well I got another fill. I am up to 6 and 1/4 cc I can fell the difference I had 2 or 3 vomit sessions when I ate too fast and I am still trying to get use to slowing down again! Well I was back up to 230 pounds Can't be mad at anyone but myself so I have to just take that and move on. Hopefully I can get my mind and body on one page and keep it moving back downward! I can't lie I enjoyed the break and will more than likely try to get an unfill once a year maybe just for 3 weeks or 1 month and then filler back up. But to be honest where I am now feels like the perfect place I am still able to eat fruit and meat and I had a little trouble with meatloaf Sunday and a burger Saturday but I think if I took my time I would have been fine. I was actually missing fruits and veggies! I enjoyed some great plums, peaches, cantaloupe, and even mangoes before my fill. I had some grapes and black berries and strawberries after wards and it went well could only have a few but it was good to know I can have them. I have an appt on Sept 1st I will more than likely not need I need to get back in the gym and on my workout routine and keep it going. I am back at Weight Watchers and feeling good.  

The guy I am seeing I mentioned had gastric bypass and he is a snacker like you wouldn't believe, I really want him to join WW and lose the 50 pounds he said he wanted to lose when we first met. I think Weight Watchers would work well for him and quickly men lose a lot faster! I am a little swollen today for vomiting yesterday so I brought broth and water and juice to sip on. Got to treat the band right! Hope you are all well.

Back on the block!

Jul 20, 2010

Its been a super super busy summer! I wish I could say weight loss has featured prominently but it has not! Lots of travel, eating, and my band is at 5.0 cc not much restriction well maybe for someone who wasn't a compulsive over eater it would would but not for me i just eat until it passes thru! I am back to weight watchers I just cant stop myself and not that everything goes down its hard to stop. Boy did I not give the band its due credit! But I got in the first week of Aug for a fill. I will ask to go back to 6.5 or 6.6 I need my joint tight I will from time to time take some out and filler up its the bet way for me. I been outta wack with my exercise as well. Just too busy but its all good. I am refocusing and Aug will be better with a tighter band. I am still seeing the guy from last I was here. We are getting along well a few bumps in the road are to be expected but all in all we are a pretty good match! Well just a quick check in I will catch up on some of your blogs and pages and check in again soon! 

Last weigh in at Weght Watchers I was 226. something. Far cry from 198 but 28 pounds goes to show the band does work, when you work it at the right amount! 

Take Care!

Getting it together

Jun 26, 2010

Well I have had a busy 2 weeks. AI got my fill. 5 ccs and there is some restrciton but I can and have pretty much been eating anything I want. By the time I got back to the Doc I went from 192 to 221 yup 29 pounds in a month! I said it before and I'll say it again I did not give the band its proper credit. The body wants to re-gain thats why it did so when I didn't have surgery last time. And why I opted for the band for that long term control. I still need more of a fill I can still eat just about everything and I have but I finally said enough is enough. I went back to Weight Watchers they had me up by 19 pounds but I haven't been to since April. I took it and went to the gym. I'll keep checking back on. My next appt is Aug. 4th and I'll ask for another 1.5 to get me to 6.5 I think I need that got to slow it down!

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Aug 05, 2009
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