Post-Op Appointment

May 06, 2009

I'm doing so much better now! The pain is almost gone and my body seems to be adjusting to the lowered dosage of Effexor. I had a very bad spell Monday night where I thought I was going to pass out and then Tuesday morning I felt so weak I could hardly move. Dr. Syn thinks it's low blood pressure and I should stop my blood pressure medication. I will do that although it worries me. I feel much better today.

I had my 1-week followup appointment today and it went great. According to the doctor's records, I lost 11 pounds before WLS and 18 pounds after it. Wow! The other good news is I can start the blended diet on Friday! First, up--a scrambled egg!

4 days after surgery

May 01, 2009

I've been feeling somewhat miserable yesterday and today. I'm tired of hurting and my brain is doing some loopy things. I don't know if it's the hormone change from the surgery or less Effexor getting into my bloodstream, but I was getting very weird. I had the usual electrical surges in the brain that signal I haven't taken my Effexor but I also had just a very strange feeling that I can't really describe. But then it was a very emotional stressful day because Regina's bar results were due to come out this morning. So I couldn't sleep and couldn't, of course, get comfortable in bed. I don't think I slept more than a couple of hours. But then at 5:00 AM Regina called to say she had passed so things took a huge turn for the better. I had taken another Effexor about 4 so I've levelled out now. Obviously it was the Effexor and not the hormones so I will have to get that regulated.

I haven't had any trouble with food except for some cottage cheese that wouldn't go down. I probably ate it too fast so I am practicing my slow eating.

I know I've lost weight, but I haven't weighed. Time enough for that before I go to the doctor's office.


Why I am having surgery

Mar 22, 2009

I have read a suggestion that I should write down what I am experiencing now, at 243 pounds, so that when I am recovering from surgery and missing my old relationship with food, I can remind myself why I am doing this. Presently I can't walk from one end of my office building to the other without getting out of breath. I cannot walk up steps without dragging myself by the handrail. I have high blood pressure, sleep apnea and GERD. I can't get down on the floor. I can't get out of low chairs without someone to pull me. I have arthritis pain in my feet and knees. My body is bulky and unwieldy and takes up more space than I think so I shove furniture and people when I walk past. I can't play with grandkids, can't go on walks. On airplanes the seatbelt is tight even though it's extended as far as it can go. I want to travel but can't walk or sightsee.

About Me
Jan 10, 2009
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